WAIT WHAT (Minecraft) #ထ+3
The most cursed Minecraft VIDEO YET !!!!!
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Taqs:minecaft,Among us,memes,compilation,minecraft memes,cursed minecraft,best minecraft memes,meme,pewdiepie,funny,perfectly cut screams,Snapshot,cave and cliffs,glow squid,creeper,dream,dream smp,minecraft portrayed,Minecraft speedrun,Minecraft Speedrun Be Like…,minecraft bruh momment,Unusual Minecraft,1.18,wait what,wait what minecraft,what how,what how minecraft,hol up,warden,1.19,backroom,back room,Allay,Frog,The Wild Update,firefly,goofy ahh
コメント (372)
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Hello your best
Está buena
Ich bin Deutscher! Ich schaue mir alle deine Videos an! (Weil sie sehr gut sind) Möchten Sie die Videos untertiteln? Weil die automatischen Untertitel nicht viel helfen…
First xddd
Awesome as always Not Safe!
Love ur videos about
Continue with your content man it’s addictive
Hello best
I. First
I really like that you continue this wait what “variation” because its my favorite
Steve dragom
A story of betrayal
That good and funny
I love this video with the super Steve
Hh thats was so funny continue with your lovly videos
the perfect embodiment of comedy in 2020-2022

Re added a backrooms
the dream blaze rod section was a witty reference, thank you for that
Dream face reveal: I sleep
Not Safe uploaded:
These ideas are incredibly creative, a real joy to watch.
Idea: Steve throws the sun into the moon and the moon shoots back at earth
Giant Frog eats Stevender dragon: Calm
Stevender dragon blasts giant frog : Panik
Idea: have Steve vs steve wait what videos
what do you hear with friendship? O que ouve com a amizade?
Maybe there should be a mod based on these “wait-whats”.
I think old wait what serias are more interesting ((((
Idea: they noclip into backrooms
Alguien habla español._.
Idea: Stretch a piston forward using two other pistons. Use the stretched piston to make a *really* wide block.
idea: mine two of your friends with a pickaxe to get two item steves and craft them into a steve sword
idea: double chest shulker
Omg tysm for making infinite series again!
Wtf bro wiwueiehqoiqsjehosqhwysgusevxvxldkfjfmejehkjrkrje NICE!
Nosé si me entiendes pero mi idea es que lanse una anderpel al sol y se transporte al sol
Just one singular idea: Steve at the end pulls out a pokeball and catches the dragon and kills you with it
here I install minecraft pirate:
Nooo v,:
*idea: you are about to get attacked by the warden but you switch the version to 1.18 so the warden dissapears*
3:00 Top 10 most heartbreaking betrayals
Idea: Player uses his pickaxe and digs out enderman’s eyes then puts them on his eyes.
Idea: Check my idea in your last video, it was top comment
Steve !!!!!!!!!!!
XD XD Xd x


Omg, This is like a film but minecraft
The only way to stop him at full power
End it all
I’m always excited to see how the eyes of ender are going to be inserted into the end portal frame this time but pushing it together for a narrow version really just made me lose it.
Nice bro.
You are so good at this.
Keep going don’t stop♥️♥️
Grate vid man! Really enjoying!!
Tuff snow golem build like a iron golem
Steve eat frog, then become a stivrog and another player bonemeal the stivrog and make eat a blaze head, tropping the blaze rods
y final malo noooo
this is worse than nightmeres.
ooh one more thing. . . STENDERDRAGON 3:02 / 4:21
luckily you put a watermark because there were people on tiks toks who used your videos and did not give credits
Cool, but is became too… fast and quick? It was better to watch every action being done in a slow, step-by-step pace
Nevertheless, the vid is cool. Last fight was the best.
More frogs!!!
