Minecraft Live 2024
American Sign Language: https://youtube.com/live/I4kSs8b41fM
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Tune into Minecraft LIVE! Watch a new take on Minecraft LIVE on September 28 at 1PM EDT. Broadcast from the Mojang HQ, we’ll be unveiling new features and more!
Taqs:Minecraft,Minecraft Live
コメント (498)
SCP-173 in Minecraft :O
25:01 That’s an SCP. It looks like one.
Where is the end update?
villager news gave off some major adventures of clutch power vibes. so sick
Great weeping angels
I know the movie is an “L”, but to be honest it does look like there is some love and passion behind it.
do end update for pity
vertical slabs, concrete slabs and steps terracotta steps and slabs , just steps and slabs of all blocks
village news

most forgot Minecraft move pink sheep amost 

i think move is going to be garbage
Bring Back mob vote
I subscribed to every 1 of your videos
1. get a bunch of creaking hearts
2. go to friends base
3. put creaking hearts under their floor
4. wait for night
and also why is mojang making minecraft a horror game
They literally added weeping angels! They even said “Don’t Blink!”
Weeping Angels in Minecraft! Based off of the original warden idea. This is going to be epic!!!!!!!!
Let me save you 30 minutes…
White wood
minecraft prerecorded
So no end update
9:30 how are they mining with no pickaxe in that slot?
That is really scary
you guys need to add more to the pale forest, it’s visually boring
creepy biome without herobrine
Those villagers have a lot of xp
Ok that villager news segment was top tier! Ill order more of those please!
Today was my birthday
Je reve ou ya qye des anglais
Yey harcore!!!!!
10:11 better than minecraft movie
I remember when minecraft reached 3-4mil views as they went live what went wrong..
Is there any Doctor Who fan here?
Mojang is out of touch
0:18 Llamas with hats epilogue on the same day I’m just saying…
Guys i was wating for an End update
Rest In Peace: Villager #9
He was in denial
14:59 are they serious? The modern jumanji movies exist… they literally even stole the whole plot for those movies for the mc movie as well if you’ve seen the mc movie plot leaks
This is awesome!
The first mc live I’ve ever watched
“Da da da daa daa da da villager news”
FINALLY A HORROR UPDATE (I’m still waiting for that end update Mojang >:(
يعمي تسوق امها
Pale garden should be redesigned, since it looks like normal forest but under a filter
27:17 this sound is just warden sound with some editing pls do some real update not talking
First Official Trailer (2011) 1:59
▪︎ Hardcore in Bedrock 6:41
▪︎ Bundles 8:15
▪︎ Villager News 10:05
▪︎The Pale Garden(New Biome) 22:50
▪︎The Creaking ( New Mob ) 24:58
▪︎ New Wood Set 28:10
▪︎ Heroic Villager No.9 30:10
•Minecraft Experience 21:27
•Minecraft Movie 13:35
They have edited out pre-show and after show from this live stream vod.
I hope this helps. : )
No mobs spawn in the Pale Garden (I think). To increase the overall eerieness, make like a <1% chance for a pig, cow, or any other passive mob to spawn there. It can startle a player and make them go.
"That's not supposed to be there."
Bonus points if it's a mimic of some sort.
Im not sure minecraft knows minecraft
the creaking mob is so cool it’s a fun new gimmick but i wish you guys maybe beefed up the biome a bit more like adding some consumables, unique flowers, plants or a passive mob *cough* fire flies *cough*
DU DU DU DUDA VILLAGER NEWS!! *im holding a sign*
“Villager News”
Hello minecraft

