Extreme $1,000,000 Minecraft Challenge!
Thank you to Undeniably Dairy for sponsoring this video! Check them out! http://www.bit.ly/UDMrBeast
I challenged six YouTubers to compete for $1,000,000!
New Merch – https://shopmrbeast.com
Join our discord server for your chance to compete in future Minecraft challenges!
follow all of these or i will kick you
• Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/MrBeast6000/
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• Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mrbeast
コメント (482)
I love your videos jimmy
Just saw one of those Reddit thread videos, said in the boys bs girls challenge you took peoples phones, and there was some director lady that denied a dude his insulin, and you told people how to act, some of the boys were allergic to peanuts and you gave them “shit” snacks and said oh well leave if you don’t like that, I personally don’t really believe that but kinda got me curious
I didn’t subscribe to this channel and I had a bad luck day today so now I’m gonna stay subscribe cause I’m scared..
You are such an inspiration
Jimmy has hair again
I wish I was in a challenge I haven’t been in one yet
Hey Mr Beast thank you for posting out a new gaming video now I was wondering if can you play a game called Xcom 2 it is a very fun game and I hope you play it
a big lump of gold
he has the sword (he has the sword he has the sword)
Love it
Yo Hi MrBeast Love Your Videos!!!!
I support keeping our planet healthy
the last battle is so COOL the animation the montage all its soooooooooooo amizan
bro some of them aren’t small youtubers, but W vid
Yo koryyyyyyyyy
So cool keep the work up Mr beast! And thanks for the great videos!
I recycle so that means I get ps5
good new vid
Hey another great video Jimmy got your hair’s growing back
Mr beast is the best YouTuber ever
remember what Mr B’s just said he hates the poor
This dude is legendary
6:22 That’s no Zombie That’s Hulk!!!
Why not to make it the dream team as team 1
Have McBirken back again in a video!!
I know these youtubers lol
You know you’re a big deal when literally BIG DAIRY sponsors you.
Wish there were more videos to watch..
Yes very small youtubers
Sapnap has 6 million subs
oh wait this is a new video
I wanna compete for a million also

Cool video
you should do another surviving 50 hours video because they both have pretty much hit 200 million views
“small youtubers” – sapnap
“I invite these six small YouTubers”
Yo lo juego pero no tengo amigos
The battle was insane
It’s night 3am here. I’m enjoying it with coffee
i would be happy if i got a hundred dollars
my name jeff
*Im honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, keep it up!!* 86:99
That video had more plotwists than my life
man i wish chandler won so he can buy himself a flamingo
Jimmy Needs 100M on this channel
U heard of /kill ?
Good haircut, Jimmy!!! Hahahha
good video
I love your vids mr beast
Can I give you 100 dollars mr beast
Dude gave his money to the diamond cartel
Totally random but I’m a stay at home mom at the moment so I’ve literally been watching all these videos on all of the channels. I suck at minecraft I only play on creative mode
, mainly play call of duty but man I wanna play Minecraft watching all his gaming videos.
Man these are for sure SMALL Youtubers, it’s not like one of them has almost five mil..
Super cool!! Thank you for sharing!
If your reading this I hope you have a great day and know. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV
Is it true that you said f*ck poor people
Love you
Poor Chandler
This is a really amazing Minecraft challenge video! Keep up the awesome work Jimmy!
Hi mr beast you wont read this sooo… give me 10 000 dollars.. please?
“i remember how relaxing i played minecraft in the xbox 360…” – me
lets summon cannons and boulders right away
This man makes us entertained everyday, His work is amazing
nooooooo chanler
Aahh yes the small youtubers
I am hear to cement myself in history

