The only thing wrong with this video is the fact that pillagers, illagers, and vindicators don’t attack baby villagers (I’m not sure about ravangers but I thinking they don’t attack baby’s either)
In the previous video it shows the village got raided that Iron Golem saved a baby villager with wound in his face that blacksmith is the baby villager that why he saved the Iron Golem
what do you know about bosonicity some will say it’s the universe but they won’t be right infinity it’s a torch from minecraft he saw a big bang revolution the collapse of the USSR the mongol empire and how did america come to light
Estoy seguro que solo pudistes en la casa porque tú hiciste toda esa aldea y no la hiciste completa la hiciste dos cosas el caminito y la casa porque nada ni un aldeano tiene la casa así en dónde murió el golem
I’m going to tell an event that happened in my Minecraft PE world.
I once raided a village and attacked it’s iron golem but it didn’t attacked me back. It was hard mode. I built up after attacking but it didn’t follow me nor did it attack me while I descended. I thought it was a glitch. Maybe it’s a glitch but it touched my heart. I stood before it and started punching it in face. It didn’t even moved. It just stood there looking directly at me without moving as if it was pleading. I killed it after punching many times and it dropped a red flower. I felt very sad. It’s just a game, I know. But still I felt very sad. It was as if it wanted to make friends with me but I didn’t understand then. I mourned and place that flower in a pot and made a grave for it. I felt very sad. I don’t know whether iron golems had enotions or it was just a glitch.
Fun fact the pilligers and vindicators wont attack childrens, why well thats becus ether way they want them to suffer or they respect them for good life, or the hit box is too small
This clips reminded me that one animation in youtube of an soilder that died in the war and we see seem turned into an skelaton each day or months or years as the world around turned debrie into nature I forgot what is tha animation in youtube
Para los que se sienten tristes, el video tiene continuación, el herrero que aparece al final empieza a construir su propia herrería al lado de la caza y termina reparando al golem
The year award untuk kategori makanan ringan di pluk sing r di pluk sing r ke arah yang lebih besar dan kecil di dalam rumah tangga di dunia ini adalah hari yang lebih baik dari segi waktu ne kie koe dobel power Bank Vivan power Bank e wes TK gawe tuku sate pak Harto t di wa ke adi’e Kulo nuwun ke arah yang berlawanan arah yang sama dengan jelas kui di wa R di wa engko lhe tuku Rego ne kie
I used to know so much Abt Minecraft but ever since my subscription expired i never play it anymore i miss minecraft so much i would do anything for my ate poleng and AJ to play with me.. in Minecraft i miss the good old days more than anything i would give my entire life for the good old days back i miss the good old days so much.. i would do anything. ANYTHING i would give my heart my brain my liver my entire life for the good old days id even give my own soul for the good old days i miss my bsf rjel when he wasnt dirty minded and full of skibidi i miss good old days so much i would do anything just for the old days to come back i remember when i was in private school with some old friend with me..
Player: going to village..
Pero es de metal, se puede reparar no?
watch the video
see herobrine
The only thing wrong with this video is the fact that pillagers, illagers, and vindicators don’t attack baby villagers (I’m not sure about ravangers but I thinking they don’t attack baby’s either)
Вы видели в этом видеоклипе Херобрин?
09-10 seccondes herobrine
احس المقطع يعبر عن مسلسل بطل ضعيف
I feel that the clip expresses a weak hero series
Who noticed herobrine
what if ymhe was ailve to be a plant gollen
get your own personal
El aldeano que le dejó la flor eso fue el aldeanito
I thought the villager would come back and give the golem iron to make it keep living again
The torch torches died out
Make happy video too brother
Nobody’s gonna noticed Herobrine?
The golem should become rusty, not mossy
Who noticed the herobrine?
Herobrine wasnt slick.
Why is Herobrine in EVERY Single one
I watched full after the villager came he made a blacksmith and repaired iron golem
i love how these evil villager show mercy onn baby villagers. they wont attack baby villager. they are villains. but not monsters
Me whit iron inget

El gran guardián del pueblo
Aaaaa these animations

Where did herobrine come from
Ay segunda parte donde el niño se vuelve herrero o algo haci y lo revive ah su tiempo
And people still kill him just for some iron
So thats the first part of the short i watched yesterday
(it’s just humor, the animation is great)
There is a part two of this