39:01 minecraft finally made a real water bucket clutch lol
Keep doing the collabs with Element Animation, always love what they create!
How dare you play the OG minecraft trailer, that is the purest form of nostalgia for me
Isn’t Steve supposed to be part of the world of Minecraft? Or was he also transported into the world at some point. How does Steve being a human and not blocky pertain to the lore of Minecraft?
But villagers dont drop xp.?
21:49 olivier prise 2
The creaking is so boring looking, It is not scary at all, also, what is the point of the pale garden? why is it in the game? what do i get? why doesn’t the creaking do something when it dies?
I was a sleep when this happened but I’m watching it now
So exp is just blood… got it
if the Creaking, then where the Croaking and the Cracking and the Crunching?
Minecraft really need a new fresh Grafik! Like the villager Clip.
Who votes for a new end upate
I don’t like this new update they should call it the depression drop
Spooky Update part 2
18:58 oh,okay,now we know why this have strange craft
My name is Eli mojang stoodeos
dude villager number nine is officially dead.
Por que vocês não deixam o Minecraft de graça queria muito jogar
this is amazing!
HELLO Minecraft
Minecraft the horror update
Minecraft Can you add five nights at Freddy’s please
It would be cool if they made the sets into a museum, I would be going
I swear these updates gotten better ever since gnembon joined the team
So The Creeking works like The Weeping Angel
is a video official
The voice over is incredibly uncanny; it is incredibly apparent were not hearing it as she’s saying it, but instead as a voice over, and it make me uncomfortable to the point where I thought it was ai
I’m a big fan of Minecraft
Who is going to be the new villager news, news reporter now that number nine is dead?
With the new context for the “kadoosh” thing it makes a bit more sense
If they added the fireflies they would do the new Mob a big favor.
Why go to the pale garden in the first place?
The ambience would be so much better had it been it’s on dimension
The new mob and biome are awsome I love that direction for Minecraft. I do think there should be slightly more incentive to go there, but otherwise it seems refreshing
I love you, MINECRAFT :^
in villager news, villagers dont drop xp mojang….
13:36 he’s less energetic
Hytale please save us
Imagine what we think of Mojang not doing much for updates, the whole time they have been working on a MASSIVE end overhaul
A bit sad the Creaker just stand there doing nothing when you look at it. I would’ve prefered something like: “He hides behind tree and follow you, and attack at a random moment”. That would be better in my opinion. As a mob you can just look at to freeze it is too easy.
Espero que esse novo Mob possa dar mais dano do que meio coração, assim faz a gente ter mais medo dele e do bioma.
this is what happens when you dont talk about your spin off games for 5 hours, a fast minecraft live
I really hope they surprise us with some mind-blowing features this year!
The villager news idea is hilarious, imagine them having their own talk show!
Can’t wait to see what new mobs and stuff they introduce!
Is it just me or minecraft is looking better after the better decisions of mojang?
10:07 YOOOO
Yo the creaking is the definition of a Bluetooth life
I love villager news
I really hope the shape of the trees in the pale garden change. The concept is cool but it does look like a pale dark oak forest. I know this is a drop so I’m hoping the tree designs are just placeholders until the final designs come out. Maybe making them taller could add a challenge for destroying the creaking heart and it will make the forest look more foreboding with tall trees.
I also think adding a naturally spawning garden in the biome could be cool or even a graveyard since I have heard them called gardens of the dead. It could really add to the ambiance of the new biome and make the name make more sense. Cause if there is no garden in the Pale Garden then it should really just be called a Pale Forest.
I would love to see new flowers, mushrooms, and even berries in this biome to make it more different from what we already have. Maybe the berries in the biome could be poisonous and used to create a weaker form of a poison potion (just so there’s still incentive to go to the nether for nether wart to create the stronger potion). Overall though I am really excited for this new biome, it has huge potential.
10:05 YOOOO
Now am exited for the movie ngl
yes tom, more lore
Mmhmm you sure did capture that spirit!
So basically Minecraft is a horror game
Hardcore for Bedrock
The Pale Garden biome and the Creaking mob
and that’s all for the next 6-7 months. I do not intend to look down on the devs, but it feels quite empty, specially considering that now we don’t have Mob Votes, and there wasn’t ANYTHING to replaced it. For as much as I love and personally put much care into listening to the Devs creative process, I have to be honest to say that there wasn’t much to look for in this update.
But as it was said the begginning, everything is subject to change, so let’s all wait and see.
This is genuinely scary ..
Hey guys may I remind you that the movie is not for us anymore. And they explained it very well how all the things are.
super short and the plae garden and the creaking we already knew about
Not joking but a few weeks or months ago I said “do you know what they should add white wood to the game
Why did he craft the sword vertically?
14:55 yeah, there has never been a large scale live action adaptation of a beloved video game franchise before. Except that one (Detective pikachu), or that one (the sonic movies), or that one (borderlands), or that one (the fnaf movie), or that one (pixels)
Can’t wait to see the community farming this mob
What is the Pigstep-like track that plays around the 27-minute mark?
Villager news looks way better than ur multi million dollar movie
>another forest
>another useless mob
>another update with more deco and wood as focus
the new mod is scp 173 ?
“We chose Live action for Minecraft movie because It’s not something that’s been seen before”
Yeah, tell that to ALL the list of Live action videogames movies of all times
22:02 this looks fire, I will be going 100%
the creaking is literally the hidebehind from gravity falls
The new biome is like playing portal for the first time
Is Jeb actually starting to age?
Yeah no it should have been animated