Why did you invite the worst youtubers
I love it great idea
i know all of thems
Mr beast when they worked together : nah that’s half of the money gone
Mr beast is soo creative SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!1
i saw a super Mario move add while watching this
Where is Chris I miss him
L sponsor
all of the cool effects u put in ur videos!!
It only makes sense that I watch a Mr.beast video while having my first mrbeast bar
Out of curiosity aren’t money one taxable
does bro have a thumbnail where he isn’t smiling?
love his vids! <3
Hi! From Croatia
You guys!
This Extreme $1,000,000 Minecraft Challenge! Video is lit
“This is like squid games”
Me “it’s fudging fall guys “
At least his hair is back
I love how much he’s been uploading recently
I want new iPhone 14 pro max pls
Bro hates poor people
you just play the same thing over and over again
Nice hair
Drink milk
Don’t read my comment
Extreme $1,000,000 Minecraft Challenge!
You must subscribe if you read
Your the best
I like how kory wasn’t acting like a five year old like he does in his videos now. Kory we miss the bed wars!!!
Sad fact: Chandler vapes in real life
Mcbirken got snubbed, he carried
I spit on octopus
Is it just me or was this a little exaggerated?
1 hour late and you got 29m right now
Ayyyooo lesss goooo
This is the last video I watch after what he said
wdym small youtuber sapnaps there and hes one of the biggest micecraft youtubers who already makes alot of money and doesant need it
We want the Technoblade video that you recorded but never updated everyone like this coment let’s gooo
Dream would have won more money
no way @kory is in this. no way.
Small YouTubers? Yeah sure
Where is that one with a pig head with a crown
Mr beast can i have to tesla so I can help the enviorment
Sapnap has 4 million subs, stop paying rich people and start giving money away to people that actually need it
No way he said sapnap was a small YouTuber lmao
Only Mr Beast would use A million Dollars as a timer
My teacher Ms Omania is a envirmentlest who convinces us to recycle and resuse plastic! I bet she would love to here this!
Whys chandler a youtuber according to Jimmy
Cool Mr Jimmy
I miss your videos man continue
For a gaming channel this is a lott of money
These 6 “small” YouTubers
Bro wtf
“We only have 300,000 dollars left!” -Wudo 2022
What if all of Jimmy’s channels were combined to make one big channel? He’d get 1B subs in less than an hour.
Jimmy’s gaming content: fun short and epic
5:17 i am not taking care of the planet
Recycle around the world.
Paid people for bringing the recycle
to a destinate location. Have a location for anyone to drop off the recycle materials. Have example message are poster of how much 1 glass bottle and 1 plastic can are worth. Put the money value in the native country. Last have picture of people getting paid after the recycle is added up! Very important that people that collect and paid are not shady people. I see more people are recycling in the USA. Easy money
for recycling
. People around the world can benefit.
319 185 views
Thats cool
How many final parts are there
Nice video and all but the million definitely should have gone to the guy who survived 100 days in the circle
”six small youtubers”
*Small* YouTubers
I pick up trash everywhere its not supposed to be
Small YouTubers lol sapnap at 4 mil
You are the best YouTuber I have ever watched or heard of
Yo this must very stressful
Let’s go!
Dawg These reactions felt so fake no hate tho
SapNap is not a small youtuber, 4.66 million subs btw. I’m jk ik he was like the other teams leader or whatever
I miss the old gaming videos
The giant mutated enderman surprised me
I love MrBeast
bro y r minecraft youtubers so annoying these days how do these ppl get popular
It is 2:12 am in pakistan
props to the devs these plugins / mods are absurdly good!
Here before this vid goes viral
“Small”Youtubers….. Sapnap now has 300 subscribers
The first mr beast clickbait, I don’t mind tho
MrBeast:Small youtubers
The youtubers:millions of subs
My man got so big dary sponsored him
Im a bosnian but i love mr beast and mr beast you are amezing
I recycle and pick up trash
bruh he giving money to already rich people
Jimmy’s haircut though
Why did you call them SMALL YouTubers sap nap and the rest are not that small
Why is it that at the end of the video they went through a nether portal and got teleported to the end
“only 300k” hmmmm, similiar to, only a lambo, only a house, only a ton a bobux.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if they made a public mmorpg server?
“small creators”
Sapnap, Wudo and McBirken: *helo*
Jimmy’s hair is back
How can mommy make those minecraft views
Wanna run up some fall guys
This guy will never stop amazing me
I like sap nap and kory
Крым наш
why are you so bad Chandler
I had so much adrenaline clicking into this video
go chandler
Aww man, Jimmy ain’t bald anymore
I giggled when he said “SMALL” YouTubers
Imagine if he put all this development work into a minecraft server network or a monthly streamed event. It would be so cool.
0:01 wait did he call sapnap a small YouTuber?
Are we gonna ignore the fact that hes helping “small” creators?!?!
I love how he called them small youtubers even though they have millions of subs
Sapnap is such a small youtuber. Glad he’s finally getting some recognition
luv u
I hope you go broke
I need a house for my family of 8 when’s my turn lol
Day 637. Waiting for MrBeast to fulfill my wish.
From the Philippines.
Sapnap is not a small YouTuber
Shit feels so scripted like a terrible gameplay trailer using VA who have 0 game knowledge “Oh, no watch out for the shockwave.”
Mini minecraft was adorble
korys voice makes me want to take a ak47 amf shoot myself 30 times in my fucking head
No more bald jimmy!!
Ahh yes “small youtubers” in his pov lol
i drink milk to help the planet
sapnap small youtuber smh.
I’m early yay
Jimy’s vids are so entertaining he dose such a great job

