Becoming FLAME APHMAU in Minecraft!
Aphmau becomes the FLAME VOID to save her friends!
Come take a look at my merch!
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_
====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Zane: https://www.youtube.com/KestinTheVoice
★ Ein: https://www.youtube.com/ChristopherEscalante
★ KC: https://www.youtube.com/c/MegaMoeka
★ Kim: https://youtube.com/user/Megami36
★ Noi: https://youtube.com/michaelazekas
★ Pierce: https://beacons.ai/shado_temple
#Minecraft #Aphmau
Taqs:Aphmau,minecraft,minecraft funny,aphmau minecraft,family friendly,no swearing,no cursing,clean minecraft videos,becoming flame,aphmau flame,aphmau saves kc,aphmau is on fire,aphmau becomes flame void,flame void,lava void,aphmau is dying,aphmau falls in lava,lava skeleton,nether skeleton,aphmau nether,fire dragon,nether dragon,aphmau is frozen,minecraft frozen,ice dragon,ice mod,dragons mod,netherite,minecraft snow,minecraft winter
コメント (470)
I love your vids
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaas I love your videos I have a aphmau bed set I have an aphmau soft blanket and I have an Aron hoodie
How are u so good at everything and ur editing has improved so much u go girl
I love your videos
I love to watch your videos
What a good friend zane
Idea do a non roplay
Ein cough Ian cough
Jessica can you please make a season 2 for my inner demons void paradox and diaries rebirth I watch my inner demons 6 times I really just a season 2 for those please im sure a lot of us also wants a season 2 for those
Wait dream is on aphmau ummm -_- WHEN DID YOU START WATCHING DREAM?!?
Great video, as always.
Guys, unfortunately this video had become a target for bots, if you see any hateful comments, that is most likely a bot. Report them immediately and do not reply to them. Come on it’s so simple.
Maybe Aphmau should do a video of Aphmau is the weather changer in Minecraft and even Aphmau is the dark moon witch
OmgI love ur vids and I’m subscribed
For your nex vid you should be earth APHMAU and theres earthquakes and your friends get eated in the ground and you save them
my kids love you videos
I love the video
Apmau Cant you do a viedeo like me live als a Powerfoll kid
I love youre Storys aphmau
Kim’s outfit looks good in blue
Day 103: I have a question regarding MyStreet and Minecraft Diaries. Will you be continuing these series?
Hurricane Ian is here and I’m in zone c and it says to evacuate zone c but I don’t know what to do

Aphmau keep improving your work is beautiful

What about for a next video monster aphmau maybe
I love the smiles videos she’s so good I don’t know how she thinks of it

Man it’s been an void aphmau and now a fire aphmau I hope it’s going to be a water aphmau
Undertale Undertale Undertale Undertale Undertale Undertale please please please please please please please please please please please please please
ooooo i hope you do a water version itll be like experiencing nya in seabound all over again
do earth
That was a red stone golem for Minecraft dungeons
I cat wait to watch
Itsfunneh fot a snow queen
I love Aphmau‘s video she makes such a great contact
Hiiii I don’t know what to say
If zane had flamethrowers that whole time why didn’t he use those to warm up the server
hey aph i wanted to tell that….. skyline is copying you…. remeber when you made a video where you couldnt stop crying she copied that and remeber the video where you couldnt calm down you were just angry SHE DID THAT TOO GIRL GET REVEVNGE IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME WHEN TYPE ON YOUTUBE APHMAU VS SKYLINE AND YOU WILL SEE SO MANY VIDS OF PEOPLE ON YOUR SIDE AM ON YOUR SIDE GIRL GET REVENGE
So baby like videos you posted

Everyone give a nice clap bc she’s been sounding like SOMETIMES OKY SOMETIMES- anyways she’s be sounding like she’s been through a lot. Like how ppl r copying her skylin said she was gonna stop copying but she’s still doing it and someone else is copying her (I forgot the YouTubera name ) but yeah I love u r vids aph and I love that u r funny and kind I hope I can meet u one day good luck on life and live a good life