mala tu wea
Hey here’s an idea how bout make bundles Hold ore than one stack then there useful
I love the XP acting like blood
After reading these comments that a lot of Minecraft fans just really hate the game
villager news>>> all updates
24:44 Try talking to the audience, who you should be telling the changes made to the game not a fellow developer that already knows what’s being changed and added.
No end update
Ngl the villager news was kinda fire
4:35 there is a villager in the background
Так это плачуюшие ангелы
creativity is the way to go; stop worrying about shaping opinion and building hype.
22:50 what you came for the actual content 22:50
The pale garden kinda feels like the violence layer in ULTRAKILL
Mojang I know you want to try something new and I am happy with it
but there is a reason why this should not be in live action.
My advice keep the script it might not be new but it will do.
keep the actors jack black is a great actor who has done animated characters before.
heck even keep the props they look like you put a lot of effort into them!
use live action characters (only use them when they are outside the game)
And don’t use these realistic mob..things!
*Just make the characters more pixilated*
ahh the revoked model of the Warden introduced as creaking.. awesome!!!
You should do mini updates that should take 3 to 6 months instead of big updates which take 1 year
It would be cool if the creaking would close its eyes if far away and only open them when nearby
Me after burning down a whole forest because I saw orange lights:
can you also add a mob that doesn’t attack the player but will always be in the closest shadow that the person isn’t in or something like that that would be cool for an eerie feel like you are always being watched in that
how you gone show what the movie couldve been and then talk about the tragic movie were getting?
“The creaking only moves when you look away.”
*Enderman before 1.8* “Am I a joke to you?”
Seriously, let’s bring back scary Enderman instead of making them buffed zombies
I may be the only Minecraft Movie fan right now… but seeing more footages of it, I get even more excited for the movie. It’s so pretty, I can’t wait to see it on the big screen.
Finally bundles
The Minecraft experience looks fun
Maybe make the trees taller to give a creepy feeling. Add some fog to make it even more scary.
Adding something that glows the same color as the creaking’s eyes at night would be cool too.
Minecraft are you still working on the nether portal problem in bedrock editon
Not much added,that’s why people say mojang doesn’t work,just do a the end update like the 1.16
Mojang, could you add new sounds when noteblocks are used over the new blocks like the heart or pale wood making eerie sounds???
where is the cgi artist i just want to talk to him
“for the first time” 6:15
oh or maybe there could be a structure like a cemetery and there could be ghosts at night or something or at least that could be something to think abt for the future
So uh. Replace the Minecraft movie with Villager News.
30:49 HE SAID MONSTER HUNTER!!!!1!1!1!1!!! HE KNOWS THE GAME!!!!1!1!1
Yes new stuff
Do some real updates and not reskins thanks
Everything to do with the game looks fun and interesting. There seems to be the potential for new farming mechanics. That’ll be cool to play around with. I like the mood of the new biome and mob. I do think if the Pale Forest is supposed to be free of the other hostile mobs the Creaking should do more damage. Otherwise, awesome concept.
As for the movie, while I do appreciate a different creative approach, I also feel like you can’t say you’re being different and authentic at the same time. If the goal is to create an experience loosely based on Mincraft that’s one thing, but the authentic experience would literally be just the game as we’ve always known it. Do you want the audience to be excited to see real people explore the Minecraft world? Then make the movie version of the game exactly like the game, including the aesthetics, the mechanics, and heck even the bugs. The different look could be used as a game mod if you still want it.
I’ll repeat what others have been saying. The Villager News bit was actually entertaining. Maybe do something like that.
There Was a stone steve
I love how Agnes is dressed like Wednesday Addams
Change the movie please!!
26:30 doctor who reference I love it
This guy is my new favourite on the mojang team
The Pale Garden should scare passive/hostile mobs! Like you could see a worry on them if they get close enough. Maybe some mobs would actually run away if they got too close!
Salty stix are from dayZ not Sweeden silly.
I missed it ;(
when you notice that villager news was the best thing in minecraft live:
why should i go to the new biome at night
I just realized how many blocks out I’ll have to go for new generation…
Its basically a reverse enderman
thats it? wellp no end update this year
Duh duh duh villager news
I’m so late
Lowkey during the live I saw people getting mad about how much content was shown I wasn’t that mad cause I’m pretty sure mojang said they were gonna show like a part of the update and continue to show more as the update gets closer to dropping
I can’t believe they’re actually PROUD of ‘A Minecraft Movie’
If this live action then I’m not watching it
i love the blatant lie of jeb talking about the mc movie being about the game
“Continuing to collaborate closely with mojang and listening to fan feedback” yea you’re *definitely* doing that
Bruh even canman here
Enough w/the progressive peeps.
I love how they talk about the Minecraft movie but they don’t talk about how the dislike ratio is way higher
Just say you’re dancing around doing an End update.
Bros really tried to pull out all their damage control for the movie. At least they got a real water bucket clutch this time.
The Minecraft movie should have been seen as the villager news
Oh hermitcraft gon have a feast with this
I love the Creakings design
Can you add like a spear, please or a cool mob?
23:29 Maybe in addition to this biome, there could be more flowers like Moonflowers, Lilies, and maybe some more mushroom variants like the Ink Cap and others.
We need a new dimension or boss to fight. The warden honestly is the worst. I haven’t been to a ancient city since the first I went to.
A new creepy vanilla biome and the creeping heart are just what I’ve been waiting for! Also BUNDLES FINALLY!!!!!!
Finally hardcore in Bedrock


