Aphmau SNAPPED in Minecraft!
Aphmau SNAPS when someone makes her daughter cry!
Come take a look at my merch!
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_
====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Zane: https://www.youtube.com/KestinTheVoice
★ Ein: https://www.youtube.com/ChristopherEscalante
★ KC: https://www.youtube.com/c/MegaMoeka
★ Kim: https://youtube.com/user/Megami36
★ Pierce: https://beacons.ai/shado_temple
#Minecraft #Aphmau
Taqs:Aphmau,minecraft,minecraft funny,aphmau minecraft,family friendly,no swearing,no cursing,clean minecraft videos,aphmau has snapped,aphmau snapped,aphmau gets mad,aphmau angry,aphmau emotions,minecraft emotions,emotions mod,aphmau is furious,aphmau daughter,aphmau mom,aphmau family,aphmau revenge,minecraft revenge,minecraft ipad,minecraft heelies,aphmau one punch,minecraft one punch
コメント (474)
So full adults going to attack a child’s feelings girl you need a restraining order
Aphmau it is a amazing mother or mommy or mom she is super amazing and good amazing protector mother good job amazing Aphmau
Is Julia gonna be in more videos now
Aphmau you made me happy when I feel sad and angry and scared
Aphmau you shouldn’t include Julia and more of the Minecraft videos I haven’t seen her since like I think a year
Do KC and zane date in real life
Jess can you bring in Joseph to also Jess your kids are adorable
Also ur so cool when ur a villain I’ve never seen zane so scared
Jullia is cute when she asks to explodes EIN and pieces houses but KIM ZANE PIERRE AND EIN!!!!!!!!! HOW DARE THEY

Mepersonally if I was on that server I could never
Oh my God I smell is a little crazy when she snapped and it’s kind of creepy and scary
Never upset Aphmau’s kids
I just think no one should mess with Aphmau or her daughter so they can play together and have a lots of fun
Love the video!!!! Also the audio on “ITS OVER!!!!!!” Gave me a heart attack
im gonna take out the trash
You should do an episode where Julia is kidnapped!
I be a money of your videos
Aphmau daughter is so cute I just wanna hug her and the way Aphmau got mad was so cool and funny I was smiling the whole time during the time she took down those two
Do y’all hear that voice say that’s really cute? It’s was funny although her daughter is adorable
I started laughing when aphmau dashed at peirce amd ein
That’s what you get Ian
Can i speak To Zane For A Moment?

I never been early!
Day twenty five of asking for my inner demons season two
Cute aphmau
2:00 Aphmau: …IT’S OVER!!!!!
Your daughter is SO CUTE
I wonder what Julia is watching cocomelon
You just did Earth bending
Julia is so cute

i like the new intro and aphmaus daughter

One thing that I’ve learned from the years I’ve been alive is to NEVER mess with a mom. Nightmare fuel im TELLIN YA
GO GET ‘EM JULIA (I hope I spelled it right)
Family you’re just dealing with their big brother
the destruction going on outside
everyone inside:What is going on
Julia:doing nonsense and waiting
4:53 イアン、キム!
I love how when aphmau said I’m just going to take out the *trash* in air quotes
bruh aphmau was the god of mincraft a fuw times imajin if this happend when she had those powers
Hello aphmu I really want a mystery moww moww be cause I have a broken arm
2:21 Aphmau Woke Up And Chose Violence
Why doesnt she to off like this all the time when shes mad she reallt be invincible
Hey everyone we’re all family so if if anyone bullies you just tell me
Dang girl you strong
Your dahther is so cute
2:23 That’s Embarrasing
Can your daughter be in the next one pls I want you and Julia get lost and Aaron finds you and he get you and Julia back to the hub
That weird I hope I can join you and help
Can you bring your daughter again her voice is so cute and she is adorable
I too would also be furious at anyone who hurts my kids. I would even snap so much, that anyone who hurts my kids would get an atomic breath blast to the face.
How do you get car
my mom and fiends tho.
IT’S OVER 2:00
Day 13 of asking for smart ein
what’s A hely
This is what my mom would’ve done if somebody hurt me. lol
More like pissed off
When she aphmau said do you want to go chop some wood or something and Julia was just like um I still have like 20 Minutes left she like ok ok fine
I forgot about her sorry
Aphmau:only ten more min to blow up their houses
Everyone: WHAT!
If Zane found out ohhhhhh sh!t
it’s nice to see Julia again,plus I love how in the diff. battles it showed everyone’s true forms.
Aphmau is that your daughter in Minecraft and real life that is so cute I love to see more video with her
Yeah you go gurl lol good job taking care of them
What is aphmau’s discord name
Julia is so cute, bring her and her sibling more pls, and also I kinda get it, I’m an older sister, and if that ever happened to my siblings, I think that I will react like that. Still no hurting kids, Ein and Pierce
Aw u added her omg she is so CUTE