Joe mama it’s fall

Will she be okay
Can you do a Halloween video in Minecraft please I want to see it I think everybody want to see it because it’s almost Halloween I mean Halloween is coming
I just came back from school and I went straight to ur channel thanks aph for making new vids everyday
Pov: climate change
This video is a sequel to Void Aphmau.
Hello I’m a fan
Oh no! Aphmau’s mad again!!!
The only thing is that I hate from Zane is he’s ass
Can you do a evil ice queen please
Love ur outfit aphmau
Was that dragon saitens dragon
10:26 and 10:27 and 10:28 and 10 :29 and 10:30 that when all the parts that when ein laugh like this:hehehehehe
Love ur videos!!
Omg are u the one and only

I like fire more than ice
Early aph hey
Guess what that’s not true I make tick-tock videos and I like this
I got here 55 minutes ago!!!!!
best Video ever
This was a great vid thanks for making my day!!
5:54 nah she just making soup out of cats water can still boil
I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!
Aphmau I have a great idea for ur nex t videos can u be a water aphmau? And love ur vids stay ◡̈⋆ⒽⒶⓅⓅⓎ
⠀ □□ □□□
。 / ☆+
( +☆
Bruh dream
nice wingless Ender Dragon
Your awesome youtuber and I left a like on your video
Please see this aphmau
This is good
I don’t know why but when I saw this I i thought that it should be called firemau meaning fire aphmau tbh keep up the good work I love all the effort you put into these videos
The dragon died and then they respawned it-
I think Ein and Pierce’s idiocy is rubbing off on Zane.
Wait how is she on fire if she’s made out of it?
That i call feel fire
get it free fire
Wow what a cu ins I dents that I was dieing of coldness
Love it Aphmau !
56 Minutes Ago
I love the thumbnail
Please don’t let my grandma die or my mom. Oh my granddaddy or my brother

next video title
Aphmau becomes CHROME
Hey she finally updated her nether
At 8:21 when Aphmau said there’s a fire monster I was only about to scream IT’S A PHOENIX NOT A FIRE MONSTER APHMAU
All hail Fire Aphmau
I love all of your videos. your videos fill me with hope and happiness
It not a fire monster it a Phoenix :/
I don’t have TikTok??
What if you do reading my friend’s diary in Minecraft!
I really hope the Cartoon Cat Minecraft video is doing amazing!
What about ice or water ask Mel
I feel that zane is turning to Ein bc he left aphmau
I love your videos
Can u please do a Cartoon Cat Minecraft Video please?
I agree its nice
ah yes, a very effective way to commit arson
Wow is tant à lava dragon?
Thank you aphmau just got back from school Your video makes me smile ill watch every time I can I am a Student I will continue to Watch you every time I can. You Make me smile every time I watch one of your video’s Thank you for being The best Youtuber Ever!
My english is very bad (i brazilian) but yours videos. I just love
they always make me laugh and forget about the bad things. thank you very much (quero que cresça muito no YouTube)
I love your videos
hiiii aphmau my signo is dragon!!!:)
Aphmau I love your videos. keep up the amazing work.
Shouldn’t Zane know where everything is in the nether since he always has netherite?
I watch your videos all the time
I watch you went I was 6 and I am 17

I have a memow :>
Do water next
I love aphmau she is one of the nicest person I know and if she isn’t your favorite dose not mean you talk behind her back like that it’s rude and she desevers is kindness
Love it

Well said
Aphmau, there is a comment and it says that is dream I don’t know if that’s true or not but that’s not the point do not go into his comment section there is a hateful comment in there or two I don’t want you going to look at it cause I don’t want your feelings being hurt but even if you do, never believe them, so many people love you for who you are and don’t let anybody say otherwise, keep doing your best
Love you and your vid’s
Long ago the four nations lived in harmony but when the
fire nation attacked everything changed
I like your video I watch them 24/7
Everyone who says there content is better than Aphmau then you people egos are stupid she makes the videos for entertainment so you people who are saying that if I was on your channel I would dislike and report you to YouTube so shut your remarks and leave here alone
A very unique and funny video Jess. But overall carzy video Jess and everyone you all made my day and have a great day too.
I’m here hello
I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!
The path of the flame has chosen their warrior yet again
Would like to see Ein be nice to Aph for once
Isn’t nd I can KC