Whaddya mean I missed it???
Why wasn’t there a mob vote?
I don’t think the Minecraft movie works with what it seems to be going for. It seems to think we want a isekai like experience, when we really probably wanted a story inside the Minecraft world. Should’ve given it to Illumination. Ironically. We thought they would make a bad Mario movie
Seems like there will be a lot of burning forest
TLDR for people who are looking back
– Changes to how updates will be delivered, instead of one big yearly update they are doing smaller updates more regularly.
– No more mob vote.
– Bundles finally are getting implemented.
– Bedrock is finally getting Hardcore mode.
– New Overworld Biome.
– New weeping angels style mob.
– Pale Wood, vines and new moss type.
– 2 villager news sketches which look infinitely better than the movie trailer.
– 6 Minutes of Mojang trying to explain The Minecraft Movie while avoiding the topic of the trailer immediately flopping after it dropped.
That pigstep remix goes HARD
The Creaking not moving unless looked at is a rip off of the Weeping Angels from Dr Who.
I love the villager news bit probably the best thing I’ve ever seen!
Minecraft Party!!
Minecraft made my life better it made me go through depression even my family loved it, happy 15 years
Ni su madre va a entrar a ese bioma. No le veo potencial más allá de solamente ir a buscar Saplings y olvidarse de que existe.
Where is mob vote?
6:22 err, sry but no, no hardcore.
Does the creaking biome have a vilage?
Why not add what you all promised us in the past minecraft lives? Why keep adding new things when you can improve on what we already have? I’m sure people would be much happier with you guys adding in things such as : a much bigger mine in the mesa, an oasis in the savanna, a more relevant structure in the swamps that make it worth traveling too, etc. these biomes barley have much in them and adding new things to the world we already have would make it so much more emersive. Not to make bad assumptions about the new forest but it does really just look like a retextured dark oak forest that doesn’t serve much of a purpose.
Thanks guys
What dose the creeking drop?
Bruh what is this intro
Were’nt those bundles from that bundle mod?
I feel like the creaking was hyped up a little too much just for it to be another annoying mob like the phantom.
Please no sharks
Feeling a lot better about the movie after this. Still wish Steve wasnt just jack in a blue shirt though
more bosses and weapons kinda like terraria
Fix the Minecraft movie because if you don’t we are not going to be happy and also hate it
so no mob vote?
Please make the Minecraft theme park event thingy in 1 to 1 scale, the Minecraft world is huge and I believe that the 1 meter cubes will help everyone understand the true scale of Minecraft
Is it just me or is the pale wood pink?
Also I don’t like that the creaking is completely invincible
I think it could’ve be more challenging if mutant mobs were added to the new biome.
So the creaking is like scp 173?
we wanted the movie like villager news
Hello camman18
Promise us to fix the Minecraft movie
18:54 OOOHHHH Now I see why that cursed bucket exists
I love minecraft
As animated for the movie
The villagers reaction to the monster and “There IS NO monster!” I feel is spot on…. kinda like the movie “Don’t look up!”
Huh, so in the Minecraft movie, blocks are 2 feet wide? Those are the proportions that Terraria uses. I wonder if doors in the Minecraft movie are gonna be 3 blocks tall? Or will the blocks next to the doors just be larger than the blocks in the rest of the movie
Can spawn a creaking with its heart
Ta da da da da da da da da da da da. Villager News!
I would personally prefer something at the level of villager news for the movie, but I totally understand why they went into the live-action way. While an animation movie with a big budget would’ve been better than most if not all community made animations, it would still be very similar to what we’ve been getting these past 15 years, and while I still think it looks weird and should use some different animations/models, at least they tried to do something actually different and that wouldn’t been possible without a big budget.
But yeah, if this live-action movie isn’t well received after it launches (and everything points in that way), we should definitely have a villager news type of movie.
Hitting us straight with the nostalgia the trailer it brings a tear to my eye how far the tiny game has grown to be the most popular in the world welldone Mojang can’t wait to keep playing
“There are No Monsters!”
“What about Steve?!”
when i heard “pale biome” i thought it was going to be a nice and joyful biome, but it’s not that, it’s BETTER!
Yo when all of this is out its gonna be so fun
I love the villager news
What the heck Minecraft!!!!!!!!!! We want an End Update!!!!!!!!!
Fellow Bedrockians, we finally have Hardcore Mode!!!

