RISE OF THE PILLAGERS – Alex and Steve Adventures (Minecraft Animation Movie)
After their home was destroyed, Alex and Steve are now on the run from the Baroness and her Aether Trailblazers when they are saved by a familiar villager Timmy, and his friend Hayden. However, with the threat of the Aether looming over them, an unlikely alliance with the Pillagers might be the only way to fight back.
Coming Soon
Animation Life – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFQKvjM9HCw
Alex and Steve Life – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpgMPL6TD5phRug109LAPlmFeV1aEYMhd
Directed by @LitLThomas
– Watch animations early!
– Have your name in the credits!
– And much more!
#BlackPlasmaStudios #MinecraftAnimation #Minecraft
Taqs:minecraft,minecraft animation,black plasma studios,animation,herobrine,herobrine returns,alex,steve,alex and steve,alex and steve llfe,alex and steve adventures,minecraft movie,minecraft series,pillager,villager,villager life,rise of the pillagers,villager vs pillager,save the village
コメント (488)
Herobrine must come back
I wish they can talk.
ButI love it!
Pls release the map that you use for your animations and leave the map link in the description
why has this become like an Avengers movie?
Omg, I love this series, especially the fact that it’s a never ending episode, and your always waiting for what’s next, tk u Black plasma studios for these animations, keep up the good work

I really love these animations thanks for making these this is getting more interesting for every animation you guys giving really love it and is it just me who want Alex and Steve to be a couple
1) what an excellent story, I dare say that the plot would be perfect for the movie, or its sequel if possible, for that I congratulate you and thank you for giving me a good story to relax
2) I don’t know what is more ironic, that despite the fact that these 2 “tribes/clans” hated each other, that “king” should have accepted the deal so that, if possible, he could also solve his conflict with the villagers, or that he would have received what he he did, as the saying would say for his situation: “reap what you sow”, he betrayed those who did want peace and the other one betrayed him
Siiii que finoooo !!!!
Uno de los mejores canales de animaciones de minecraft