Me: A typical garroth move….
, ➹𝗧ᵒᵐᵒʳʳᵒʷ×𝗧ᵒᵍᵉᵗʰᵉʳ➷
Don’t mess with a mad mommy
…. You forgot to take the iPad back. To the repair shop
it broken
Do Joseph next
And that’s one way how the dinasours died
Loved it, keep it up, you always make my day
Never mess with a mother and her child
I like when Julia said “ but I still have 20 mins “ it was funny
I am gonna eat those bully’s
Lol when she said these mama bare hands
Zane:I was just.. borrowing it! For safe keeping purposes!
Aph:OH is that all???? I’ll just borrow ur house then safely !
Aph:*Litterly destroys Zanes house with dynamite*
I love it when your kids join you in some of your videos.
Whoever made trash comments about aphmau you might be 3 who this it’s cringe she makes nice content she makes all of are day
Aphmau daughter Julia is cute
Uh oh
. Got it
This was the cutest video I’ve ever seen in my whole entire life

I think aphamus kid is lying the second time.
Who would win Raging aphmau or The us and Russia ?
this is why Mom’s are the best
when kim started flouting i expexted aph to “puny god” her like what hulk did to loki in the avengers
I’m an hour and Aphmau’s vid got 17k like 222k views and 1.5k comments?!
Omg aphmaau daughter os so cutttee!!!
,… I am so shocked that ZANE would do something to aphmau’s kid even Kim no thought that Zane would help aphmau to keep her kid happy and stop who hurt’s aph kid
so cout

My mom

buy a new one me
EIN rule one don’t piss off Aphmau
1 hour late
I love you so much!!!!!!
If I was you I will kill them and also I been with you since 2015
*Aphmau flies towards ein and peirce*
Sometimes I think the vids could be badges off of Jess irl
She is so cute
When Zein said:”yes ma’am”
I died of laughter
saya suka
I love this video!
Bro I like it when aphmau is mad and everyone has to listen to them lollll
Never hurt aphmau daughter
Every veiwer has deid of cringe
My real name is Juliette
And my name is Ayden
No cap. Aphmau should be the final boss of every game.Also, who would win? Shaggy or aphmau
When your name is Julia:
I’m so glad u brought back your daughter how is she doing
Is your daughter is adorable I wish I had a somebody that could play Roblox on Minecraft with me but it’s too late for that nobody talks me to use a chat but it’s okay
Aphmau it has been a long time ever since i saw your vids
I don’t know what i have just watched but at least it was really fun
What a team!
Like mother like daughter (I mean aph being over protective like Silvana)
I want ya watching ask Mel sister to watch her but yes ask
Oh it’s so nice to see julia in a video after so long. Maybe one day we will see Joseph in another video soon, if that’s alright with you.
It was funny when Zane said “Yes ma’am..”

Aphmau’s Mama Bear instincts
Julia is super duper cute!
Prank dum Ein

I’m honestly surprised that Pierce is in the video already considering that Shado and Marissa just got married a couple minutes ago
2:41 aphmau just earth bend
Day 47 of asking Aaron bitten by the ultima
Number one rule with mothers and daugters, DO NOT ANGER MOMMA BEAR AT ALL>
Go queen slay protect Julia
Lesson learned don’t mees with Julia
I am gonna fight Kim to death.
Me only 2 seconds into the video: whoever hert her daughter is dead just going to say it right now like when aphmau is mad she don’t mess around and I mean she does not mess around she’s even scarier than Zane and that is really saying something considering how terrifying he can be when he’s mad
Aphmau snapping is probabl half of what I’d do to my friends houses in Minecraft. And by half I mean HALF.
Aph be like : iM tHe QueeN of rAts a queen rat bite me and i-i *dies* lmao