Let the Chaos… BEGIN!!!
Ohh i can’t wait for the season 2 of songs of lets go
They put weeping angels in Minecraft, let me repeat that, THEY PUT W E E P I N G A N G E L S INTO MINECRAFT.
This is gonna be so much fun in multiplayer
But im curious why minecraft doesn’t has dogs???
Where is My New End, Minecraft???
is hardcore going to be added to education edition???
You know, I’m as big of a fan of Minecraft as the next guy but after seeing the stuff for the movie I’m actually a lot more excited. It’s clear these are people who love the game and just wanted to do it justice on the big screen. Say what you want to say but I’m actually pretty excited for it now
Minecraft should add a mahogany biome and a maple biome it would be cool and they are nice wood types
0:01 Start!
The moovie might not be that vad after all
I love it
nice wood, but whats the point to battle a creaking? or obtaining a creaking heart other than it looks cool? not hate just curious
ayo!!!! minecraft
It’s funny that the first three comments I’ve seen are about how the villager news style should’ve been the Minecraft movie
its nice you guys are shedding some light on the movie, its also nice you guys explained the reason things are different and not exactly by the games style which is somewhat promising and understanding, like the reasons people complained as to why is the world that the characters are in scaled down “theyre not 2 blocks tall!!11!”, and it really seems everyone was pretty passionate about the movie working out which makes me hopeful for the actual trailer we’ll get, also, VILLAGER NEWS!! i wasnt expecting element animation here one bit
Minecraft please add fog to the new biome PLEASE
We love you minecraft
Agnes <3
Not The Creaking working on the Weeping Angels principles
YESSS finally! White wooden blocks!!!
New biome sounds sick
21:36 ‘first’? Minecraft Earth was pretty fun while it lasted…
I just woke up I jus missed it
gg things are so much more peaceful without the mob vote
Yooo Elemental Animation teamed up with them too bad they can’t animate the movie like that RIP
Caves and cliffs part 5
Add ambience for all biomes and also bugs for biomes and your golden
So another update that just adds another biome but no actual purpose
Wish the Creaking was more dangerous. Could make it faster, stronger, and maybe have it close its eyes after it notices that you’ve seen it. So you just get to catch a short glimpse of its eyes.
The biome is a great start, but I have a few additions Id like to see.
1.) As every very funny and original person has pointed out, the new mob follows the moving when not looking trope. But what if that was toyed around with futher? Maybe some red harrings in the form of plants or strange lights could work.
2.) It should be like the mushroom islands or warped forest, empty. No common mobs should spawn there, BUT-
3.) I think havig enderman spawn there would add more to the biome. They spawn really anywhere, so it should make sense. Even if not, the “keeps your eyes on it and don’t stare at it” is a great combo, as seen with SCPs 173 and 096 in SCP Contaiment breach.
4.) Maybe a new structure? Nothing massive, or lively. Small ruins are an obvious and easy one, but maybe some skeletal remains or weirder, corupted trees could work well.
5.) Finally, small trees should be added to the biome. It would work well with the mob.
4:10 so on that note does the Minecraft Timeline go Minecraft Legends, Minecraft Dungeons, Minecraft or am I completely wrong
9:13 deki adamın türk bayraklı kalkanı var