I hate karl, I wish him the worst.
Nice teddy bear Chandler
Go team sap
You have changed jimmy….
“Small YouTubers”
We have very different definitions of “small YouTube channels”
go red team
Yea the hair is back
First million views?
Hmm yes small youtubers
“The finish line… And last. For the finally, and for the end, To finish the challenge…” Dude pick an ending or have a progression bar. This just felt like a video version of a run on sentence.
Honestly Baby Ender Dragon seems stronger than rhe actual Ender Dragon
Your so nice mrbeast more like mr best
Good /bagus
“Small Youtubers”
sapnap does not need anymore money
This is cool
nah fr make a minecraft server
small creators LMFAOOAOAOAOA
Mtsrmitser Best King of Dollars
Nice haircut bro and yes I recycyle
Me beast I have been watching u from your first videos ever I’ve been here the hole time my family need money can u donate
تكلم العربية

If only all that money went to people who are actually in need.
Man yall need to get rid of sapnap bet It was rig when he won the hide and seek
Man I want more of those money giveaway videos
“6 small YouTubers”
Sapnap: Am I a joke to you!
im here within an hour or 40 mins yay
Can I pleas get a shout out it will help a lot
let chandler win for once
Bro this is the Youtubers Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh hey yo chill

yoo jimmy’s hair grew back!
The money should just go to the 2 other players, Chan and Sap dont need it, just my take
great video
*Invest in Galactic Industries*
*Tóuzī yínhé chǎnyè*
*गेलेक्टिक इंडस्ट्रीज में निवेश करें*
*gelektik indastreej mein nivesh karen*
Small YouTubers”
We can all agree, Jimmy never fails to entertain us (Nor does Chandler!)
Tip: The intros have gotten way too fast, I had no ideas what was happening, I had to rewind and really pay attention.
Best video
Milk is bad for you jimmy
Love ho he called the others small YouTubers
Video idea:
Survivor challenge, 10 people on an island. Each person gets to bring 1 duffle bag full of whatever they want. Whoever stays the longest wins cash prize. I would like to be in the video please, but if not I’d still enjoy watching it.
the videos great and all but can someone tell me why sapnap whould get any money? same with chandler makes zero sence when they couldve just gotten a third someone thats why less popular
Jimmy took off his hat finally

I also wanna join.
Literally love this guy
If only techno was here.
You will be missed, Rest In Peace.
The stupid thing about this was the only thing that chose who got the money was who killed the boss at the end nothing else mattered cause they did it at the same time other then that it was great
I subscribed
This is the fakest thing ever
Sapnap not a small YouTuber
Mrbeast why did you say fuck poor people

I love it how u said small youtubers even though each of them have like 100k subs…
Mr Beast is the GOAT
ah yes, sapnap is a small youtuber.
“6 small YouTube’s”
Chandler, sapnap: why are we still here, just to suffer
It’s crazy how I was watching at 50 million subs and now he’s at 104 million congrats
Imagene if jimmy didint put an ending to the parkour and it whent for ever!!!
Like Sapnap needed any money. LAME
Ok love you