It’s the villager kid from that zombie episode last season!
I waiting this Minecraft animation for 7day
I can’t believe that the Mojang team made this creepypasta so neatly and scared the Minecraft players and the players tried to find the creepypasta in the Minecraft game.
Black plasma studios Add all the skin skins like noob lord with his fish
780th comment cuz why not
Loving how this is coming out, the passion and time put into this series is amazing and keeps getting better.
The betrayal at the end was unexpected, way to go BPS!
The best animation thx
4.35 its looking like explode crossbow ( minecraft dungeon )
Hdqt gì cũng
Dạo này có gì mới không?
I love this video
Episode 3
I love the village and pillage update thanks for making this video
It’s nice seeing Timmy from “Save the Village” again. BPS did a great job with this animation!
I wish the whole team had enough rests or breaks between all these animations, they’ve truly earned it.
Bruhh that Raiden shogun skin tho
Anaber 1
Semangat black plasma studio
It is vary interesting series of Steve and Alex
कौन कौन मानता है कि माता-पिता के चरणों में स्वर्ग है oi to you
The animation is not right, but the alliance of the looters with the villagers feels very forcedAlso getting rid of some characters seems very bad to me, also the villains I mean I am very disappointed that they looked so imposing so powerful but in the end it was a great disappointment the animation is fine 1000/10 but the way the events are executed feels wrong good in my opinion
so the bad dude died..
“An enemy of my enemy, is my friend”
I like when the series wasn’t so dark but I still enjoy it a lot
where’re you from?
I’m from cambodia.
I don’t know how there doing it, i just know that I’m liking it…
I’m guessing this Pillager raid was orchestrated the whole time.
Poor pillagers got smacked by one of trailblazers
Intant karma. 8:30.
I mean cmon after betraying thier own did they really think the trailblazers would trust them.
La venganza se se sirve en llamas XD el final fue la traición de la traición
Please new character kai and all
Their so good but I find it so annoying how they leave you on so many cliff hangers. Though it does makes seeing the next episode a lot more exiting!!
Good animation guys
Part 3
I saw that there was a genshin impact player in there
I love your videos. You work too hard but so many people don’t know how fricking hard to make 1min animation.
This video is very good
the pillager king got the punishment he deserved
Black plasma estudios es una bestia para crear historias perfectas y bien estructuradas
Thanks to obsidian patreon
انا حزينه عن اجل استيف
I wonder what a Black Plasma Studios and Rainimator callob would look like
We have the god of lightning in your hands
Raiden Shogun 
have a side adventure with hours and dog please
Когда продолжение?
We need the behind the scenes….
Herobrine is back part 2 please
im surprised all there friend didn’t immediately see the house on fire and help
Короля разбойников настигла карма
Op villagers
Wheres the dog it was my fav character
pillager captain: dead
Evoker: dead
Pillager king: nope
Number 3?
That ended too quickly
Ta muito legal demais estou aqui na torcida para a equipe do Steve tem como coloca eu nesta história aí queria aparecer de figurante
Chills man
:0 pilliger helped him~ 0:41
Herobrine Tetun part 2
The pillaged king deserves it
Nice. I like this Movie. Hope the whole team will release a lot of good movies :D. Now it’s time for a new episode
I love the animation and the hard work you are putting in your videos, You seriously deserve these subs!
I am from India
I well see you video after that my mind is so kule
it looks like herobrine is still in steves body somewhere. *After almost 5 years*
We want songs of war next episode
What rise of the pillagers? in the end they all died only one survived bro
Muy buena la animación
This is sooooo good
My favorite series
Villager aur pillager ki movie jo aapne banai thi uske aage banaiye
iam support you Black Plasma from Indonesian
I can’t wait for part 3
We appreciate you black plasma…♥️
i can’t wait to see what happens next! I’m also curious….. is Steve Herobrine and Herobrine Steve? If so, that will be an epic realization for Steve!
Ooo, very nice. I’m interested to see how this continues…
‘Herobrine returns’ part 2 ?
Wadda ya know? Double-crossers get double-crossed.
Loves this, but idk might be just me, personally I don’t think Steve, Alex, or anyone would get hurt or die so easily if they wore a little bit of armor, a chest plate at least.
that happens to king pillager ppr treacherous, he shouldn’t attack alex and steve >:)
Я хочу продолжение
i think this is the part 2 of herobrine returns.
I love how they communicate your so talented
These series are good!
This is the best series in my life I love this series and I am also too excited t
Promises you will help and I will let you live they will not take Steve so I’ll sell this like gentleman and women said Robot Hamlin. Steve and Alex said very well. I’m ready to fight Minecraft gods but we need more men Steve said. Robot Hamlin said maybe I can ask an old friend of mine CaptainSparklez sky does Minecraft DanTDM Stampy cat Bajan Canadian caveman films Antvenom gathered your team we need your help.
Pls subtitles
Dang bro they got betrayed
Dang bro the betrayer got betrayed
its really good movie
I am really enjoying this series but it would be better if the video is longer
Herobrine returns waiting for next ep
Wow zor
Congratulations soon you reach 10 million subscribers
I think the video is great but… PLEASE BRING BACK SONGS OF WAR!!!!!! (I need season 2)
Ok the story is insaneee !!!!
Steve and Alex series are just amazing.
Btw black plasma Studio can u continue that nether war series.
Cuz i want to know what happened to that kid
part 3 pls
Your all animation so good and have like fighting just how u so details in fighting animations so smooth EPIC
iii. iii
i. ii i. i iii i i iiii
Great animation.
Esos millones no los tienes no los tienes porque si esto es lo máximo
esperamos más capitulos
You don’t have those millions, you don’t have them because if this is the best
we are waiting for more chapters
У вас мульты просто класс. Спасибо!
I Knew It… The New Great War Has Started…
This animation series is really turning out to be something! I already love the pillager with the chain axe style! Awesome animation!
Nice animation black plasma studio
Next park please fast uploading
Hey make another episode pls
XD JAMES video please good herobrain
2:17 why Raiden genshin
Everyone: Fighting and dying
Me: What have they been saying these past 5 minutes? It’s just people moving their mouths without noise and villagers going “hu”
hi mine.c player
Black plasma studios pls 3 part
Awesome!! a Villager has traininged!! maybe they were traininged by pillager… goggle villager specially cool
These is the best movie
Oh hey Raiden Shogun
Why are the trailblazers look more humanish?
wow i LOVE IT
Beautiful, very good , i love it
What happend to the thumb nail
Alex house is wonder
I see Riden from Genshin impact 5555
They are at their Darkest Hour.
hear me out on this. . .what if they add some voice lines
WOW…i like this…….
For a few months i didnt watch this channel but now im addicted to it. After school i watch all the things i missed!
But. Why do u have to make it so… Sad
Keren anjay
Song of war s4 please
Amazing Animations love it
Animation yang luar biasa aku like Minecraft animation
Dude this brings me memories its been 4 years
We want bloopers
Karma tuloy traitor ka pa ha….
Esto en una obra maestra 20/10 y god
The best Minecraft animation channel ever
Zimber killed Herobrin/Зимбер убил херобрина
UwU this is da best!!!!!!!

