I Built a MEGA MINING BASE in Hardcore Minecraft 1.19 Survival lets play (#22)
fWhip Built a MEGA MINING BASE in hardcore Minecraft 1.19 survival let’s play! Click the LIKE Button if you enjoy!
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#Minecraft #Hardcore #Letsplay
Taqs:fWhip,minecraft hardcore survival lets play,Minecraft 1.19 hardcore survival,minecraft 1.19 hardcore survival,minecraft 1.19 hardcore survival lets play,minecraft 1.19 hardcore lets play,Minecraft hardcore 1.19 survival,minecraft hardcore lets play 1.19,Minecraft 1.19 Hardcore mining base,Minecraft 1.19 Hardcore mine,I Built a MEGA Mining Base in Hardcore Minecraft,Mining base Hardcore Minecraft,hardcore minecraft mine,hardcore minecraft mining base,mining base
コメント (210)
Everyone better sub
Yay! Another episode! I love this series!
First XD
Yeees finally
This is so underrated
It’s Fhipping time!
Hiii your awsome your perfect
First person yay
Yesss! Another video!
hope im first
Im too early
You just made my day
Hey! First
Mega mining ??
Woooo fWhip video
makes my day
Going to be an amazing video!
I love your vids!
So excited but I have to work now
Lol none of you were first
When your new videos pop up on screen my day gets immediately better!
Make a maga cave that holds the the dragon dododooooo
Thanks for this fwip!
i love how both the smp and the hardcore world seem to reflect fwhip’s interests in minecraft – farming and mining! awesome episode as always <3
been waiting for the uploads…
How was your honeymoon
69 views in 1 min
How is there 4 views and 139 likes?
Hi fWip! Your buildings always inspire me to build in Minecraft, and I hope to become as good as you are one day. <3
Bruh not even 1 min and there’s over 30 comments
Yay! I’m early finally
I love Fwhip’s use of gradients in his walls
As always, Fwhip serving up epic builds
this is amazing
Damn I’m early
This guy’s content is solid gold
love you fwip
Yoooo I’m early this looks cool so far
I bet this is gonna be epic. I always love ur builds!
I jump on the notification i loooove your videos <333
Love your builds
You need to make a wither skelleton Farm to get a few more beacons
Love your videos
I missed your videos! Hope you are having/had a good honeymoon!!!
Cool, amazing video
Love your vids
I wish I could build like you
you are my fav youtuber !!!!!!!!! All your videos and builds are epic and i am so happy for you and your new wife!!!!!! I hope your honeymoon is great

Love you fwhip
i just noticed the giga tree roots are on top of snow
pls master of double layered dirt fix the tree
I watch this video in 11:00 pm
New upload
When I see that you have posted a new video my day goes from
Love dem hardcore mc season videos
Great build, fWhip!
Fwhip da goat
He’s back!!!!!!
8 minutes.
i was here in 8 minutes and there are 77 comments
What’s you’re recurces pack. It’s beautiful
Fwhip?! What are you doing here? Sausage said you were in a dimension called Honey Moon
based off how much he has already acheived in this world, I can’t imagine him dying, would just be depressing
I’ve been waiting for a new video this channel is one of the things keeping me happy since my dad died
i see those amazing builds and understand ı am soo lazy to play any game
how Meny days is this
Another epik Minecraft video
Please go to empires smp
Welcome back, fWhip!
Hey Fwhip! This may sound crazy, but I just wanted to say that raw iron ore looks like the cobble version of the mud bricks which could look really good with your more brown builds.
I swear that whenever I’m dedicated to cleaning my room the BEST YouTube videos come out

5:50 dragon ball reference
Fwhip all those fields need farmers to work them, you should build up some farmhouses and a tiny farmer’s market to fill the space
Love this, but I hate he blocky stones
Love your Videos <3
I thought he was going to make a river
Kind of sad to see the material gathering area to leave
Your videos are amazing! I really love it
Hey FWhip

Amazing episode; no big deal lol
Hope you enjoyed your honeymoon
Fwhip. If there was any space left on the quarry wall, you could build a bunch of champion/miner statues to add lore and character to the build, like Goron City from Legend of Zelda breath of the wild.
Hi fwip
Man I honestly wish these type of videos we’re like 1 hour long because they are so good to watch
Nice world
Fwip how could you cuss?!
it looks like the prison luffy is kept in, in the land of wano
Realy cool video
I absolutely adore your build style! May you never loose your hardcore world!
For a bit more immersion in the quarry you could add a barracks type building full of stone masons that are working the quarry
For the empty sections in the cave u can fly make dark tunnels gold mines and villagers working in the tunnels the stone masons the area will take shape !
so much panic struck me when he lit the tnt by accident in the hole
Omg you’re crazy doing this on your honeymoon
it was absolutely amazing, nothing else to say but great job !
Just me or does FWhip Sound a bit different? New mic or sick?
Hey fwip! I love this hardcore series but. I was wondering when the next empires video will come out?
Wow This one is much better than the previous world
For a moment I thought this was gonna be the end of this hardcore series. Awesome video!
Hands down the best ytr
I’am a Hungary