Fake dream he has no videos
I’m laughing from eins pocket TNT oh no my pocket tnt
Zane always had a thing to say
like common Zane always thinking things are unsafe even thought sometimes he makes the server unsafe also even though it’s just a script
Aphmau I love your videos
I Love your Videos aphmau
I love you
I got a me meaw plushe
This aphmau is on fire
Aphmau your looking hot~ Ein
I love your videos

You guys made this one hour ago I was so close but I was at school
Do Water, Earth, or Air Aphmau, please!
I love love love love and more love this video!!!
Very good
What the heck dream
You are the best .I think you should made more adopted by viedos
You know potatoes are vegetables
Drem I hate tik tok
Last time it’s Void Aphmau, now it’s Fire Aphmau, is it gonna be Water Aphmau next time?
4:06 I was frozen today.
How does the fire become a part aphmau keep up the good work

Aphmou thank you so much Because of you my best friend is so happy that I can get amazing birthday gifts for her I can see why so many people love you
It’s really cool!
I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!
Aph your the Best you tuber ever
Aphmau can you become snow aphmau pls
aphmau tell zane this {ZANE why do you have a crush on KC? do you like cats?

} can you do 100 days as orange or Red?
the video should have been called “flaphmau” flame Aphmau, and I like that you started in the nether, that’s different, that hasn’t happened in a bit, just the nether in general lol, and I like the redstone golem in the beginning two, Minecraft dungeons reference lol
Aphmau please Has un ice Aphmau o one poison Aphmau please Aphmau yes
Where is mac & cheese I haven’t seen her in a long time
Could You A Female Snoring Curse In Minecraft,Roblox, And Among Us With The Entire Aphmau Squad
You are the best I love your channel so much!
Who’s your dream
Im an hour late
I enjoy your videos aphmau I wonder what other powers will there be: water,earth,air
soo many options
Now ik that Aphmau post videos at 3 am
im so lucky to have sukan so that we have to be at school early
Like the sap
No you need to do a earth aphmau
I just came up for lore for this video here it is: The ice and fire dragon were fighting for ages until the fire dragon was defeated when aphmau fell through The lava she came face-to-face with the fire dragon the fire dragon in its Last moments gave its power to aphmau while she was gone The ice dragon took over the server turning everything to ice and snow two elements bound to fight each other The more the ice dragon conquers The bigger it gets in the stronger it gets but aphmau used all her power to finally destroy the evil ice dragon. Hay but that’s just a theory a game theory thanks for reading. — Game theory would be proud.
Aphmau can you do more videos on hacking and stuff

I love you aphmua <3
Hello aphmau

Hi absolutely love your videos I’ve watched almost every single one!! But I have a question WHERES MAC!
Dont hurt the phenox (fire bird) its apart of nature
All you are so blind
aphmau is soooooo overrated plus she acts like a fool in her videos 

Wel drim spit traner 100 orang aku dan You 2 isran
On 2:37 ein:oh aphmau your looking hOT
Anyone notice Zane’s mouth was above his mask?
Can Zane see with one eye?
I just love how when I get a notification that someone liked My Comment
And your YouTube videos are amazing Aphmau
You should make a video where the my inner demons enter the server
Can anybody tell her that rn tho I love the vampire videos the best comment down below if you like it too!
I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!
Zane is too dumb lol and it so cute
Kim: “Dragon! Dragon! Rock the dragon!”
Me: “DragonBall Z!”
She is doing a good work i love how ein say oh your hot lol btw keep up the good work we love you aph
10:09 “Not now Ein!” -Noi