Guy: so what did you spend the $1M on, random youtuber?
Mrbeast: just a gaming video.
Guy: WTF!! WHY??
Mrbeast: cuz it looked good on the title.
I want the longer version of this. I’m 33
Children love hearing about facts about dairy in there free time
Yoo video
Let’s go jimmy’s hair is growing back
1 hour and 400k views. This is why sponsors pay him so much lol
Chandler is on a team? I’m predicting this is gonna be a big reveal for Chandler’s new YouTube channel, I’ll edit when I finish the video to see if I’m right.
Edit: so yeah, I might have been wrong
Mr. beast try to play war zone when 10 matches wins $100,000
I thought he hates poor people
I like how he said “these small YouTubers” which almost all of them is over 1 mil subs
Don’t get me wrong I love mr beast but this video sounded so acted and cringy
anyone know what the mod is for the Enderman and other custom bosses?
Delta zombies are just hulks seriously they wear the shorts and everything
0:01 “small” also 1:59 korys acting
Good Vid
hello mr feast mr feast ableeeee
You should do a Fortnite creative building competition
I wonder how many servers mrbeast has?
Good lord the people in this video made me wanna go deaf.
Can I get $1mil???
You mean mrbreat you said f*** homeless people oh to TikTok
“I invited these small YouTubers”
*sad sapnap noises*
Awesome man great video your always great this is nice lmao
I have Minecraft
Thumbs down because of the sponsor. The dairy industry is terrible for the planet. The cows suffer horribly.
At this point you’ve done so many of these.
But I think I prefer the once with a croud, where the crew just gets to mess with them during the challenge.
This feels like a rich get richer situation.
And while both are fun to watch, this is more exclusive.
I don’t know why this suddenly bothers me, but those are just my thoughts on the topic.
This shit is rigged bruh they didnt get a shock wave full on cheated EVERY TIME SAPNAP WINS LIKE HES CHEATING
Why must they repeat everything two or three times
Funny how dream isn’t here
Hi mr beast can I have a ps5
Mrbeeeeast 1000
sapnap annoys me so much
He so famous he got sponsored by milk
Imagine not recycling
I hate you
why are the contestants always so cringe, does mr beast want us to click off or is it this video just targeted to little kids?
This is one of the best videos made On Minecraft I think
Every time I see A thumbnail that says “Giving away 1 million dollars’’ they always give away a fraction of 1 million.
the baby ender dragon literally have genshin impact attacks. Thunder Mansifestation
Omg jimmy isnt bald anymore lol
I guess all youtubers are small compared to Mr. Beast.
This motivated me to study and Kill my friends in MC
My favorite of the Titans in MrBeast Gaming.
great coding but sapnap shouldnt get any money
I call cap. Get me in a video so I can believe it’s real hahahaha
Man got sponsored by milk
actually, lambo’s arent as expensive as people think, so at 300k each a person could buy more than 1 lamborghini, while aventador’s and Huracans are quite expensive, a base model aventador going for between 250k and 400k, but a lamborghini gallardo or base model Diablo easily goes for under 100k
He said last challenge or and then they win like 5 times. Way to go jimmy why even have 1,000,000 max…………..
Sapnap casually winning hundreds of thousands of dollars in Mr. Beast videos
i am lactose-intolerant but thanks to the sponsors ^^
These people sure do seem like “small YouTubers”. Cause you know, having more than 100k subscribers makes you a small YouTuber
Love u jimmy
I wonder if mr beast will reply to my comment
Sapnap small YouTuber
Damn bro how expensive are their computers for this to run smoothly and look good
here before 1 mil views
Kory is probably the most useful one lol
Suscribe to oll Jimmy YouTube for more than 3 years but I never had a chance to participate at any game nor at any video just on my house watching oll the video whenever it’s uploaded
Funny part is that he told to suscribe to win a giveaway + get into his video but I got non an still counting on just wanna see how many years it will take more
Mf is starting to clickbait
Omggg hi jimmy
“These small Youtubers” …. and Sapnap
Holy yo
Yo you guys should make fall guys in real life!
Lier u hate poor people
i eat grass
Ah yes Chandler my favorite small youtuber
best Youtuber being successful everywhere
I do your mom that saves earth alot
hey i like money, could i have some money?
Jimmy you need to shave your head again and then say “I am the one who knocks”
I don’t pollute the earth
Hi jimmy
You should try this with dream pls
*MrBeast uploads a video*
There are many people sad, one is vibing in money.
Mr beast I like your channels a lot I subscribed all dear channels and I posted a like and ring the bell down below
I Just realized that Jimmy got his hair back!
New video yay
How this think cost?
“Small YouTubers” Sapnap literally has almost 4.7 million subscribers
Thx for all the hard work you do for your vids
I reuse my plastic water bottles, saving the earth one bottle at a time
Jimmy, you have hair again!!!
Me: Karl?!?!
Only 300,000 dollars left not that much
Damn Chandler lost again lol
Two words. Skeppy
cap you don’t
No no no
There’s really no point anymore of sapnap having no face cam because Dream has showed his face
Sapnap did not need the money
ah i see why they needed plugin makers now
putting Sapnap in small youtubers
Mr beast hair, noice
you should’ve brought Techno too
i would love to get chanse to chalange in one of those. but i even dont have a PC
This whole episode feels like those ads where people talk while pretending to play games.
Don’t drink milk
Ayo bro I ordered that mf 100m shirt in August and I haven’t got it
the jacked zombies is literally just hulk lol
Yes got it in a hour
Is it just me or do all of these Minecraft YouTubers sound exactly the same
The Kory guy is cringe lmao
1st comment! Get me in there please I’m the next big thing:)
Let’s go new video

