【マインクラフト/Minecraft】深夜マイクラが始まる☽It’s midnight minecraft time【ホロライブ/不知火フレア】



ホロライブ所属3期生の不知火フレア(Flare Shiranui)だよ~!
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活動一周年記念ボイス&グッズが 8/7 から販売開始されたよ!!


hololive 2nd fes. Beyond the Stage Supported By Bushiroad
公演日:STAGE1 : 2020年 12月21日(月) / STAGE2 : 2020年12月22日(火)
開場:18:30 開演:19:00 ※STAGE1-2共に同時刻

主催 : カバー株式会社 / hololive production / hololive
特別協賛 : Bushiroad
チケット購入 : https://beyondthestage.hololive.tv/tickets/
配信プラットフォーム : SPWN/ニコニコ : 21/1/11 23:59まで何度でもアーカイブ視聴可!
※規約➡ https://www.hololive.tv/contact
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カバー株式会社 ホロライブ プレゼント係分 不知火フレア宛

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  • コメント (11)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • TehBlueOne 「てーブルーワン」
    • 2021年 11月 18日 9:04am

    Mikochi will be sure to give full points for her next Happy Home review! Everything is coming along nicely!

    • Luke Ruppersburg
    • 2021年 11月 18日 9:04am

    Excellent chill but fun building stream from Flare. Surprisingly the armor stand + piston technique did not make an appearance today.

    • Kang
    • 2021年 11月 18日 9:04am

    Flare facts #1: She’s a half-elf, not a dark elf~! ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ

    2:16 Start~
    3:32 Nene was in the server and left
    6:28 Goals for today
    8:23 Making space for her new storage room
    11:34 Talking about Sakuna’s lost save data incident yesterday
    16:32 Possible 400k subs endurance stream tomorrow~
    23:16 Flare’s acapella
    30:10 Start of building the storage room
    35:44 “Oh no..”
    36:18 Flare forgotten to give a present she made for Aqua’s birthday
    38:36 Making the cushion gift at Aqua’s house
    41:24 Flare mimicks Aqua
    42:00 Flare realises the tree behind her enderchest terminal disappeared
    44:26 Flare collides with another cart and gets scared
    46:09 “Buta-san!” Flare wonders where the pig warrior came from
    46:29 “Wowowowowowow~!”
    46:48 “Wowowowowowow~!” (2)
    46:56 Talking about Noel getting her Elytra
    51:31 Flare got the enchantment she wanted immediately
    59:15 Flare humming to Gurenge
    1:01:48 Flare flying off the tower
    1:03:53 “Doya!”
    1:04:52 “Pyon pyon pyon~”
    1:06:51 Flare thanks Lamy for her oak tree farm
    1:14:10 Flare asking permission from Flare
    1:17:10 Back to building her storage room
    1:24:32 Flare uses her Elf magic and makes a enormous tree appear
    1:26:59 “Apap!” As Flare falls
    1:28:41 Back to building her storage room (2)
    1:32:22 “Un Un Un Un Un!”
    1:38:07 Flare asking how’s the storage room design thus far
    1:42:03 Clearing the ceiling for decoration
    1:48:31 “Oh Mistake”
    1:58:11 Decorating the ceiling
    2:01:10 “Eee Kowai!”
    2:01:32 “Api!!” Flare lets out a cute squeak while falling
    2:04:55 Flare: “Everyone’s saying they love the BGM” (BGM name is “Beyond the cloudy sky”)
    2:06:42 Flare: “I’ll get angry! Pun Pun Pun Pun Pun Pun~”
    2:10:25 Flare: “I can hear zombie sounds! Nani~ Yamete!”
    2:16:16 ” No no no no no”
    2:17:00 Ceiling completed!
    2:18:42 Placing end rods as ceiling lights
    2:33:04 “My name is Hololive-Eh? Flare shiranui, hololive 3, uh, uhuh”
    2:34:08 “Nononono, My name is Flare shiranui, Flare shiranui~ Yoroshiku”
    2:38:31 Further decoration of the room
    2:43:03 Wall remodelling complete!
    2:51:43 “Ouch”, Sounds like Flare hit herself against something
    2:53:32 “Dododododo”
    2:58:30 Flare surprised by skeleton
    2:58:54 Fireplace in her warehouse completed!!!
    3:00:46 Placing chests to make it look like a chest warehouse
    3:05:31 “Ahhh! Nononono, oh crazy”
    3:11:35 Cow Flare: “Mooooooooo”
    3:21:39 Putting frames on the chests
    3:26:38 Placing material symbols on the frame
    3:33:39 Putting pumpkins under the chests
    3:35:01 Looking at it through shaders
    3:40:39 Talking about updating Hololive server
    3:54:50 Placing books near the entrance
    3:59:21 Putting plants pots near the fireplace & entrance
    4:07:20 “Ender pearl~”
    4:07:46 Flare surprised by her own auto door
    4:11:07 Flare’s acapella (2)
    4:12:06 Flare on what Miko would say when she sees her chest warehouse
    4:13:56 Start of naming & putting the material symbols on the frames
    4:29:42 Flare’s acapella (3)
    4:35:32 Placing lanterns around the room
    4:42:54 Enclosing a lantern with boards to make the room fancier
    4:47:26 Remodelling her basement stairs
    4:50:20 More Decorations for the room
    4:55:54 Looking at the progress thus far with shaders
    5:03:34 “jijijijijijijijijijiji”
    5:10:50 Flare cute moment
    5:14:12 Flare stumbles over her words
    5:17:25 “Itai tai tai!”
    5:18:48 Flare humming to her BGM
    5:22:05 Flare’s usual message

    There are many more Noteworthy moments in the stream, be sure to check it in full~!

    • ごあ
    • 2021年 11月 18日 9:04am


    • Jonah Zhang
    • 2021年 11月 18日 9:04am

    That feeling when its only English comments
    jokes aside

    U fell for it fool, THUNDERCROSS SPLIT ATTACK

    • 湊那銀玲刺癒
    • 2021年 11月 18日 9:04am


    • 黒森コウ
    • 2021年 11月 18日 9:04am

    flare BGM 11/10

    • Elite 35P
    • 2021年 11月 18日 9:04am

    Storage room is wonderful

    • 饅頭anpann
    • 2021年 11月 18日 9:04am


    • Hi honey
    • 2021年 11月 18日 9:04am


    • LukasAndre Cruzrojas
    • 2021年 11月 18日 9:04am

    Me gusto ,pero me hubiera gustado mas si entendiera algo