Longer videos please thank you
Idea: 2nd time posting this, guy tries to tame a dog with a bone, but the bone eats the dog and gets a collar instead and now the guy has a pet bone
The end 2
0:10 see ya chump
Idea: Steve holds three Frogs and and Mud and places them in the Wither style and a Frog wither spawns, and rather than skulls it eats every in sight
Make 2 frogs casually eat each other, so they create a blackhole (or just disappear).
HUH [•.•ิ] LOL
i saw dream o.o
I love the infinity videos. Mostly cuz the random insanity solved by random insanity followed up by more random insanity always makes me chuckle.
The Biggest Battle in all history of Minecraft: Frog vs. Dragon
Idea: both steves go into war thunder a totally different game
Bro I still don’t know the lore
Muito bom , continue com mais
Lmao i fckn love these videos fr
100th comment
next is WAIT WHAT #
this is probably the best video in the series
idea: the other steve revives and he is a n a g i t o k o m a e d a
Iron steve 0:03
i love mods cursed

it cursed
This makes more sense than rings of power
Idea: Steve exploring illegars mansion and he meet evoker and eating him then he summon little steve instead of vex
Idea: You get tped to the backrooms but it’s just frog
Congrats on 1mil subs!
@not safe you have reached epic level in Minecraft video production. You deserve millions of views and subscribers!
Idea: Steve puts the Moon on a leash and uses it as a mace to kill a gigantic warden.
The best of the best
Idea: Steve shrinks himself by mining his way out of a frog, and then opens a shulker box. Steve enters the shulker box and it closes on him. When another player opens the shulker, there are two inventories, the shulker inventory which contains a Steve, and Steve’s inventory, which has believable random items and some diamonds and netherite. The other player then steals the diamonds and netherite, and places Steve to return him to normal size.
These are always so creative, I love it. I think my favourite gag from this video was the pushing together of the end portal halves. That’s such a novel idea!
Best one so far
frog uses tongue and grabs itself like the piston
Like like like like like
Cursed minecraft channel
The lack of interruptions really enhances the overall insanity of the experience
Fantastic job, as always!
Bro, your content is so great. Do you actually mod these things into your game, or at least some of them, or it’s all just video editing? Cause it looks very real – like when there was Creer, when he shrinked, there was an old Minecraft texture overlap bug
Please, do a part 2 in wich you wake up on the spown, and you must kill the Steve-Dragon… Plaese…

amazing, woow.
Idea: Starving in the desert, steve eats his own arms.
Then he swaps his eaten arm with his legs
No se inglés (:
3:01 Get ready to have nightmares today
Part 4: Ship Happens
Also An Idea: One Minute They Are On Ground, The Next Minute They Are In A Skyblock.
Idea: Do the piston connecting to piston you did at the end, but instead of doing a black hole it pulls itself backwards and starts spinning around the world really fast and then bonks something into hyperspace
some sort of escape sequence in the end or nether where the characters defy gravity and start walking on the walls or something
Steve finally unleash he’s true potential
0:03 imagine if the iron golem attacked him
Idea: Netherite hoe with sharpness 9999
Bad Ending
The bed armor had me wheezing
I’m speechless, this is so creative and cool, I really enjoy this series and I’m also running out of compliments, help
okay, um…i think it’S a better idea NOT to include dream as a refference in there due to the controversy he’s sparked?
Fue entretenido
-Gets spawncamped by piglins at the portal
-Changes into dream
-Piglins give him everything needed (without even dropping gold) and run away
I love you not safe you only break minecraft logic
Idea: A very long sticky piston pointed towards the sky grabs the atmosphere and pulls it to the earth
Idea: steve drinks too much lava and becomes the sun
Makes him summon the wither storm
Idea: make an iron golem but the blocks are snow blocks so it’s a snow golem but buff
Idea: a frog tries to eat Steve but Steve uses shears to remove the tongue. Then he equips the tongue and eats the frog
I’d still love to see a behind the scenes look on how you do all this. ^.^
Idea: frog eats the sun and explodes or eats the planet and becomes muscular giant or the frog eat the Backrooms and turn into a black hole.