Make a Nice end portal
You should make a big pathway from the quarry to your dwarven city to show that it’s bringing things to all of your cities. Love the vids!
You’re one if the hardest grinders in the game.
Great video!
Just a little thing that could save your life: put some platforms of black stained glass blocks in the end so you don’t fall and die in the void. The glass is completley invisible, and totems don’t work in the void.
lets go
I always look forward to your videos, they make my day better
I did some rudimentary math, and FWhip has spent at least 400 hours, probably closer to 420-480 hours on this one world.
I’ve spent around 1000 hours total on Minecraft this past decade, and he’s done half that in a few months in one world. That’s… Incredible. They say 10k hours you become a master, and if FWhip hasn’t hit that yet, I’m pretty sure thats coming up pretty soon.
enjoy your honeymoon!
I think a hidden goblin tavern hidden in the quarry would be amazing and a nod to your Empires base
You are an insanely awesome builder fwhip!
Be careful
you have such a good building skills
Hey fwhip! You can build a municipality to show that there is some governing in the city and like a mayors house!
Please the Shrek references are sending me
you should make a quary lake
you should put a few large piles of light gray concrete powder in the quarry to look like stone dust
update the map room!!
Was I the only one to hear fwhip swear at 20:46?
why was there pics of smalbean
Crane wagon?
“Sit back down
i love the gate house because it reminds me of spain when you go through the ally’s
you should build a nether tree now!
Depending on how far the quarry is from the giant tree, I think it would look really cool if one of the roots from the tree was poking out the side of the quarry where they’ve had to dig around
Hey Flip you should connect the Corey to the underground village
It was really cool to see how you built the quarry and involved some nice
detail to the area
at 20:45 fwhip swore for the first time on camera. he said the d word!
hope you and your partner are enjoying your honeymoon! congratulations again <3
Fwhip definitely watched shrek before this
so much happening in 1 episode again, amazing!
really like the quarry, would never have guessed the geometric shapes could work so well.
I love how he always has to make more and more spruce trapdoors
What’s the scariest monster in minecraft?
It’s the chest monster
Hey this world is starting to look like Empire SMP
I was just working on a mine as I was watching this
minecraft wasnt blocky enofgh for you fwip?
You should make this an smp
Your voice sounds so much like Adam Grant
I think building an archaeological dig site with a big fossil would be cool
Hope you’re having a great time on your honeymoon!!! The quarry looks AMAZING!
what about blackstone, basalt, sandstone, calcite?
Fwip: makes storage room for all stone types
Also Fwip: forgets basalt!!!!
black stone?
you can make a waterway to move stuff
Hi Fwhip it looks great idea add calcite and obsidian chestroom in those 2 doors right next to stone chestroom
Upgrade the stronghold
fwhip saying damnit was the best part
your videos Always make my day!
Love from Austria
Whats up with the shrek references in this one?
Awesome job ! I never comment but thought this one needed me to do it
hey fWhip! what are your thoughts on turtles
F whip jimmy fired you
Fwihp jimmy fired you in empires because of the warden
Is it possible for YouTube to unsubscribe us I feel like I definitely have been subbed considering I’ve been watching you for so long
When fwip uploads, you know it’s gonna great
FWhip!!! Great job with the quarry it looks awesome! I was just thinking would it be possible for you to tell us how long each project takes at the end of the video. I feel like this is one of the main reasons I get burned out in my worlds because I don’t realise how long a project actually takes. If not it’s totally fine, it’s just a thought. Again really love the quarry!!!
we built this city.
we built this city on rock and stone
you need to color and name your shulker boxes!!!
awesome quarry btw <3 i love your builds!
Love you videos! One idea: the wall with the city gate has the gat off-centred. Maybe you could make a aqueduct or river with a whole in the wall like helms deep. just so it adds sense and character to the wall and environment!
: )
Are uou having a personal fight with path blocks?
Its not ogre, its never ogre.
One of the best details in this video for me, is telling where you got the inspiration from. (thinking about the gatehouse)
What your glint pack name
So many projects and the amount of dedication packed in to one straight-to-the-point video is absolutely incredible fwhip
Idk how he does it, but he make it seem like there are mods. Incredible building!
Since the first day I’ve watch Fwhip, I’ve subscribe… but damn, every time Fwhip said: subscribe
I’m always like: did I subscribe? *check the sub button* ohhh yeah I’m good…
at this point its almost a ritual… (clic on the video) -> like the video -> press play -> Fwhip said: subscribe -> look if I’m subscribe… look the like button… -> Okay I can watch the video now… hahah
Hey Fwhip! I think you could make a mini town hall in your upcoming city project. I think it could be really cool because it is a unique idea for your world!
Looking like modern warfare 2 quarry
Hey Fwhip you remind of Grian’s Bulding, Mumbo Jumbo’s Redstone and Many other Youtubers Building and Redstone Ideas and then Your own Twists and Technique’s on When you Build your Amazing and Vibrant World’s
P.S Love Your Videos they Help me Get through Rough Days
and Hope you Reach 2Million SUBSCRIBERS Soon
Bro You Made Me jealous By Your Builds
What is the seed?
What Country Are You From Fwhip?????
So good to have you back! Hope your wedding and honeymoon were fantastic!!!
It’s so great to see skilled builders experimenting and improving, he doesn’t usually use pumpkins or wonky color gradients, and doesn’t use stuff like wool in terraforming. They are growing along with us.
Hope you’re having a fantastic honeymoon!
when you will release your texture for minecraft 1.19 it is very beautiful
Congrats on the wedding! Hope you guys had a wonderful honeymoon!
Your videos always make me want to start building in my mc worlds. You always make everything look so awesome!
Also, hope you’re enjoying the honeymoon!