Zimber is also known as stalker/Зимбер ещё известен как сталкер
Super animation
This is gonna be a better series.
You say is 26 November today is 27 November now
A War between a Advanced Civilization is gonna be awesome, This will make the series look more like a Movie.
İts so strong and amazing bro

Nice animation
Keep a good work
What if godzilla was in it
Love from india
Black plasma studios is best animator Alex&Steve series is best
i like this series so so much pls .. Always Continue this series this series gonna never End

*Продолжение следует…*
Animation life season 2
I wish steve was my son
This is interesting indeed
How do you guys make me think this video is better than the last animation in every single new upload.
When is the next Alex and and Steve adventure
Plz next video
There’ll definitely be a part 3
This is make me to imagine if me in minecraft like real world
But why did the Pillager king betrayed them
Make Steve ad Alex and the wolf and the horse survive pls

Why do u have to make things so emotional plz don’t and this should better have a happy ending
On 4.50 the sword of herobrine
Bro l like your video very much

You mean fall of pillagers?
These series are so short…..
New animation from Alex and Steve Alex and Steve Adventure
Pretty funny that Raiden shogun is at 2:15
No matter where they go they follow but there is always hope
Your video is always awesome bro

i love you 

Okay, This series is just too amazing i cant wait for the result of the series and how good this will be the start was extremely terrifying but now things might be getting a little better. BUT this is epic! Hats off to BPS!
So is Steve’s dog dead?
should be given writing per episode so it’s easy to follow the plot
The best animation and soon have 10 millon subcribers Black Plasma Studios
Allready a lot Animation Alex and Steve
Part 2 plase
Waiting for part 3
Part 3
I’ll be honest, I had lost interest in the Steve and Alex stories a while ago, though I still watched the animations. After the first few battles, it started to feel a little random and kinda started to bore me. I’m so sorry because I know that sounds super harsh. Now I know that they were necessary to build up the story and allies for this big fight. It makes sense now. You guys have really put a lot into these two Steve and Alex animations and I like the dark turn. It’s interesting and really cool to watch Steve struggle with his inner demons. Can’t wait to see more! Thank you for everything you guys do.
You all deserve so much love for all the hard work you put into these animations. Make sure to take breaks when you need them.
Great speach Alex! Wonder what it was XD
Dude,your animation gave me goosebumps…..can I get a heart…
I want to see where this takes me
Круто получилось!но у меня такой небольшой вопросик вазник когда жители превели Стива и Алекс к себе там бвло больше 7 игроков точно и так вот где были играки пока они сражались?
This reminds me of the old times

I like this video. I like all videos of black plasma. But pls add female parts to Alex……..
Part 2???
This is an absolutely amazing series the new villains are amazingly written. That betrayal of the pillager king was beautiful
Tooo bad that many Minecraft players don’t know this channel
Give them an award!
The animation and story is way better than the last one
Minecraft steve and alex animation is the best
Im waiting for more parts of it
We support u
Outstanding Animations