Your daughter is more important than EIN just annoying give your daughter give your daughter the night light so she can be more comfortable okay don’t trust in anymore cuz KC did not do nothing she’s the sweetest girl on the on the server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!
Julia is such a nice name I think she is 9
love Ein’s reaction and what he says at 00:8. Hehe. LOVE YOU APHMAU! KEEP IT UP!
Kim by the way I love books
I love the way aphmau said she is going to take out the trash
Nice in front of her daughter
Scary to people who hurt her daughter.
1:08 Never make Momma Aphmau angry!
Idk why I laught at ein
me when someone steals my breadsticks
I wonder who made aphmaus Daughters voice
That plush is adorable! I WANT ONE!!!!!
I panicked for a second when I saw the word Snapped
Child: Only gets 39 minutes of IPad.
Aphmua: Games for a living-
It funny when ein said ahhhhhhh

OMG JULIA SOUNDS SO OLD NOW!!!!!!!!!! She is so adorable I just can’t even

To be countiued?
Aww that’s so sweet
aphmau why would i subscribe you are the most wost youtuber i have ever met i will be a youtuber aswell at saturday and i am only 8 years old and i will pres that dislike button every time i see it but i wont only if you stop using those dumb mods and if you stop using them i will click the like button evry time i see
so what is your decision
You should prank damn back you will get regulate on Ein and kim and Zain

This is a bad idea!!
Hey aphmau love your videos
I love this video alone
I love seeing Julia again
Officially terrified of snapped Aphmau
Aphmau snaps and then the cinder theme plays, I mean it doesn’t but it’s what I’m thinking it would be
Oh no aph has became a super Saiyan
You cute

ADORABLE DAUGTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. CUDDLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One day, I hope aphmau lets me in her videos, I know it wont happen but I still believe
btw I love your videos
When she launched at them I Said oh she angry…
Muska Miska Mickey Mouse
I remember your old videos your videos are still great
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay i havent seen julia before she is pretty cute and aphmau <3 her verry much
I can see here fighting like baryon combat lol
What uh does that mean?
Omg she snapped I am saying this before I watched it it’ll be great
I don’t know what snapped means
The only way to keep Aphmau from not snapping any more is if you don’t mess with her daughter or anyone important to her aph Julia is so cute and like kc said you two are so precious

aphmula your getting to angry don’t kill anyone on the server like in and pierce and if you be angry and kill me I’m gonna kick you sup high in the air
Make more videos of the children in it it’s funny when you explode ein and peace
Julia is so adorable
This was my most loved video please do this again but you are so angry that you become a goddess and destroy the server so much that only your house lives and your daughters house
Zane: In my defense I thought it was a horse- I’M SORRY—
Ian what’s the scouter saying about her Anger level IT”S OVER !!!9000!!!
Julia is so cute
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If Aphmau was an elite marine her friends would be like: OMG, Aphmau went full on delta force marine rage! And she’d call in stealth bombers to bomb the whole server.
Mickey mouse
I love him
Zane you are trying to kill a MOM!!!!!!!! Crazy

What’s aphmau’s son name?
Is anyone going to talk about Ein and his date with his gold
! I just have to say that is so Ein. Sorry I can’t spell his name.
11:39 I feel so bad for poor Ein he just wants everything to be a rational talk so that everything can be normal but no body is listening to him well now I might be the first time I ever say this maybe you should listen to him because he actually wants everyone to talk rationally about feelings and things and anger
Doom music starts playing when the child is hurt
I’m deleting YouTube because I keep getting texts about you make videos so I’m deleting YouTube
This video is ssssssoooooo wholesome

How.. old are you
We still love her channel because every time they met with her house she will be snapped and angry nothing angry
Aphmau: *snaps* *and infinity gauntlet appeared*
I know what she meant to take out the trash…..
mack a vidio whaer a person a the sever joins and aphmau pranks the person and the person haz a swareing problim and aphmau tris to not let her dotter hear him
I love how protective Aphmau is to her daughter it’s so sweet and nice great job Aphmau
Her anger mode is high like me because my sister is so annoying she’s rude she blames me about everything she is the worst sister
Coode be in yore videos
NGL this is very confusing
Julia’s Voice in her overalls and shoes she just cute!