Not watching ur videos when they are being posted is death
Aph becoming the avatar over here lol
She makes everything about herself not a word about Zane KC Ein Noi Aaron Pierce not a word
But Pierce wasn’t in the video.
my hedfone broke so i got to get a new one i cood not watch your videos for 10 days
What happend to mac
Why is ein stealing all the gold
Cool. Probably the next one would be becoming galaxy Aphmau
Come here dream
Call thr flame dragon
I want to see air or water
love your channel when im sad it just makes me laugh
I know you made this video 1 hour ago but I’m excited to watch it
This girl is on fireeeeeeeeee
Aphmau u is the best Minecraft YouTuber
I watched this an hour ago but forgot to comment ;-;!
I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!
I miss the old aphmau that posted minecraft but something but now
she just post aphmau is something
Who’s watching this wile it’s actually cold?BECAUSE ITS ACTUALLY COLD! BRRRR
Great vids Aphmau!
Pls make become water next
This is so interesting
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So much views so famous
Awesome vid!
Aphmau I drew you in school
My sister mya love
Do more gods mod for Minecraft
Only who wants this on tick-tock gets $1 billion My mum got $1 billion
i can believe i saw this sec lfamo this is really good i miss aph old roeplays
I love it ahp
8:49 *gasp* Its corn
I like these kind of videos
I thought zane was going to say 5×2
Kill the snow dragon
You are the best I watch you every day and always wait for your videos don’t let anybody mean make you stop posting your videos
Day 8 of having time travel in a episode
I know she like like win so can she gonna your server
Is any some nerd because he just want to fix everything fix everything he’s stripped a nerd
all aphmau needs now is to turn into water,earth, and wind aphmau and she can become avatar aphmau.
Wait this video was 1 hour ago
I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!
Pro: gets super strong fire powers
Con: removes all warmth and room temperature temperatures from everywhere
Con: permanent night
Con: growing mobs
Con: your powers are uncontrollable
Con: you have to lose your powers to stop the eternal winter
Wait is that really dream?
Fire-Mau (1:38)
Play fnf vs mouse
Make a ice aphmau video
did anyone notice the dragon didnt have wings…???
how did it fly??
I love your videos
L, Zane is a nerd
that is not cool that is so stupid fire is ganna coss Caiyose
bye beach
Ein’s spirit mob in minecraft is the piglins because he loves gold
This is cool
When will you do Season 6 of Mystreet it’s been 4-5 years since you posted the trailer plz post it I have been eating for years
I think aphmau makes perfect videos dream I guess you are a hater of aphmau
aphmau never fails to impress us
I got your aphmau doll
Hurricane ein is coming for me tomorrow I am scared but you make me feel like I’m happy and safe
Ahmau I hate you so much besch
Ein has a crush on Aphmau
You look fire
The hericans name is ian
Make a ice Aphmau
One hour ago
LOVE the video now all you have to do is turn into the other elements and the BOOM AVATAR aphmau love you jess
Why do i think Ian likes Aphmau
Yay another video
Aphmau …if you read this comment in your next when ein bullys you and Zane and Aaron comes to take out the trash before Zane and Aaron gets there tell ein when he explodes your house tell him that ein is dumb and stupid and a Doodoohead
Hi Aphmau, I know you aren’t going to see this, but I just want to say that if you could make an explanation video about what happens in Mystreet Season 7, then me and others would be relieved to know what happens.
To do a ice cream versus fire queen battle with both the Kings at each other’s throat oh yes me and Nehemia
*gets flamethrower*
I’m Virgo so I can help I’m nice but I have very strong opinions like you and ein need to get along for once Ein sad
and also its time for dog dominance and I can help not in the video but with chat I can tell how to help others better than you do plz if anyone agrees with me reply
I’m not seeing any bot comments yet and it makes me so happy
Will there be one day when Ein cares about anything else other than gold?
Fire u doesn’t exist
Can you do a aphmau fell in love with noi or noi fell in love with aphmau please
I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!
Aphmau if you see this do you think you can do games like move or die with Andy or do more with kitty
This is their way of saying “Summer is officially over”
I’m so sorry I couldn’t come because school I hate you school anyway I like the idea of Aphmau the avatar
Albany is the best and I mean thee best!!!
Can you pinned me plsss