Even heroBrian showed up to Pay his respects
I can saw a herobrine
The Great Guardian
of the village
Why did the vindicator have a gold axe?
Oh no
What if the dead Golems become the Warden
Herobrine said: Haiz, I’m feeling sad of golem…
yo i just saw herobrain
yo herobrine
I watch the part 2 before this is insane
I saw part two a villigar rivived the iron golem
Fun Fact: Pillagers don’t actually attack Baby Villagers, only grown Villagers.
Herobrine Sólo observa.
Who saw herobrine
The reál ambush ín real steel
0:10 herobrine
And we kill him for iron
Я сначала увидел то, где житель чинит голема, и только потом то, где годема ломают.
A ravager can’t kill iron golem
who saw herobrine looked to moss iron golem
Pillagers illagers and evokes and other like the ravager would not kill a baby villager not even hurt them
In the previous video it shows the village got raided that Iron Golem saved a baby villager with wound in his face that blacksmith is the baby villager that why he saved the Iron Golem
Жаль что ради кого-то надо пожертвовать своей жизнью
I swear I just saw Herobrine
Even Herobrine himself came to pay his respects.
The boy will revive him in the next video
i saw part 2 he build a blacksmith and rebuilds the iron golem
People who saw hero brine
Ho visto herobrine
The herobrine.
I feel like I regret for killing the golem on minecraft
The Herobrine say R.I.P Old Days
Я скачал мод мутанты самый сильный это у меня голем так что он выживет
Herobrine remain as a spooky spectator as usual like he always did
Im gonna get revenge
Bro i’m love Golem is help is villenger
I saw the second part of this minutes before this part

Phần 2
Đây là phần 1
Herobrine: I will never get removed by every single minecraft update
Who saw herobrine
the power of time displayed in such a short clip… fascinating
The boy became a blacksmither! (Idk if that’s a word in MC-)
Did anyone saw herobrine?
3 illagers and one baby villager
i know that the villager gets iron and he healed him
Aqui los que vieron herobrine
team who saw herobrine
Херобрин: здарова брат
I saw Hero brine in one frame
Legends Saw Herobrine
Thats How The Beginning Of Warden Start.
Herobrine no help…
This is the poet 1
This is part q2
you see the herobrine
Un moment j’ai vu Robin pendant la nuit
I saw the part of the blacksmith repairing him before this

bro Herobrian but he didn’t help him
Always heal your golems
what do you know about bosonicity some will say it’s the universe but they won’t be right infinity it’s a torch from minecraft he saw a big bang revolution the collapse of the USSR the mongol empire and how did america come to light
Yo estoy justo para dónde Herobrine
Yo con mi primo lo encontramos de verdad y no era Minecraft
It should be rusted.
Herobrine: what?

Хто заметил херобрина сюда
The golem is made of metal and must rust.
Hermano se me hizo triste
Рассия лучше

Yo vi el otro en el que lo curaba
Estoy seguro que solo pudistes en la casa porque tú hiciste toda esa aldea y no la hiciste completa la hiciste dos cosas el caminito y la casa porque nada ni un aldeano tiene la casa así en dónde murió el golem
Actually, pillagers dont attack villager kids.
All the players kill the iron golem for iron and in return iron golem drops iron and a poppy
Part 2
It’s easy just revive him with iron ingot.
Who saw herobrine?
Herobrine geldi

Perpro 2 qui a attander
I seen part 2 before
The second part is how villiger repair the iron men.go check it
Why did I see herobrine
Я видел продолжение тот самый мальчик уже построил кузницу и спас голема
Herobrine: why isnt he respawning
Did you guys notice the kid was the villager that put the flower there
what hapened to the iron golem
Why doesn’t Herobrine save him?
What Herobrine
Pobre golen
It’s another timelapse one
the story doesn’t make sense
illagers do not attack child villagers
I just saw the one where the villager saves him
Who also saw Herobrian
Seen the part 2
Why are all these so sad
Who saw herobrine
how saw herobrine
Josh:that’s beginning one
Da baby boy gonna save iron golem if he older
Fun fact: unlike Israel, pillager didn’t attack baby villager
Есть продолжение на канале
Anyone else see Herobrine
What herobren
don,t let the bad guys win
Who saw heti
Ver al golem no
Ver a herobrine si
Bruuu I saw herobrine
Poor golem