Hello Minecraft hello @canman18
The mechanic between the Creaking block and the Creaking Puppet is so unique & clever! Well done
I think the new biome really grounds the rest of the world- which was needed after the caves & cliffs update! It’s motif contrasts the rest of the Minecraft world with its drained & tinted colour
. But I do worry if it will have anything to offer other than the creaking block. As otherwise it will just be a tourist attraction(I still really like it though and the puppet mechanic of the creaking!)
I thought the Pale Garden would be a cave biome, I think some underground forest biome would be very interesting to see.
Don’t stop adding these creepy and interesting mobs, Mojang!
block game
Add copper tools
I’m hyped
Minecraft trying to pretend their “community centered” as if they don’t ignore every update the community has been begging for for years
i will love the minecraft movie
The Creaking is really just a Weeping Angel.
They even said “Don’t blink.”.
Element animation still looking better than the minecraft movie
Mojang: it only moves when you look away
FOV: Quake Pro
14:27 shouldve been Steve, he’s literally him
this biome is so creepy with this new mob
Mobile minecraft ko ha
“That’s ok bud, buckets are useful here.” -Steve, Jack Black
Okay this update seems great; that said, keep in mind that if it yields rewards that you can already get anywhere else in the game there is literally no point in it even existing. There has to be some sort of payoff for going here. The ancient city was awesome, but the loot is terrible for how difficult it is. Think about the gameplay not just “oh well it has white wood so people can make white fences now”. There has to be more of a reason to go there. Make the creaking hesrt be used for a new armor piece or something. There has to be something new. You always add new stuff but it doesn’t push the boundaries of the game you just keep it comfortably in the same little box the game has been in for the past 15 years
Remake Minecraft movie
You put the Minecraft movie right after villager news ? Im sorry to tell you but element animation COMPLETELY overshadowed the movie
They need to make the creaking challenging!
The best selling game of all time btw, literally another empty biome, a handful of new blocks, a single new mob. Absolutely Pathetic.
Pale garden is cool ngl
the minecraft movie should just copy villager news
I love this new sort of grounded, down-to-earth presentation. Not so loud and in-your-face as it was before, which is a breath of fresh air. Feels matured.
Yes’s!!! villager news!!!!
cool wood type but terrible biome and new mob, it just don’t fit in the game
Okay so you made it asymmetrical. Now have one that has the head on the other side. Uniformity would ruin it’s wild appearance.
I LOVE the concept of the new biome, but I think, tgat tgere should be some reward for searvhing through or venturing into the forest and not just going around it like a small hounted house with loot or something.
2997 Farrell Divide
I forgot about this my bad mojang
villagers news c drole
We don’t torture the Villagers we keep them save by blocking the doors and keeping them inside
Ooohhhhh Guyssss waittt.. the iron ingots were not out of place- it was intentional, he threw them on the table all chaotically obviously the directors didnt make that as a mistake and obviously the chained buckets were an accident, but apparently as i see, the crafting table can make more than the main game Minecraft can make, which brings us back to the fact that the movie is a mix of all Minecraft video games
I hope Minecraft BEDROCK EDITION eill be update to be the best version
Ok but can you guys make the game run smoother on worse computers
25:00 well there goes my sleep
And they still have done nothing to the End..
I like the concept for The Creaking. But I wish the model for the mob was taller and had some blinking animation for the eyes.
Minecraft The Emo Update
Why not add a new village for it
Minecraft : darkwood update
With the creaking heart you should be able to use it in crafting for like a golem that stays close to you or something
The ‘lets go to a place where everything is made out of blocks,’ is where it all started
They did NOT just add weeping angels to minecraft. This a horror game at this point
creaking decked out gonna be fire
No ones talking about Vu’s calm attitude this year???
Who else forgot this was happening?
bring back the mob vote this was awful
I missed it because my birthday party started at 1