A Redstone fire-breathing golem
You should make video of you being pregnant and you are the only one to be pregnant or make aaron pregnant or maeby make Kim pregnant
I saw this video yesterday aka before it even came out as a thing on the main screen of the YouTube aka home screen
Love your videos keep up The amazing work
Hi Aphmau! I love your videos and I am finally early!
Aphmau your looking *Hot*
Goofy ahhh
Meow meow
This is an ever winter without mercy
Sorry me late and wow I love how do u do it!
I love your videos
She needs to be elaphmau
Aphmau is now a god
Asphalt I’m your biggest fan ever
I guess she is gonna be ice ahpmau next
Hey wait a minute! is that a phoenix? I heard of a phoenix according to legend the fire of a phoenix can be as hot as the sun itself!
Does that mean there’s a water aphmau and earth aphmau what about wind aphmau the elemaus
Aphmau needs to get ein back of stealing everybody gold
you bitchk massive flame + water is steam
My friend says that aphmau videos are only for girls so if you are a boy that likes aphmau say that in the comments please so then I can prove my friend wrong
Magma aphmau
Is that fire bird from Roblox?????
Aphmau I’ve been a fan for a while I love your videos so much I especially like your try not to laugh videos there so funny bye
That is a phoenix
I watch this in 2 hours
Tysm for making the video..
I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!
Cool ciseos aphmau
I like how aphmau add the yeti mob and the snow queen boss from the twilight forest dimension mod
Who’s your fav best friend aph zane or KC
2:40 How come your not cold Ein? Your skin is light blue but your clothes are not (even though they are the color blue)
I love all the hard work apmau puts into each video she does
Bro, I feel like she’s running out of ideas
Ngl I’m not say I have better ideas but like she didn’t change the outfit although she’s GREAT at designing Minecraft avatars, and all she did was change the color and the texture of her character.
I know you might not see this but you inspired me to be kind to people even if they are being mean to me
(My Irene)
3:50 Kim??
Ein with his Goldie hoe(remember Goldie Ein’s hoe)
It took me so long just to find this. Video
You’re so cool I can’t stop watching your vids

First void second fire
4:48 Get out
6:58 Okay that was too much obvious bruh
My friend told me you could win a finale and you’re allowed to go on a small worlds
More like a fire Drake or lava salamander
all aphmau needs now is to turn into water,earth, and wind aphmau and she can become avatar aphmau.
Please Zane everyone knows you’re in love with KC!
So true
me at the start: i wish SHE becomes the fire dragon! because whats the point if there dragons?
2hrs ago it says ?
Aphmau u should put your name as flameua cous u are fire and Aphmau right?
Can you make a video that everybody has siblings
8:36 Po-ossible?!
9:56 Drama King
10:47 Kim, KC, and now Noi! Who else, Pierce?!
11:55 It’s a dragon, and now Zane is now ice
Can you do a water one?

Have Ice Aphmau next!
Aphmau is the lavas for Zane c
Snow! The only way noise has a better is going well but it’s ein love Aphmau but I’m sure she subscribe?
Zane your such a backstabber
Aphmua video is the best
Kim is savage when she is fights
Remember that that video that that Einsaid that he liked ahmau
I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!
Be come lighting aphmau
I’m a big fan I’m on my mom’s I don’t know why this is hers but I’m a big fan my name is Bo and I’ve been trying to subscribe on my TV but whenever I try to like And subscribe and ring the bell my TV it never works please respond back to this and hey I know who dream is
I am a fan omg cute u and sweet
Ask Mel stop speaking in 3 person
This girl is on fiiiirrrrre
please bring back your vlogs o human fall flat videos even tho you might not see this even tho you wont be abel to make as mean mincraft vidos but do what makes you happy
Plzplzplzplzplzplzplz make a new seris
To make ultimate aphmau. Void. Fire. Water. Dark matter. Nightmare. Air. Earth
It’s sad how Zane just left and took kc
I love your videos so much you are the best so much you are the best Aphmau oh yeah can you please make a Minecraft video has a baby unicorn for 100 days and trying to get adopted
How do you get these mods? They’re really cool!
Hi aphmau
why does it say, “becoming gay in minecraft”? lol its true
13:33 For the last time Ein, STOP STEALING PEOPLE’S GOLD
13:51 Well good thing your already starting to become ice
14:16 I spoked to soon then
16:47 Noi Seriously
18:25 Ein why did you have pocket tnt??? 9/10
Why did aph grab a plame thrower when she literally a flame thrower her self
HAHAHAHA jess, wow furry and lost 1000000000 brain cells
I’m suddenly reminded of the Velkhana from Monster Hunter World at the word ice dragon.
Aphmau video is the beast, Aphmau you are the beast
The fact Zane just jumps to the conclusion that Aphmau is posessed by a fire demon right after she saves them is hilarious.
Dream hush your mouth because aphmau I put all her hard work into this I f you have nothing good to say hush
I am in the Super Duper to do but Cooper from a BCD free for frustrated mood watching this
Hey aphmau can you make a animation about you being coiled by kaa from Disney’s jungle book?
Such a cool vid!!!! Btw I’m your biggest fan!!! I love your vids
I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!
Wait this is flame aphmau but do you remember void aphmau
One day could you do a tour of the server pls and keep up the good work
What happens to McD and mystreet?
Wow Zane your a real friend