Me with 64 stacks of iron RIP PILLAGERS
He is hero!
I’m going to tell an event that happened in my Minecraft PE world.
I once raided a village and attacked it’s iron golem but it didn’t attacked me back. It was hard mode. I built up after attacking but it didn’t follow me nor did it attack me while I descended. I thought it was a glitch. Maybe it’s a glitch but it touched my heart. I stood before it and started punching it in face. It didn’t even moved. It just stood there looking directly at me without moving as if it was pleading. I killed it after punching many times and it dropped a red flower. I felt very sad. It’s just a game, I know. But still I felt very sad. It was as if it wanted to make friends with me but I didn’t understand then. I mourned and place that flower in a pot and made a grave for it. I felt very sad. I don’t know whether iron golems had enotions or it was just a glitch.
But I believe it loved me.
aku ngeliat ini sedih
Heroble …… What
I watched part 2 before part 1
did anyone else saw hero brian?
part 2
Did you see that it was Herobrine
I go I go what are you say be birthday give me it flower because cheese cheese too sad your birthday by the present dog go away
imagine if iron golems are just mechs worn by nitwit villgers
Что за говно
Just need some Iron bars
BJDVHDVH Herobiann!?!?!
hero brain
I just watched the other part 2 shorts ago
Tip:The illager don’t attack the baby village
Faz o balango lango
But that torch is still burning.
Почему голем проиграл?
As tocha
0:10 Herobrine LUL
Тот самый факел которого не возможно потушить даже если идёт дождь
I saw the second part before the first part
There are always dirt pillars at my villages
I feel bad now
The next part:
Villager save him.
Even herobrine saw him
There the persons Who have seen Herobrine
Is heronraim
100 kids tank
Who sees Herobrine??

I see herobrine
Bi 2 parte un aldeano lo arregla sl gole. Y ase una arreria. >_<
Tô com negócio maior q antes tô tomando cada fez susto comigo ele mole bate na coxa ele duro passa do umbigo vem no Balango lango
bro vi la ultima parte de esto y ahora toy viendo la primera
héroe sin capa
A connection from “The real protector…
i made a iron farm today..
Happy ending
Jai hanuman chalisa

That villager was a child back then! ?
Fun fact the pilligers and vindicators wont attack childrens, why well thats becus ether way they want them to suffer or they respect them for good life, or the hit box is too small

This is soo emotional
Blacksmith comes again and repairs him

Deserve a subscriber
Did anybody saw the part 2 of this cuz it was kinda wholesome
ヘロブライン… だったっけ?がでてくるんなんで?
And we just slaughter him down for iron!
I saw part two before part one
It was so sweet when the boy planted the flower
O herobrine
But iron golem dead he gives three iron and poddy
Ive watched the continue of this video
А я видел 2часть где его восстановили, теперь первую как его сломали. Интересно
Poor zuko his iron golem died
( the kid has a scar on the right lol it could also be Shoto)
I just saw Herobrine in the video
I see herobrine
Iron golem

Like si viste a Herobrine
вот так и помогай другим
Bro Herobrine
The torch is still lit :/
Sirvió pa pura vrg el golem
There was a part 2 where the blacksmith revives the golem, I think.
I saw the other video of this earlier today- this is so adorable
Canonically that boy survived and repaired the iron golem
And you can get a lot of iron from it
Who say hero brine
Why didnt the villager repair the golem
At the beginning torch:

In the middle torch:
At the end torch:
Bro nothing see herobrine
Потом ее плаинят
I’m just happy he came back to heal the iron golem
Give him some iron, He’ll grow back
Мальчик его воскресит потом
Respect Minecraft, I’m sure it has a deeper story behind it
BRo Herobrine
700th comment
People who saw hero brine

Disderb video creepy
They should add mossy Iron golems to abandoned villages
Herobrine was there
Gente esse vídeo tem uma continuação e o golem de ferro é consertado
Villages, evil
Did you see hero brian
Did you see that is Herobrine left of the iron golem
This video haves a continuation
Recientemente note que tienen continuación
i saw part 2 a bit ago
Did i just saw hero brine or is it just me,??

Разбоиники детей не трогаиют
0.10 seconds in is crazy…
This clips reminded me that one animation in youtube of an soilder that died in the war and we see seem turned into an skelaton each day or months or years as the world around turned debrie into nature I forgot what is tha animation in youtube
This made me sad. Good video. Also the pillagers are bullying the already down golem what?
Have you seen his other one where the blacksmith repairs the iron golem
The torch is stil on Fire
Why was the baby mini kratos
That vindicator had no business doing that 2nd hit, same energy is when the killer hits you on the hook in dead by daylight
Para los que se sienten tristes, el video tiene continuación, el herrero que aparece al final empieza a construir su propia herrería al lado de la caza y termina reparando al golem
i saw the part two
Видел продолжение
Uhhhhhhh did anyone else see herobrine???
omg i found part 1–