You are doomed when she is angry You are basically messing with my God when she’s angry
Your kid is so a adorable
Oh my gosh you’re actually making this today you were one of my favorite Youtubers
I like how when they curse they do a sqeauky sound.
So nice of you make it to like and subscribe and comment our channel bye-bye guys I’m excellent think that I’m excellent oh my God
I want to keep aphmau’s dateher in tfuture videos
Aphmau Thank you for always cheering me up with your vids is there any way to see you,plz
every child’s dream iPad time the best thing in the world
because you can’t stop me I’m wearing a big suit like Zane that you cannot never stop me and kill me and I’m taking your anger away
I love your daughter
I tried to join you but I have mah moms phone
also love your vids
You are my favorite youtuber!!!
This video proves how strong mothers really are.

What did zane tried to say.
Zane is not a friend to aphmau family
Aphmau is a saiyan
I would’ve been snapped and turn into a raging monster
Honestly Aphmau’s reaction is justifiable. If anyone hurt my family I wouldn’t stop at their property. I’d probably start flat out apocalypse, completely destroying their homes and belongings before destroying them, completely leaving them severely injured and breaking their mind and spirit to the point of no repair… yea I’m dark sometimes sorry.
But yea, I’d be like Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail, an unstoppable rage machine with no chance of stopping. Or more accurately I’d be like the Hulk if he can turn into a Titan from AOT, combined with Saitama’s strength, mixed with One for All.
Kind of mean that Jan is always ruining jesses stuff he’s always ruining everything and picking on a kid is not nice
I’m buying your merch it’s really expensive though for my mom and dad because they’re really really broke
Don’t steal from little kids.
When the nice teacher snaps
I said the start short on your shorts channel
Again the MID reference –
She A dinosaur and she angy
Did they not like the child cause I think they do and they started to do some mean stuff to her…
Your the best kicking in but
If Em comes on it it was gonna be game over
En I mean
Oh mah god Julia is TOO ADORABLE
I was on the bus aphmau THE BUS
Aphmau Me and my sister have a challenge which is which 1’s more Scary aphmau/you or Kim Molly votes for Kim I vote for you And this is why You should never Mess with you It’s the worst thing to do If 1 of your friends read this don’t mess with aphmau It’s busy we know her daughter!!!!!!!! If you do then you’ll
18:32 who was that?
Aphmau I love your channel
Aphmau I love you so much!!!! Ive been a sub for 3 years now and im being you for Halloween! Julia is so adorabe and thank you for making my day every day!!!
Wen I saw the notification pop up I actually thought aphamu got thanos snapped XD
Idk about everyone but I love the vids where Zane is overprotective I would love to see more of those vids
I’m happy to see julia again!
Zane anger: destroys Ein/Pierce
Aph anger : destroys the whole server leaving nothing but ONGOING DESTRUCTION IN ITS WAKE
*Moral of the story: don’t mess with Aphmau or her daughter*
Aphmaus POV: Aww she gave me a potato
Julia’s POV : Yes Tame The Angry Beast
You should put more on the pack
Why does this remind me of Jurassic World blue and her daughter
Your daughter is beautiful
Omg yes juliaaaaa
Damn aphmau same like me if them do that kids on the service i with be super duper epic snap and become so evil

In them situation become like: left the game
In v05vi viivy situation become like: emosional out of control & service become crush lag.
Who would you rather face? Zane after you hurt Aphmau, or Aphmau after you hurt Julia?
Zane. Definitely Zane.
Thank you for putting julia in your video
aphmau: wanna chop some wood or something? jeulia(sorry if name spelt wrong): no i still got 20 minutes left
e zane: in my defense, i thought it was a horse
Can u do aphmau is scared in Minecraft?
don’t get me wrong, these vids are good, but isn’t it just a lil twisted that everyone has a crush on aphmau, who has a KID??
Julia voice is so cute
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I was just waiting for her to just explode from the anger
When I read the subtile I was like oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no
Aphmau was freaking raging there and kept her raging a secret from her daughter
Next time can it be hulk smash plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Your family is so lucky love you Aphmau!!
I love this video its my favorite video you are the best
Aph I got the skin pack already I love it!
everybody else get it now!!