I was so looking forward to the new series
I like black plasma studio.from indonesian
Şahane olmuş
I hope its third part will come plz someone tell me if its third part will come?
The Beauty of the Alliance of the Villages & Pillagers <3
But they were all of them betrayed
This is the sequel to Herobrine return
Я один не понимаю чего они на стива напали
i cant wait for the other episode
continue Next I want to see Stive’s anger become Herobrine
Thank you Black Plasma Studios for awesome animation.
I love all your minecraft animations
But can you plz make sons of war 2 amd 3 .
If i can watch that yhen i can die peacefully plz i request you
We will show full support this time
Or maybe i will broke all the records this time
bang bagus film minecraft steve and alex
Оооооооо старые персонажы
Rise of the Aether! Can’t wait to see more!
Here we go again
Pillager king is dumb for not realizing he would eventually be betrayed
The enemies being from the Aether is very interesting. They’re like Valkyries, but grey. Gargoyles, maybe?
love your animations best and legend team to do hardwork all times bps team lvu
Just today I searched for a tutorial on minecraft animations and got a cool vid frin this channel and loved it and subbed. Now I discover this new vid which is super cool!!
Eh your Old animation is the best, but new animation and story isn’t good. Sorry but it is True.
It’s amazing how many words can be said without any audible words! This series is fun! And I’m glad you are making these. So as long as the team is not over worked it’s a joy to have these vids. Support and admiration -Ever PS (I can’t spell vidio can someone help with that?)
I could’ve guessed about a 3 heads enderdragon but i never tought their new enemies would be emos…
Noob pillagers
I can’t believe the horse and dog are gone
Black plasma studios 2008 to 2022(2023)
7:23 So the three leaders met.
it was really impressive… Alex continues to support Steve despite everything. it’s a great friendship!
people coming together from old animations… can’t wait.
excellent job Thomas!
and thanks to BPS for giving us the opportunity to watch them
Woww this is grate please follow the part three
yo what happened to our old pal the doggo?
Part 3 gogo please
What app are you using these from?
I’ve got a question, what happened to Steve’s dog?
Hard working sir
New subcribers
Her zamanki gibi efsane olmuş
Very emotional story i was going to cry very nice animation please next episode soon
i am loving this series man this is damn good
I’m a big fan of this channel since I was 5
someone needs to add captions to help unravel the plot and story more! Amazing animation as always
so what are we gonna call the hammer guy?
season 2’s episode 2 of herobrine’s movie is here?!
It’s just like infinity war. It end bad, but then there comes an “endgame” where there’s an epic battle against evil but this time the good wins. Can’t wait for the next videos to come out
As I was expecting… THAT WAS AWESOME!!!
Bro when will you uploade part 3
Alex dident put mending on her trident
If you defeat the enemy, or the enemy defeats one of your units, TAKE THEIR WEAPONS WITH YOU and then retreat
Why did they start putting “Bad ending’s” in the last few video? like if you also think that dislike if you dont
Hi there im sorry to interrupt but how did you get so much subs can u share some to my friend too milkyfrvr_playz im glad if you would :]
Can’t wait to see Steve in herobrine mode!!!!!
Agin i can’t see end :/
Ohh sad feeling here
Continue bro very exciting

Wow 10 minutes movie wowowo
May I ask where the hell are the others, like there’s a raid in there stronghold lead by demons and they never show up. Other than that great episode
Żadna osoba nie powróciła do nagrywania legendarnych serii. Nie potrafiła wrócić do starych czasów. A wy moim zdaniem jako pierwsi tego dokonaliście! Brawo.
Te starsze wasze odcinki był hitem. Cieszę się, że umiecie zrozumieć, że my za tym tęsknimy. Jeszcze raz, brawo
Nice vidieo bro can you make part 2 pls
wow,great video fun and satisfying
I really like this ending part :0
It kind of shows that Baroness isn’t just emotionless monster
Alex always supports Steve they are really good couple
This is more than a web series
Aaaaa is this typo series about Steve and Alex?
Literally nobody cares when they arrive to the village
I have a question do you people feel represented by Steve and Alex
Yo So cool
Thats insane Combine 2 main peoples in 1 story is Best Good job On that!
Edit: but you should Do the story more longer cuz you know
I think its too fast. It all happens do quickly Like the fight itself pasta a couple seconds. In my opnion these episodes should have a slower pace. Also can you uae the Old herobrine sword. The one from animation life. The long one.
Steve have Herobrine sword
fight Herobrine
Aku sangat suka dengan film ini dan aku juga sudah sub
It was soo interesting and emotional story I love your animation BPS I hope that next episode will be more interesting
the good part is : they dont even speak , we never listen words from them , but we understand so gud and enjoy
i love this fact the most <3
I love your animation and storytelling By the way love from india
its looking grim in the story of steve and alex… but im sure theyl be fine
they can do that
Alex now not anymore in rape Edition
i wonder when they confront herobrine again.
This is perfect very good animation
AAAAA , nice nicee!!!
All of them lost someone
They should stop war
Next time can u do animation with dialog glad to see they are talking
Please put song of war season 2 and 3