marauders, robbers, summoners will never offend a resident of the village
Everyone: sad about the iron golem died just to save a kid
Me: sees the background and sees herobrrine
Now I feel bad for killing iron golem for iron
Кто увидел Херобрина?
Even Herobrine respected his sacrifice
Part 1
Part 2
Fake pillagers don’t hurt baby villager’s in game
The year award untuk kategori makanan ringan di pluk sing r di pluk sing r ke arah yang lebih besar dan kecil di dalam rumah tangga di dunia ini adalah hari yang lebih baik dari segi waktu ne kie koe dobel power Bank Vivan power Bank
e wes TK gawe tuku sate pak Harto t di wa ke adi’e Kulo nuwun ke arah yang berlawanan arah yang sama dengan jelas kui 
di wa R di wa engko lhe tuku Rego ne kie
I found the pt 2
saw this after making an iron farm
Atención tiene continuidad vean el siguiente capitulo
From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity
What’s with the herobrine
uhh iron
edit : hah i got the herobrine frame
so sad
Like the fact that this was stolen idea
sad until you realize that illaguers don’t attack baby villagers
After all those years, the torch is still lit
I seen a part 2 of this where that blacksmith healed the golem
the wild golem…
Did anyone see Herobrine?
He did that to come back alive
Who notice herobrine please like
Why was Herobrine there
It’s kind the sad

Who saw herobrine explain here

soon after day
Herobrine is out
You found herobrine?
Bikereheroblayn gözüküyor
Its just like Palestine
Good video

I have already seen where a resident built a forge and repaired it
pretty sure pillagers ingame have morals and do not attack the baby villagers
i grew up now i delited mincfaft and noe is making me cry

Dubai cholatte golem
0:10 Herobrine
Herobrine didn’t do anytying
Вы англичаны
Did I see herobrine
He did what he was built for he is a sheild
Herobrine got sad too
Who also saw Herobrine
Bro said “Thank you for the one moment.”
Who see herobrian her
herabrain appeared
People who saw herobrain
He’s so good gollem
Tội nghiệp thiệt chứ
Part is the boy grow up to be a forgery and heal the golem
Nigga im so racist

herobrine jumpscare me and i died
Part 2 – he repaired the golem.
Bro i fund herobine

I used to know so much Abt Minecraft but ever since my subscription expired i never play it anymore i miss minecraft so much i would do anything for my ate poleng and AJ to play with me.. in Minecraft i miss the good old days more than anything i would give my entire life for the good old days back i miss the good old days so much.. i would do anything. ANYTHING i would give my heart my brain my liver my entire life for the good old days id even give my own soul for the good old days i miss my bsf rjel when he wasnt dirty minded and full of skibidi i miss good old days so much i would do anything just for the old days to come back i remember when i was in private school with some old friend with me..
Pillagers dont attack baby/kid villagers
Fun fact, pillagers don’t attack children
The torch is still lighting!
I saw hero brine
Bro Herobrine
Aww he grew up
I love how he became a blacksmith
iron golem keep become iron not skeleton
I feel like these are untrained pillagers, they don’t go for the child normally
No wonder they have a wooden axe.
R.I.P golem
Có hê rô bờ roai
Also me: *why didn’t he drop iron?*
I can See you
второй части он оживет
Canonically speaking pillagers don’t attack baby villagers but still cool vid
The boy grow up when he was the worker in the blacksmith he will fix the iron golem
bro i saw herobrine
Imagine protecting the village for 24 years just to get killed by 3 blocks
Bruh Herobrine
I have a theory that the baby villager grew up and will soon fix the iron golem
Cursed part: pillagers dont even attack baby villagers….
Bro got big head
00:08 herobrine
Fun fact: Pillagers don’t attack baby villagers
Pilligers don’t attack baby villagers

Isn’t there a part 2 to this? I think I saw one where a villager cleans him off and repairs him.

I a’m sad now
The boy
theese are sad make revenge
I found herobrine
The way you make these videos tells me that you love time.
ishaba uyoskr
Why was herobrine there
i saw the black Smith saving him two vids aho
Was that hero brine?
Djv school Jfusbkxbekd Hdhdbe
Wierd thought, If you hit a iron golem with a pixaxe, won’t the irongolem break faster than sword or axe?
Anyone else see herobrine
даже грустно стало
Los q vieron a Herobrine
The villager grew up
I sw heobine
No one talking about herobrine
Um did anyone see herobrine
anyone else see herobrine?
Yo voy a ir a papá completa vitaminas muy lindo
Even hero Brian Came to pay respect
Did anyone notice herobrine?
bro turned from iron golem to smog/grass golem
Я думаю они восстановятся и пойдут в другую деревню
Pillagers dont attack baby villagers dummy
Жаль добряка