The fact that people judged this part of the trailer just to realize this is actually what happened
the creaking have to be a lot stronger
28:39 is that a countertop
0:20 The llama is overpowered it hit an enderman with a projectile
Where is our Minecraft Rtx on console
Впринципе деревьям придать свою форму, а не украденую с тёмного дерева и будет неплохо
That was an awesome show!
I started playing Minecraft 6 yrs ago and I LOVE IT. can’t for the new stuff. Love it.
0:49 that creeper cursed af
Yes Villager news this brings back memories
The downfall of minecraft is beginning
1:20:24 OHI OHI OHI

In order to be more scary and threatening, but not truely OP, The Creaking should do true damage to players (ignoring armor)
19:00 Aquaman: Skadoosh….. what the juice?
Po: that’s ok, bud. Buckets are useful here.
Okay im a little bit more on board with the movie
W update!!!
GIVE US THE END UPDATE WE DESERVE, cool biom perfect for the end the creeping just feels to much like a modded mob
should have gotten the sky biome, BUT HARDCORE MODE IN BEDROCK W
at min 10:00 is EXACTLY how the movie should be made
Villager newsssssss
Wow I was so excited to hear that they’ll fix the Minecraft movie to make it seem more like Minecraft we Minecraft fans made a million versions of the Minecraft movie and put our heads together to make it better and only to find out that the Minecraft movie is staying the way it is this whole thing was for nothing
I can’t wait to see all the new stuff Minecraft has planned next year
villager #15 is definately lying, you can tell because he’s a nitwit
The new biome is cool but there is nothing in it why should i go in it if there isn’t anithing to do
I like the pale garden concept but what’s the point of ever going in there at night, all the blocks u want from it can be gathered in the day. Also the creaking is too easy to defeat.
Yo this is cool
Not villager news looking better than the movie.
uma atualização por ano pra isso ai kskskssksksskskssksk, espero q hytale botem esses caras pra trabalhar
When the movie director looks like a better Steve than Steve
Маенкрафт моя жизнь
Hey Minecraft
I love the concept of the Creaking and the Creaking heart. It makes them into a sort of miniboss
Java Players who already have both Hardcore mode and Bundles:
I’ve never actully been to the trial chambers
Add different types of world in bedrock like amplified worlds and add the debug stick in bedrock
finally hardcore mode
I understand the Doctor who reference
25:57 reminds me of the cave dweller
So fun! I really enjoyed the bits with the Villager News!
The creaking is so unsettling I can’t wait to play it
always happy with a new wood type to brilliant
Holy mole,sy
All the despair about exp on the ground means that in Minecraft world exp is equivalent to blood?
_Is it_ still the same game we all enjoy, Jens?
Mojang should seriously make a cartoon.I would watch the heck out of it
I AM MOJANG (not actually)

le Fer à repasser Golem
I Love All the Updates so far!
End update is what we all want.
Horror game confirmed

Hello camman18
10:09 that is… better than the minecraft movie.
this update is gonna be horrible
Villager news should be the default for new reveals
Wait. Minecraft live was today?
Ah so there’s a reason the items were higgledy piggledy on the crafting table
The villager news section just proves that mojang is indeed capable of making a fully animated minecraft film
Pale Garden incentive? Loot? Reason to go there??
We got sirenhead in Minecraft before GTA6
Dude if they made a theme park like this
I’d be in love
Minecraft is life
Did I miss it!?
ok, Creaking in theory is a really cool mob
and really amplifies the modern tone of minecraft being a horror game, but it doing only half a heart is really underwhelming, given the fact that it seems that you can just run away, it seems like a really, again, underwhelming feature. I think itd be best to increase its speed and damage to really sell the horror aspect.
No me gustó la update Minecraft, borrenla
Petition for Minecraft to add new Biomes often – (MOJANG PLEASE ADD A BEACH BIOME WITH PALM TREES)
I love the new wood, can’t wait to build with it in my world