Just when you thought inifinity could’t get weirder…
I didn’t just came up with an idea but with half a script lmao
-Punch an enderman in the face with blaze powder – enderman’s eyes turn and he flies towards the portal (towards an ocean). Then dies of fall damage and drops eyes of ender.
-There is an ocean in the way. Steve throws two fishing rods into the water
-First one pulls out pufferfish which both of you eat – it gives water beathing
-Second one pulls out a dolphin. Steve puts a saddle on it and gets fish on a rod. Both of you take seat and off you go.
-You land at an ocean monument. Steve attacks a guardian with a fishing rod and it drops as item. Steve eats it and turns into a guardian.
-Drowned show up, which get laser-machinegunned by Steve.
-The elder guardian shows up, the curse sound plays with a steve image on the screen (maybe even add a steve effect icon, idk what it should do). The guardian takes damage and dies fast.
We never really had too many water mobs (ok, the frog doesn’t count). So I think a water themed episode might fit for infinity+4
This video is pure chaos
Idea: Steve find a iron golem then the iron golem eat Steve then eat a villager and then the iron golem eat all the world the you are faling and you find a world of iron golem then a frogg appear then the world got eated
Naaaaa this one is extra cursed bro lool.
idea: Steve finds a SUS Creeper and a deformed iron golem and Steve kills them both by crafting an iron TNT and throwing it at a pack of elongated villagers
so many people steal your videos, it must take a lot of effort to make them
my idea steve with double jump for save from the warden and the lava and save your friend and be the bad ending because they die from the backrooms monster on cave
This is my favorite channel
Message to the SteveDragon: You die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
Its a blessing watching this shit at 3am
They are getting too powerful
What song on 0:50 ?
u r so creative mind
steve golem op
Idea: Steve bonemeals the sun and makes it so big, it starts to suck everything up. But right before the Steves die, one of them eats the sun and explodes, destroying the entire world
is there anything else you can imagine a world of Warcraft account number and mounter JB BB cream cheese softened butter and jelly Belly dance and mounter
Idea: enderman steals Steve’s head and becomes Steve. (Or any mob for that instance)
Am “not safe”
Top 10 anime fight scenes
Idea list:
– Craft a giant fishing rod to use on the sun or moon
– Craft a giant hoe that plows the entire chunk
– Enchant multishot on a ender pearl to throw several ender pearls
– Make a wide cauldron with pistons and in the 3×3 cauldron, store in an item like a moon in a bucket
Idea: A pufferfish puts Steve in a bucket and renames him Dinnerbone and then places him and the entire world falls upward but Steve stays still
What’s the name of that epic music in the final boss part? I’ve heard that around but I don’t know what to search for to find it
idea:the ender dragon eat a iron golem to transform in iron ender dragon
This is the most confusing infinite Video
previous Not Safe : really…? (Goes and test)
current Not Safe : Wow Nice Idea
Myyyy minnnde mellty
Idea: frog eat self, blackhole forms and creates chaos
Every day pass, this guys are more crazy
Steve is the living definition of “You are what you eat.”
Idea: Steve eats the player and he has to Mike his way out, making Steve into an item.
Idea : You could have you and Steve in a forest and you meet a wolf, but Steve accidentally hits it, and it makes the wolf aggressive and chase you. But Steve grabs him, eats him, and then turns into a wolf. But you accidentally hit him, and now Wolf Steve is after you.
Postscript : what is the name of the music that plays at minute 3:55?
Why those Enderman are so weak but also interruptive at the same time?? XD
This was to savage for me, i just wanna go home
3:08 Enderstagon
The betrayal here hurts
Idea: Steve picks up a creeper like its an item, yanks off the head like a grenade pin and throws the body at some mobs approaching to attack.
2:30 Logic hahahahahaha
what is the music thats playing called before the outro
Idea: Steve eats a Nether Star and turns into a Wither and goes nuts.