Look up I’m good blue now!!!!!
That is Utterly awesome
70:05 Whoever’s reading this, i pray that whatever you’re going through gets better and whatever you’re struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen
Plz reply MrBeast
“Small youtubers”
bro favors sapnap to much
say fuck poor people mr beast
*We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content, he is my fav YouTuber 100%* 66:76
Me with my friends: Guys who ever helps me grind gets 1 dollar
Mrbeast gaming: who ever wins gets 1m dollars
Good morning great people( slamat pagi orang hebat)
since when is sap a small streamer
Extremely amazing how it’s already got of 300k views in a little over an hour. This is how you know this guy’s a legend
Jimmy looks a little ill hopefully he isn’t.
Sapnap whos she i never knew her her yt must me rly small
Those Delta Zombies act like the Hulk!
The others team should get money mrass
I love mr beast he’s so fucking smart . He found a way to write 1 million in the title without it being a lie (clickbait) and without having to giveaway 1 million
Huta Troonta.
One Mrbeast challenge could really change someone’s life
The coding team needs more recognition. They are the real MVPs here
POV your a dairy farmer. I love how you guys have so much fun while playing games. And Karl was Udderly Smooth
Mr beast is growing his hair back
Hey, mrbeast! You should put your friends through “Crackers wither storm mod” It would make for amazing entertainment!
“Small youtubers”
How to get Employed by MrBeast?
Guys can i get some thumbs up? Maybe then i will se jimmy`s answer =)
Sorry fro my grammar (V)_(O_o)_(V)
Im trying to emit more carbon so I can block the sun
these mods are getting more and more insane. props to the team behind them
i know all of those peaceis of sh^&
axept for mchicken
and chanler i know him hes not like kondin
Fuck you you hate poor pepole
“small” youtubers
LOL man i love your videos
This was so epic
Ah so this is what people mean when they say time is money XD
I just realized Jimmy isn’t wearing a hat so that means he got his hair back
Never played Minecraft but these videos always want to make me start playing it
“Small youtubers”
Sapnap isnt small and shouldnt be in the video. Should’ve added marcusk
“These *small* youtubers”
Imagine a Technoblade Boss! That would be so cool.
How did mr.beasts devs do more developing than the official devs lol
Great video
Kind gamers from all around, please help me with a like so Mrbeast will buy me a 4090 );
Yes go Sapnap
I just keep waiting for that last technoblade video
Who loves this channel as much as I do ?
3:48 the ender portal was about to tokyo drift
Let’s gooooooo
So funny how MrBeast says Sapnap is a “small YouTuber”
imagine buying a ring for your mom, tough times in alabama…
An spreen
amazing video, amazing creatures and competition in minecraft. So talented
Sapnap, my favorite SMALL YouTuber.
Hiiii I have a crush on Karl jacbos
Hi I am Big fan I would love to meet you in person one-day and I and one of your subscribers
Heyyy Jimmy isn’t bald anymore!
the title is a straight up
MHM “sapnap is a small youtuber”
Hi Mr beast my friend has a channel and I’m in it I put a comment on OH NO plzz comment on it like and sub ty
love the channel but, this one was a little boring to be honest. Also, kinda clickbait.
I hate Karl and sapnap with a passion
this was genuinely so painful to watch
Try Bobby Playtime Mister Beast
Sorry to ask this but CaptainSACUSE (not to get confused with captain sparkles) is a small YouTuber I think. Could you help him out?
I don’t find many people talkin’ bout him he’s pretty good!
“I invited these 6 small youtubers”
Sapnap: am i a joke too u?
Emotional damage
Man that money shouldn’t go to Rich YouTubers dude
Amazing content
day 187 of asking mrbeast for gifts
sure do love the overly exaggerated reactions from these minecraft youtubers
Mr. Beast I hope to one day meet you. When I grow up I want to do the same thing your doing
Bro plis Spreen upcoming
I eat plastic so turtles don’t have to
Play bedrock
Sapnap every 2 minutes: OH MY GOD
ngl, this is kinda over edited and not even having recorded povs for half of the creators is kinda lame. The mods though, WOW! Whoever is making these deserves a raise, these look very fun!
Small YouTubers ? They have like 1 mil XD