i don’t understand one thing why shouldn’t the pillagers and villagers live together like friends
Rise of the pillager (alex and steve adventures) minecraft animation funny bloopers this next upload video ok
Black Plasma Studios should be hired to make the real minecraft movie all it needs is voice acting and boom you got a master piece!
الجزاء الثاني كتير حبيت الحلقه
Very nice but where is the dog?
I really miss him.
سوي تكملة الحلقة بسرعة
Great improvements in the story writing
Impressive amazing and lovely video dude
thor minecraft animaton plsss
Heres a suggestion add the main character from valley of darkness to the next episode cuz he killed his herobrine, he has powers like herobrine and try giving Steve his herobrine powers from the first Alex and Steve movie
I would like one day to make my Minecraft character in your movie, thank you
Zombie apocalypse 3
Steve also have some of herobrine’s power right? Because on your past video steve became herobrine.
Poor alex
When I saw again Alex and Steve’s adventures, me and my friend were like: OMG, look, Alex and Steve hace again adventures, this is going to be an amazing weekend!! I think that you, BPS, are doing a FaBuLoUs job with the animations!!! Spectaculos!!
I really want to see more animations of you, and I hope that you will continueee!!! Go Alex and Steve!!! (And Black Plasma Studios!!)
wow thats cool !!the best animation in the world
new video came so fast, appreciate it
A very nice animation keep up the good work u never fail to entertain us
Friendly Pillagers? Thats new. Nice, I am enjoying.
But what happend with the dog?
Can’t wait to see the bloopers
Minecraft is literally the most flexible game on the internet. Here, Minecraft became a movie. A MOVIE!!!
Also everyone has the same running animation, and it’s kinda starting to grow on me!
It seems the Aether Trailblazers have betrayed the pillager king
2:15 pov me saying im a redstone specialist XD
Steve’s sed life
Вопрос:как вы так быстро успеваете печатать видосы?
At least the sequel came faster
Songs for war in vary fun
The amazing video
Yo Wow minecraft love let goo 10 Millions
when i was 6 i forgot this channel
This video is awsome BPS thank to the patrons for this incredible story
It promises to be a series that will be even better than “Songs of War”
it is possible that there would be 2 endings 1 where good wins and 2 evil
Thank you to continuing animation life again thank you so so so much
Part 2 pls
How to change language English to Hindi in Starfall plz tell me
I love this pillager and villager friend
Part 4.
You have the best animations I have seen you are the best
Funny how the pillager king almost resembles a certain someone irl choosing to side themselves with the worse decisions possible in order to try and win.
The king learned the hard way that all that gets you is a death sentence once you’ve served your purpose…or failed to accomplish what you were meant to.
You guy’s skills at storytelling will always amaze me
i have idea for bloobers when in 1:57 the baby villiger fall of the minecart
no one talks about the thumbnail
the story and really fascinating it is quite sad and remains in incredible suspense just I really can’t wait to see the sequel it should be downright a Neflix series so much that it is awesome, I hope that we will soon discover who these people are.
why did steve and alex did not say a word
I love this serie
As far as I understand, Herobrine is part of Steve, if all of Steve’s friends die, Steve will become Herobrine.
Pls I copyt video
why do i have a feeling that Alex is gonna summon the trident back and she will fight with it like that girl in ´´thor: love and thunder´´
I’m starting to think that the two villager brothers (Sadly his brother has been killed) aren’t villagers but players cus they’re so different from their common villager friends lol.
this looks like herobrine returns part 2
10000000000 goodddd
amazing tho i wish there was a wiki or something to explain what is happening and why they are after steve.
Ah yes, the most threatening opponent, people with necks, ears, and noses.
Ooouuuuuu!!! amazing!!!
Part 3 pls
the songs of war never die…
unbelievable ! I like too much !
I didn’t waste 2 hours of my life for nothing nor did almost 10,000 people do this is the last thing I say songs of war never die
Everyone enjoying
Le me: the pillagers who died while saving them
Hii im indo
Never thought I would see villagers and pillagers working together, even briefly. Guess there’s first time for everything. But I like the idea. After all, they were one people once. And I like that one pillager with the battle axe, he seems more friendly and compassionate than his peers, could be a good leader for the pillagers after their previous one was executed. I hope he won’t die during the story, really hope so…
Send the part 3please
I claimed my spot
А где dog???
Я рад конечно что алекс и стив живы но если собаки больше нет мне будет горько она же с 1 первого сезона со стивом
Los aldeanos: hmm hmm
Yo: que ispirador xd
part2 need bro
well the minecart was fast
So…the BPS had also involved 1.19 items in their animation.
Btw love this series as always.
1:28 king rendor at right
talançıları bəyəndim
illager and villager legacy v1 modunu endirsəniz talançılar bədheybətlərədə hücum edər
Very nice video
Did I literally saw a Raiden Shogun skin just now in 2:16?? xDD
first revenge from pillagers
o insana bənzəyən bətheybətlər talançılara qarşı qəhbəlik elədilər
It Is Fabulous As Ever I Love His Story Writing And The Script And The Animation He Makes I Love U Bro
I know this is a serious video and I love that BUT:
2:14 <-- That's me
It’s gave me chills still
The love is big
We need them to pay
Me dió tristesa de que el compañero del aldeano murió y me acordé de que el que tiene la ballesta roja es el hermano del aldeano Guerrero cuando lo vimos en la otra animación y lo que pienso es que el pillager de la hacha se siente decepcionado de ver qué el rey pillager lo traicionó pero recibió su merecido esperamos el siguiente episodio
Es muy buena
thank you bps for make this video i hope you will reach 10 million subscribes
Soooo cool
keep up the good work bro
VILLAGER and PILLAGER I like minecraft animation YOUR one in the coolest Animation I like villager and PILLAGER and also MINECRAFT like your videos and villager and PILLAGER
Next Episode
They can track the swort
3:27 report the body
2:16 is that the Raiden Shogun?
Это крутая анимация по моманькрафт
What are patrions?
What happened to Chuckles (that chicken from save the village) tho
In the last part we saw that traitors deserve what they deserve they did to others.
The series are becoming better again
This time Steve and Alex are facing a really fearsome enemy…
We need to see moreeeeeee!!!!!!
Omg this was awesome. I love your work.
We want alex wepon back!
mind blowing story i cant wait for the next part boiii
The last two episodes were really emotional, and you guys really painted in a new light the evil of Herobrine’s forces. Great plot so far, the cliffhangers just make it better.
What happened to their wolf? I didn’t think he dies in the last episode only the horse.
Please remember!!!
Black Plasma Studios is NOT doing any Giveaway right now (and does not have an Telegram or Instagram account!)
If there’s a giveaway, then it will be done on their Discord! https://discord.gg/BlackPlasma
Nuevo seguidar
Pls do more about herobrine
The fact that they killed their ally the pillagers shows they have no honor.
Thanks BPS for making these awesome animations. I am glad to find animations with real stories in them again just like the good old days. Nice to have some comedy in it but not too much as to ruin the experience which leaves more room for more danger and excitement. This is the perfect blend
will there be a sequel
Пожалуйста сделайте все серии с озвучкой.
Plase film
ok this is what i wanted to see of this series and more of it but there still somthing missing Alex and Steve have still not kissed and that usally how the story goes i’m just saying it would be nice if you could happen in the series
I am loving these seris
this is a great series
Top 1
I love it

