Minecraft Story Mode Chapter 4 Part 3 : 岩石之令背後的秘密!?
Minecraft Story Mode Chapter 4 is an episodic point-and-click graphic adventure video game that was based on the survival video game Minecraft. The game follows the episodic format that Telltale used for its titles where player choices and actions have significant effects on later story elements, as well as the opportunity to tell a story in the otherwise open ended nature of Minecraft..
《我的世界:故事模式 Minecraft: Story Mode》是一款由Mojang和Telltale Games聯合打造的以《我的世界》為藍本的RPG遊戲。遊戲的玩法不再是創造破壞的自由世界,而是圍繞著遊戲已經設定好的劇情展開,而玩家需要做的就是選擇人物、裝備等,然後通過對話的方式進行劇情的推進,慢慢去探索一個未知的世界。
Last Part : https://youtu.be/Cc2tCCcsIt4
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