


ホロライブ所属3期生の不知火フレア(Flare Shiranui)だよ~!

▼不知火フレア 活動二周年記念グッズ▼
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  • コメント (7)

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    • Kang
    • 2021年 9月 03日 5:05am

    Reviving EnderDragon, making a bow for Shion, finishing her projects, lots of stuffs done today~! ( *´∇`*)

    4:06 Start~
    4:25 Flare screamed too much yesterday so her voice may be a little rough today
    7:10 Plans for today’s stream
    9:01 💬: “Cute” 🔥: “I know that! Me being cute, of course I am! Kidding”
    10:38 🔥: “A re? B-B-B-Blaze-rod san?!” Can’t find where it is
    14:09 Flare saw the part of Shion going 🌙: “I’ll kill you” when chat asked about her Elytra
    15:49 Flare doesn’t want Coco to be bald from lightning strike burning, so she puts a lighting rod near it
    23:14 At the end reviving the Ender Dragon (For Akirose)
    23:50 Apologising for the noise created when reviving EnderDragon (She was the only 1 in the server though)
    24:35 🔥: “IT’S TRUEEEEEE!!! I’m all alone” Flare realises she’s the only 1 in the server
    25:09 🔥: “Urusai Urusai Urusai Urusai! I’m not alone”
    28:38 💬: “First time viewer here, your voice’s cute” 🔥: “Ohohoho! (Self intro in Oujou-sama voice)”
    29:00 🔥: “Ohohoho! Shiranui Flare desuwa~”
    30:43 Flare acapella ♫♬
    31:13 Deciding to make a bow as present to shion for their upcoming collab
    31:36 🔥: “Whoaa that surprised me!!” Sudden Enderman scares Flare
    41:34 On Miko’s hardcore Minecraft stream
    42:39 Flare wants to have a zero deaths 3rd gen hardcore run next time~
    46:41 🔥: “ENCHANTTOOOOOOOOOOO~ Will always~~~”
    47:49 Roleplay of Mama Flare & kid Pekora, where she is preventing Flare from throwing away her stuffs
    58:37 💬: “Rozen Maiden was about 15 years ago” 🔥: “Really? From that far back? Whew~”
    1:06:52 Talk on her experiences with the theme park “”Namjatown” & food talk after
    1:11:04 🔥: “I Want to eat this I want to eat that!” On ramen sets
    1:13:47 🔥: “EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!!!” Got an enchant that she’s satisfied with!
    1:15:50 🔥: “What should we do with the name?” (Names it “Mage of Violet” after Shion’s OG song)
    1:20:31 🔥: “Flare-train shu shu shu~” & Mimicking Suisei’s 🔥: “No mood last forever, okay?”
    1:23:00 🔥: “Who broke this? Who?!! It’s bothering me, (Cries)”
    1:25:13 🔥: “This place’s amazing right? There are map arts here & there”
    1:26:16 On how there were viewers who noticed that Nene was in her DereSute friend list, Roboco as well~
    1:29:34 Exploring the new changes outside 5th gen’s house
    1:40:00 Starting work on another of her mini room
    1:58:26 On how Fubuki has no house in the server
    2:00:05 🔥: “By the way, this here is Flare line~ (Starts singing ♫♬)”
    2:08:04 🔥: “S-Subaru-senpai?! You came to see me?”
    2:08:25 🔥: “Subaru-senpai was living in a really fancy house in the previous server”
    2:29:00 Room completed! Moving on to the next one
    2:33:12 🔥: “When I need it there’s isn’t any them, when I don’t there’s plenty, that’s Andesite”
    2:40:37 Wondering if there’ll be lightning since she can get creeper/zombie heads
    2:50:36 🔥: “Thinking about it I haven’t had my dinner today yet”
    2:52:17 🔥: “Are there no other designs?!!!” Flare stuck with 1 design for the painting
    3:03:50 🔥: “Ah Candles? Candles are good” Decided to add some candles to the current room
    3:05:05 Homura appears!
    3:05:55 More Homura! Chat be going all “Kyaaaaaaa”
    3:07:54 Imitating Shin-chan while looking at the room
    3:25:55 🔥: “I’m back, I’m back~ Don’t say it in the tune of La Laion haha”
    3:26:08 🔥: “La laion, La laion~” & wondering what kind of room should she make for the 3rd one
    3:57:54 🔥: “Hi friends~” Copying Fubuki’s greeting to Overseas viewers
    4:00:27 Starting an Axolotl challenge out of nowhere
    4:02:57 Getting a blue baby Axolotl to put into the 3rd room/aquarium
    4:13:51 💬: “Aren’t you sleepy?” 🔥: “Not at all” (Was 330AM in Japan)
    4:24:58 Changing to shaders & taking a look at the aquarium
    4:31:00 Giving a summary of what she built today
    4:32:10 🔥: “Now’s the time!!” Big Flare appears during screenshot taking time
    4:41:14 Flare’s usual message
    4:41:36 Ending comments

    There are many more Noteworthy moments in the stream, be sure to check it in full~!

    • Abdülkadir ÇULHA
    • 2021年 9月 03日 5:05am

    Thank You I Love You Flare <3 <3 <3

    • Markgonaut
    • 2021年 9月 03日 5:05am

    Thank you for the minecraft stream today! Great work on your progress! It was very fun and relaxing to watch

    • Kanshi
    • 2021年 9月 03日 5:05am

    Thank you for the stream~
    Those rooms are really detailed and well made for something that cannot be entered
    27:05 Flare being cute and wink😉(actually not it’s just her model bugging)

    • 2021年 9月 03日 5:05am


    • かがみ
    • 2021年 9月 03日 5:05am


    • Gray
    • 2021年 9月 03日 5:05am

    Thank you for the stream Nuinui~
