【マインクラフト/Minecraft】深夜マイクラが始まる☽It’s midnight minecraft time【ホロライブ/不知火フレア】
ホロライブ所属3期生の不知火フレア(Flare Shiranui)だよ~!
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活動一周年記念ボイス&グッズが 8/7 から販売開始されたよ!!
hololive 2nd fes. Beyond the Stage Supported By Bushiroad
公演日:STAGE1 : 2020年 12月21日(月) / STAGE2 : 2020年12月22日(火)
開場:18:30 開演:19:00 ※STAGE1-2共に同時刻
主催 : カバー株式会社 / hololive production / hololive
特別協賛 : Bushiroad
チケット購入 : https://beyondthestage.hololive.tv/tickets/
配信プラットフォーム : SPWN/ニコニコ : 21/1/11 23:59まで何度でもアーカイブ視聴可!
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カバー株式会社 ホロライブ プレゼント係分 不知火フレア宛
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コメント (11)
Mikochi will be sure to give full points for her next Happy Home review! Everything is coming along nicely!
Excellent chill but fun building stream from Flare. Surprisingly the armor stand + piston technique did not make an appearance today.
Flare facts #1: She’s a half-elf, not a dark elf~! ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ
2:16 Start~
3:32 Nene was in the server and left
6:28 Goals for today
8:23 Making space for her new storage room
11:34 Talking about Sakuna’s lost save data incident yesterday
16:32 Possible 400k subs endurance stream tomorrow~
23:16 Flare’s acapella
30:10 Start of building the storage room
35:44 “Oh no..”
36:18 Flare forgotten to give a present she made for Aqua’s birthday
38:36 Making the cushion gift at Aqua’s house
41:24 Flare mimicks Aqua
42:00 Flare realises the tree behind her enderchest terminal disappeared
44:26 Flare collides with another cart and gets scared
46:09 “Buta-san!” Flare wonders where the pig warrior came from
46:29 “Wowowowowowow~!”
46:48 “Wowowowowowow~!” (2)
46:56 Talking about Noel getting her Elytra
51:31 Flare got the enchantment she wanted immediately
59:15 Flare humming to Gurenge
1:01:48 Flare flying off the tower
1:03:53 “Doya!”
1:04:52 “Pyon pyon pyon~”
1:06:51 Flare thanks Lamy for her oak tree farm
1:14:10 Flare asking permission from Flare
1:17:10 Back to building her storage room
1:24:32 Flare uses her Elf magic and makes a enormous tree appear
1:26:59 “Apap!” As Flare falls
1:28:41 Back to building her storage room (2)
1:32:22 “Un Un Un Un Un!”
1:38:07 Flare asking how’s the storage room design thus far
1:42:03 Clearing the ceiling for decoration
1:48:31 “Oh Mistake”
1:58:11 Decorating the ceiling
2:01:10 “Eee Kowai!”
2:01:32 “Api!!” Flare lets out a cute squeak while falling
2:04:55 Flare: “Everyone’s saying they love the BGM” (BGM name is “Beyond the cloudy sky”)
2:06:42 Flare: “I’ll get angry! Pun Pun Pun Pun Pun Pun~”
2:10:25 Flare: “I can hear zombie sounds! Nani~ Yamete!”
2:16:16 ” No no no no no”
2:17:00 Ceiling completed!
2:18:42 Placing end rods as ceiling lights
2:33:04 “My name is Hololive-Eh? Flare shiranui, hololive 3, uh, uhuh”
2:34:08 “Nononono, My name is Flare shiranui, Flare shiranui~ Yoroshiku”
2:38:31 Further decoration of the room
2:43:03 Wall remodelling complete!
2:51:43 “Ouch”, Sounds like Flare hit herself against something
2:53:32 “Dododododo”
2:58:30 Flare surprised by skeleton
2:58:54 Fireplace in her warehouse completed!!!
3:00:46 Placing chests to make it look like a chest warehouse
3:05:31 “Ahhh! Nononono, oh crazy”
3:11:35 Cow Flare: “Mooooooooo”
3:21:39 Putting frames on the chests
3:26:38 Placing material symbols on the frame
3:33:39 Putting pumpkins under the chests
3:35:01 Looking at it through shaders
3:40:39 Talking about updating Hololive server
3:54:50 Placing books near the entrance
3:59:21 Putting plants pots near the fireplace & entrance
4:07:20 “Ender pearl~”
4:07:46 Flare surprised by her own auto door
4:11:07 Flare’s acapella (2)
4:12:06 Flare on what Miko would say when she sees her chest warehouse
4:13:56 Start of naming & putting the material symbols on the frames
4:29:42 Flare’s acapella (3)
4:35:32 Placing lanterns around the room
4:42:54 Enclosing a lantern with boards to make the room fancier
4:47:26 Remodelling her basement stairs
4:50:20 More Decorations for the room
4:55:54 Looking at the progress thus far with shaders
5:03:34 “jijijijijijijijijijiji”
5:10:50 Flare cute moment
5:14:12 Flare stumbles over her words
5:17:25 “Itai tai tai!”
5:18:48 Flare humming to her BGM
5:22:05 Flare’s usual message
There are many more Noteworthy moments in the stream, be sure to check it in full~!
That feeling when its only English comments
jokes aside
flare BGM 11/10
Storage room is wonderful
Me gusto ,pero me hubiera gustado mas si entendiera algo