Idea: the Steve jumps on you and is in t pose. then he starts spinning and helicopter helicopter
Hey not safe how are you today but your apple

Fog vs seve
Short creeper
Idea: Steve places his head on another mob’s head and becomes that mob
Cada vez son mejores notsafe
Idea: Have an enderman take the sun instantly making earth ice and all life gone but you, a meteor hit restarting it
Idea: mine steve, craft him into steve seeds, and grow more steves
Wow that’s incredible feels like a movie
That guy looked like a Samari when he had beds on him
I love these videos it always surprises me literally I can’t guess what comes next
3:20 my dreams at 3 AM
I,m 5:00PM join you channel very good Not Safe
My very favourite Not Safe
Idea:(very cursed one) Steve eats a villager the he grow a nose
then his nose goes running and kills all the villagers. Then gives Steve 27stacks of upside down water
everytime i look your video I feel I’m in drug
Idea: Make Buff steve fight against steve Dragon in your next video!!
idea: steve grabs a shulker shell and wears it like a helmet
Nice again
Ахрененно лайк.
just beautiful.
Idea:Steve on the moon exploring it and find an invasion of creeper frogs and I don’t know what else someone completed this
Idea: MrBeast.
I would love to see the backroom footage from the WAIT WHAT #∞ series of videos
Idea: Steve cut tnt in creeper, creeper face is fun
Idea: Steve eats frog turns into frog then eats attacking iron golem
Everyone: WTF…
Me: 1:04 Is it the unused ghast sound?!!
This b!tch empty, YEEETTT!!!!!
0:52 Friend became Dream
Wow it’s very good
Why everything has to be so cursed XD
I’m waiting for ထ+4
Hi not safe you so good in minecraft
Idea: steve crafting drone
Normal day in Minecraft multiplayer
another brilliant work
did no one give a name for God steve
Dream’s speedrun in a nutshell
Idea: steve eats a tree and shoots apples at [X]
1:58. Zombie apocalypse mobile ads be like
I love bingo forest theme
That was absolutely amazing
steve fused with villager and had a baby
Idea: I think Steve should break the Air as a block and then they are born in a world where everything is made of air.
this end was great
Idea: steve builds two iron golems and both of them attack the ender dragon by licking the dragon to death.
idea: Steve enters hell (think about it yourself there) comes out, little gast appears in the upper world, Steve eats him and becomes a big gast who eats the main character.
Idea: Steve makes a herobrine altar, calls him down and herobrine turns all the lava in the nether to water.
With not safe you are not safe
Idea: steve eat the ender dragon and transform to ender dragon steve
Idea: Players finds mountain goat, goat hits mountain and sent flying. Then goat hits players and send them playing and then the bad ending plays.
That’s was insane this episode is insane thanks man
Idea: Steve dies in the fist minute and the rest of the video is just black screen with lacrimosa
Iron golem helicopter, but Steve snaps the golem’s neck
Hahaha, “Dream luck” references are the best.
I am really amazed how amazing your coders are!
This man just has endless ideas
wow…..it’s so nice and cute i like it
the standard galactic alphabet shouldn’t be like that but on android it’s a bit weird
Idea: A huge enderman appears and instead of picking up a block, it picks up a whole chunk.
Кто-нибудь успокойте уже его!!!
Many wait what’s i see
2:06 ok, this guy use the frog eating ability..no, wait..!?
Idea: steve mines nether portal purple whooosh blocks. Shoots them with a bow to targets (a walking tree that is running away, villagers, golems etc.) and they get teleported to the nether
Idea: Steve walks on a hopper and turns into an item (or it’s items from inventory dissapear)
wtf xD the first one wth did i just see
what the hell
*steals helmet*
*says “what’s up”*
*refuses to elaborate*
I want watch good ending
This is the most cursed video I’ve ever seen.
POV: Твой друг араб который узнал про читы
Idea: Summoning a Wither, but you use way too many wither skulls.