They should bring Julia in more, she makes all the vids more AWESOME
you act just like my mom scary
LESON LERNED: GOLD IS USELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can we all agree to never mess with Juia? or any of Aphmaus/Jess’s family
ein expoded us
god I miss mystreet or the roleplay videos


Does she have a real daughter? She sounds cut
Finally a video of Julia please make more with Julia
Aphmau’s kid is so amazing just like her they both like exploding pierce and ein’s house and them and how aphmau is so amazing when she gets angry like….OMG so amazing
ok why is Julia such a cute little potato like aphmau
0:14 noooooooooooooooooo
Oturuyorum Ne oluyor lan arkadaşlarım işkence yapıyorum Minecraft’ta hem de onların Hot cors serisini bitiriyorum yani öldüler gerçek hayattan konuşuyoruz yani sinirim beni Öfkesi bildiğin bana bir taş gibi taş O yüzden beni sinirlendirmemek istedi hemen bana layık at şimdi YouTube kanalının ismini söylüyorum Ahmet Foto Özcan orada seni uyarmak için saçımı hareketler yapıyorum Bir şeyler yiyorum neyse Buradan da bu kadarcık Hadi Git
Julia voice it’s so CUTE
I like it the vid
You turned into a Snapped God
So adorable, must protect
Love see the next generation that will be taking on all the memories of aphmau and Arron even all the way back to the amazing mystreet episodes
Ok maybe
She sounds like a cartoon caractor she is just soo cuttt

Julia is going to be a great kid Aphmau is a great mom
Someone explode aphmau daughter in her house And Broke A Ipad and took her stuff
wait is it me or did she say the F word?!?!?!
Aphmau went super saiyen goddess mode on every body

Tour sun or baby is stoopit your baby

is poop or
You make the most amazing videos I love them so much good work
Does Júlía rollerskate? Cuz í also skate
The A-pex other has com out
I love aphmau videos they are the best videos ever

Yes a skin pack
Hi Aphmau!!! (I hope this makes your day!)
I really love your content! You never fail to entertain your audience with amazing content, and I personally enjoy everything video you create. I just wanted to encourage you and hopefully brighten up your day :D. I understand how time consuming and difficult it can be to create awesome content, deal with a lot of positive and negative comments, and to post daily, and I recognize those efforts from you and the Aphmau crew. Thank you so much!!!
Lesson learnt: Never cross a mothers wraith
Poor Aphmau she snapped
A little angry
7:12 he’s annoyed
I like all these are all like physically bosses from a video game
You watch ethobot…?
Aphmau has a potato of a brain and still she’s resistible to gold diamonds what does she made out of
How do you do the emotions thing like sitting and hugging???????
Ein will save us
Your daughter is so cute
Let’s game it out I know what you did
Yay! Aphmau Daughter is back! to the series!
Love your vids
and miss the role play
*OOOOOOOH When I Saw The Tiltle I Was Like,* ”Me: Holy No One Wants To Mess With Snapped Aph!”

this vidio made me laugh and julias voice is adorable
Wow gust wow
No not the baby
Oh snap
I didnt ser your sster from years
This video is so weird I’m confused
Kim les annoying
How many levels of anger can aphmau go up too?
As she should! You should make a follow up video where Julia is in charge for the whole day as punishment
Hi aphmau I’m a huge fan how do I get into your Minecraft server show me
17:43 “In my defense I thought it was a horse”
How old are your kids now
I got the skin pack it’s AMAZING 10/10
I freakin’ love Julia so much
Seeing Ein in absolute terror is funny
Just take some water…
And cool down hahaha
Te amo Aphmau y amo tus videos
Ayo where Aaron/Jason at??
you made You and Kim turned into chissy wake up and pierce into All Might
Zane is sometimes annoying
For people dumb saying things on bots
*they need therapy*
Who is the dad of the child
Am I the only one who watches Aphmau just for Ein’s scream? It’s so hilarious
darkmatter200: ein did it!
It’s cuz I really want to play with you you’re my huge fan this is my first time chatting with you bye
They should have put an earrape warning for this video
I almost lost my hearing 
I felt it’s actually good that you were super mad because one thing is burst and in Paris they always pick on you like bro to saying thanks he’s the smartest one but he isn’t and three is you are always too nice you need a girl Ingra out of you does it feel nice and I’m not be so mad because one thing is when Aaron‘s around you you’re kind of like that angry I love you girl so that’s kind of good
Why is Julius so cute
Aphmau is pissed
2:00 ITS OVER!!!!!!
Your daughter is so cute

There’s something annoying when grown
good job male, thanks!
Is The Skin Pack On all Platforms? And How Much Minecoins?
Someone respect her by raising kids and a full time youtuber edit: also she has many maps i still remember the old map the one with the huge tree and the houses with a town pond that was used twice
Cute family UwU
Aphmau earth bend from avatar in the beginning of this minecraft video