connected texture support in vanilla resource packs with the new pale moss carpet????
29:34 some where this song and beat was used. Please tell me where was it? A movie? A fanmade movie? A speedrun?
The New biome Locks like a dead forest biom
What was Jason Mamoa Character making on that crafting table in the trailer? new double bucket?
Not exactly sure what the point of bundles is, given that we already have shulker boxes, and even backpack mods.
I love the horror adjescent direction minecraft is taking!
That intro to the movie was great. Maybe the trailer should have been held back until after we were introduced in this more “human” way. I like the idea more now that I’ve heard more about the thought behind it and the work put into it. The trailer coming first was just jarring and created unnecessary negativity that might have been dampened if it had been released after this intro.
Will mc reply
13:44 “Original”
Oh yes an original Jumanji- I mean Minecraft movie
i will give an oportunity to the minecraft movie i dosen’t look that bad
i actually start to like the movie, getting excited for it!
Minecraft Fridays are gack evolved and better
I really enjoyed this minecraft live, I much preferred it to the previous ones.
I’m looking forward to the new pale garden!
It’ BRO!
Where’s Alex?
Jared Hess would honestly be a better Steve actor and voice actor than Jack black
I miss Mincraft live ima from the south
30:52 meet the spy
Its kinda ironic that they showed the way more authentic set for a minecraft movie right after the the actual set for the minecraft movie.
26:28 love this reference
That movie gonna be raw
Movie should be like Villager News
Keep all the voice work, and put it over an animated version of the movie.
I mean, if you guys don’t do it, the community will, but you won’t get the profits and the engagement.
Anyone who works out the spooky and mysterious atmosphere in Minecraft deserves a pay raise, first warden, now this, just delightful
hello Minecraft
Jens. You know that we hate the movie?
It’s thai is depressing
You dont understand how excited I am at the concept of Grey Water! This is the best addition since fast Swimming bro
To add variety they should ad slightly tasller trees in the woos that look more like willow , i just think it adds so much and it could be something special about that particualr biome that it has 5 or even only one bgger tree in a cleaing which can be from 25-40 blocks talls and drooping to really make it look like a willow
Oh No no no no noooooo paaaaahahahaaaaaaaa canman?!?!

I thought minecraft was a kids game
Yessss 6:42 6:42
Hi camman 18

No end update, and this game said it licenses to the community
the bugginess of bedrock is in no way compatible with hardcore lol
I think the pale garden should:
Be “whiter”
Have fog
And have special flowers
Make the L
26:29 “Don’t blink” i can see that’s a Doctor Who referece of the “weeping angels” because they have the exact same behavior. (Move when you don’t see them, can’t be killed directly)
1:20 honse
If you want Minecraft to feel like an ecosystem, add ambiance to the rest of the overworld. Rustling leaves, rushing water, chirping birds and insects, and the like. It would go a long way into giving the overworld some life. And then, you cut all of the ambiance out when entering the pale garden, which would make it “too quiet,” like you were saying, and it would still keep the feeling of older Minecraft with its lack of ambiance. The quiet of the overworld is not a peaceful one. It has always been inherently eerie, and now that we’re trying to add an eerie biome, it doesn’t contrast like you want it to. It only blends in.
Mojang you are the worst we waited 1 year for this can t be serious
Agnes live minecraft becouse you will destroy our favorite game
Basically minecraft movie is going to be Steve teaching them all stuff but then they have to think outside the box like modders to succeed
CALMA AÍ Viniccius13, não precisa de farm do mob novo.. por enquanto..
VERY MID, I can’t wait for Hytale to come out so Minecraft can die !
29:34-30:02 what music is that. what’s the name of it?
Super excited about the plants and wood!!
You know what a really cool feature would be? If the tree withers the moment the heart is taken out. The leaves can die the moment you take the heart out
I though about Pale Garden is that it was added in the Ancient City portal, but this still looks cool
And minecraft

The movie now looks better
Does this mean that we will finally be able to farm villagers for xp?
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees finnaly bedrocks getting hardcore mode

Even tho they are villagers, it hurt me they didn’t collect that XP