Idea:Steve takes an iron golem, throws it into the ground, the earth floor breaks, Steve falls into the nether to find a pig golem, rides it for some time and then eats it
idea: steve eats bread but then the bread army comes and steve builds a lron snowgolem and the lron snow golem when the lron snow golem kills steve and steve use a uno reverse card then they summon the giant enderman and the giant enderman got steve and the giant enderman eat steve and it eat you but steve mine the giant enderman and they beat the game
Go warden+dragon:)))))))))))))))))
Idea: steve uses a ender man to collect the egg and it spawns it under its personal influance and theat said enderman becomes the ruler of the minecraft
I love how he plays fair and only cheats when he turns into Dream
AMONGUS creeper 0:30
Rip creeper 0:40
Steve’s if crafting on ender of eye car 1:21
The true multiverse of madness we deserve
Я вахуи
That was perfect
Idea: When you put a water, steve just jump on the water and fart.mp3 plays and its not actually water. FAKE WATER. and you too. You and him just noclip into the backrooms
Idea:when ender man look at steve steve will be angry
Good end please
3:02 i forgot this music name
This brings a lot of questions in my head
3:55 3:56
0:52 2:12 Steve Turned into Dream
Please, someone give it a quip. ^^;
Oh man please do “what” and “bruh” and the other words your last videos taste nothing
2:34 nooooooooo idea: Steve eats the sun and turns into lava sphere
Idea: Steve eats a frog and becomes a frog and eats the village or the world
Youtuber ‘Dream’?
Bad ending(
Wtf what!!!!!!!!!!
Earthbaund: Am i joke to you?
Op bro
2:25 – 2:32 on of the most cursed one
3:00 ok no that is the MOST cursed one
Ok now I need the good ending
That friend of your is sus…
Nahraj o spidermana
Daj mi odber
Tony happy dog

Спасибо за контент)
4:04 Thanks for the Shoutout Bro
@Not Safe
in Poland we say “Sraka” in moment like this.
is that burnt toast i smell?
1:03 affectionate.scream.ogg
Boooooooooooooooo bad ending
Not Safe, where have you found minus of song on 0:49? Or have you written it by yourself?
Wow brooooooooooooooooooo……………….. Unlimited
Most epic cursed minecraft video
Heh bro, this is really funny moments thanks you for this is videos.
this is the WAIT what most strange I never seen!
Самый непредсказуемый автор на всем ютубе
When you download a pirated minecraft version and you see this:
Do I have the right to be terrified
Ukraine cool
i have and had no idea what was going on
İdea: mutant creper attacking you you are looking for a solution.
2:50 that’s how reactive armor on t72s t80s t90 woeks.
That’s Steve ate everything and didn’t have poison or got filled.
Now show me the good ending
2:40 Logic
good vid
My brain is burning

good edit and good videos
Make frogs eat portals
wtf did i just watch
I like these continuous story ones, i think they’re better
The series biggest enemy: The blind enderman.
IDEA: I want an epic battle against the blind endermen (not happening, I know).
WAIT WHAT: The Story mode
Coming soon to cinemas…
my brain is ded
Frog eats a star from the night sky and becomes a wither, which drops a star and not a nether star?
Good idea
with each new video the stories get crazier
Idea: Steve makes his Arms Long and brings jesus from the Sky eats him and becomes God
What if part of it was in the backrooms
Idea: the Ender Dragon will take Steve and you on a ride to end city.
Ending very cool
I have many questions
Good bravi
1:38 is this pet racer music??
3:00 top 10 anime betrayals
Make steve eat a frog before he goes to the end then when he gets to the end he eats the ender dragon there and then he eats the portol and after eating the portal he eats the whole end dimension
you should’ve added backrooms at the end
1:10 “Steve has completed the challenge: Return to Sender”
If we need a Minecraft movie, then this is the perfect one
Idea:- The other Steve kills the warden by its own ranged attack
I like how you are working super hard on this videos to make it the best of best.
My fatal request:- Can you please make your Skywars stuff back? Please, I want it the most. If not no problem
The true face of Steve