Aphmau I think this is the BEST VIDEO YOU HAVE MADE YET!!! Please make one like this and make more everyday!!! I am one of your biggest fans! Like this message if you like aphmau and you are also a fan!!!
Zane is now scared to aphmau

The power of mom
The first partsXD
Julia hasn’t been in her videos in forever!!! She is back! And it is her daughter!!!
May I be your YouTube kid aph
I love your videos i wish i could play java with people i dont have a computer to play tho
Was Kim that broke the iPad from your kid
“um i still have 20 mins”
Can Aaron have his turn but when he gets angry he will get so hot that only his family can calm him down
Amazing mother
The way ein was like “….oh” after hitting aph with the sword
Your daughter is so pretty if that is her real voice is so pretty she sounds like a baby alive doll and I love those
Aphmau is a pro she is ver.y nice hahahah I like it haha thinks aphmau for the kitty Angel

And if you like my comment it will really make my day I am you’re number one idol

1s ago San gi his ass beat
julia:*see her mom fly* huh why is she flying
aph: *if i only could i made a deal with god*
Dat a good lesson never bully Aphmau dother or we ar dead
Ten more minutes, what. The start is a short that You used all ready.
Are we ignoring that that at 17:43 zane voice change in to a different person
I love how aphmua kill everyone
i fel the sam as you!!!

Omg Julia is so cute its so awesome to see her again and I hope to see her in more future videos
You’re daughter is so cute and pretty
who loves a new fresh backed aphmau video???????????????
What does snapped even mean
Im a boy
so that’s how zane and kc were in the hive server. They were using skin pack
I hack #######
That was cute aww (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡
i love your videos soo much please do more please please pleeease
Not Zane being scared of her and saying “yes ma’am”
Family guy reference peter Griffin: I just wanna talk to him I just wanna talk to him I just wanna shoot him I just wanna talk to him. *still holding a shotgun*
How old is she <3and I have a little sister
Jess! You should make a family field trip in Minecraft vid but you don’t have to do it but it’ll be really cool! plus i love Julia being back!!
why she is aphmau snappped???
Mmm fire
Can you do a fall video? Watch the movie to know what I’m talking abt
Julia is so adorable, I wish you would do more videos with her.
like mother lik daughter savalna will be so proud
I like your daughter she’s super nice
When Zane turned to a robot the first thing that came to my mind was Hulkbuster versus Hulk lol but anyway I love the video
Secret base!!
I’m sorry I’m two hours late just know if you commented on me that would make my day better
Aphmau can you please show your sister in real life
This is so cringe
Literally an adult pretending to be a baby literally!!
Wow how old is she she sounds really grown up
Good to see Julia again
I wish I cared tho…
Wow This is my favorite video

I’m sorry for being rude
The end is sooooo ssoso0oooo cute btw love your videos
let’s do me my name is aleahpiglet now i want to join aphmau in youtube minecraft

Can guys please make a Star Wars video
Omg your daughter sounds a lot older
18:31 ok thats actually pretty cute did anyone else hear it?
Apmau is super sayen red
Why does he keep on following you
i meet you
Aphmau soon I’m gonna buy the skin pack
I’m actively wishing for your downfall
**Angry Aphmau**
She does need to take out the trash and there name’s are ein and perce
Fire is my personality muhahahahahahaha!!!
Do you actually have a Daughter
What the heck did you say in the start is it inappropriate or not I didn’t hear correctly f word maybe
Hacking Youtbe
Don’t mess with aphmau daughters
How old is she
Play more Roblox and minecraft

Hi hi hi hi
Did aph become a rocket just for her child? Dang, if I have children I’ll become a rocket and destroy the ppl who were mean to my child too! Thanks, Aphmau
I love it when your daughter is in your videos
I got your skin pack and I use it all the time! I begged my mum for it (it took a month)
We saw your daughter before but is Julia the player who’s in this video voiced by your daughter? And does your daughter play Minecraft?
Nice and cute
like the concept

Julia’s back
I love u videos
Ein scream like a monkey
I love this video I enjoyed it:D
When you mess with the wrong protective mother:
I can relate to this kind of reaction
I really like the idea of Julia being in more of your videos, but ofc for privacy reasons she can’t be in every video
I AM LATE! Well not really.
18:33 good ending she got all the stuff back and got potato cupcakes
Your daughter is so cute and your son too
I want you to be my minecraft mom now