If i have money i will support BPS
Oye parte 3 plis porfa es genila
please make an animation with herobrine
These new episodes are giving me a Songs of War vibe, and i love it
Love to see Steve rocking the Tygren Voltaris sword
Yes yes yes i love pillagers
I’m still sad about the Horse, and where is doggie
Hope Herobrine will return he is more threatening than other Monsters or something
Still cannot understand why pillagers had a fight between them.
Los Illagers eran utilizados que traición
Why pillager king kill his own men?
Ok but what are those alien type things afterall?
think well a villager, them a pillager friend… when iceologer coming back?
Good job

Entity_303 is Alive?
Wow that was awesome it inspiring it my is saying dont give up in the because in all our life we fall we just need to stand and rise dont hide yourself in the dark because it will just get worse stand and fight
Can’t wait for next part I love it
Está bien?
Its Cool Episode and i hope that Herobrine comes back for one last and big fight i mean Entity 303 is still alive
I’m so glad my favorite series is back
thank you! you are best
You video tooooop!!!!
best series ever !!!
where the dog at
This is why I subscribe to Black Plasma’s channel, the story line of this is epic.
Anyone else hoping for an interesting series? I can’t wait to see if their going to make 303 and Null come back to life.
hello a capen I know what to see an army of creepypastas and less of herobrine
Please Alex and Steve live!
999/10 steve and alex seris
Soy latino me encantan tus videos
Dude im trying to enjoy this series agai. but in this fking 9mins everything is happening too fast and in the end idk whats going on wtf
if only pillagers and villagers are like this to each other in minecraft
Fantastic animation as always. Will there be a playlist with all the episodes together?
Gracias gracias esta muy buena
I’m just glad you’re trying your best.
This is getting really good, I’m excited to see what they do next.
Lesson learned Never betray others only to get betrayed back by the ones you dealed with.
Les falta la armadura de NEDERITE