half of the time Zane is trying to protected aphnau and now he just left here to die in lava
Aphmau Please can you anser this Please i have one question where do you get your mods and what mods??? Please Anser!
“Nether” or not eins favorite thing is gold
4:05 That’s a joke I haven’t heard in YEEEAAARRRRSSSS
APMHAu i just figured out what ur doing ur making elements of you
I need to cmmt
Aphmau needs earth and wind. snow. water. fire.
yeah right?
The monster at the hub was a phenix
Third time you did this..
Hi Aphmau your my favorite YouTuber i love your videos my birthday in 9 days
and i was hoping for a happy birthday
its a YouTube theme party and im coming as you

My real name is olga im using my moms phone

I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!
I made a short of something with you aphmau
Video ideas
1. Aph goes insane in miencraft
2. Aphmau gets spoiled in miencraft
3. Aphmau gets tickled in miencraft
4. Aphmau is shy in miencraft
5. Aphmau is happy in miencraft
6. Aphmau is spending time with her friends in miencraft
Please use atleast one
Ily Aphmau
My Favorite part is when noi said
Snow queen?
Only people who didn’t come from TikTok are worthy like this
How did you come how how how how I am the biggest fan of dream I am the biggest fan I am the biggest fan of dream
Can you put the mods in the description pls
I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!
Me: clicked on this video *sees Dreams comment* Me again: goes to watch Dream
You always make everyday awesome aphmau!

That is not a fire golem, it is a Redstone golem 0:42
That’s a fake dream
I’m pretty sure flames can’t shatter ice I think that’s melting
But good work love your vids
I miss her old content so much
Please please please please please please please sponsor me I’ve been watching your videos for over 8 years and you’ve inspired me I’ve literally been watching your videos for 8 years I watched every single one that’s been uploaded please sponsor me notificate me when your next videos uploaded please I’ve been waiting for the right time to give you this message cuz it’s been 8 years for me to build up the courage to actually send you this message please sponsor me

I love Afmal
cringie as hell
0:03 I gotta find these mods ASAP AND I MEAN ASAP
She needs a video we’re all her powers
I love all the hard work apmau puts into each video she does
YAY hi!
Why does Zane have to be overpertected on jess
Ein: you’re looking hot!
Aphmau: Sorry i’m married.
Ice water earth wind darkness lightning so many more elements
Ein why do you have attacked county
with your water it’s Hurricane
i Love you’r videos so much
Hi aph I am sick today and watching your vids make me so happy also I sometimes watch your vids in my tv ummm so bye<3
Super Hero
Great job aph!!
Do a video about being a skunk
Just follow friends
The next day…
Ha catcicol
Hi hi jess
Bgdxgt ghfjhggddjsjhy2yuufdjkgshwnfjrfdfdwaroyit

nobody noticed the horse staring at ein
Avatar aphmau is the avatar after Kora lol
Air apmau