So I Made Minecraft EVEN MORE Satisfying…
THE YOUTOOZ: https://youtooz.com/collections/fundy
So I made Minecraft EVEN MORE Satisfying.. every episode seems to get crazier than the last, and I love it.
Twitch (I STREAM A LOT): https://www.twitch.tv/fundy
Twitter (FUNNY STUFF): https://twitter.com/fundylive
Discord: https://discord.gg/fundy
★ Did you know subscribing on YouTube is free? Pretty neat, you should check that out. ★
Editor: https://twitter.com/krayestation
Outro: ceruleancerise – cosmic space latte
#Fundy #Minecraft
Taqs:fundage,fundy,itsfundy,fundy minecraft,minecraft fundy,fundy satisfying,satisfying fundy,minecraft satisfying,I made minecraft satisfying,satisfying,satisfying minecraft machines,minecraft is satisfying,mumbo jumbo,minecraft redstone,minecraft programming,minecraft mods,mods for minecraft,minecraft plugins,fundy mod,fundy plugin,fundy mods
コメント (495)
The tntree was sick
“OH MY GOD I GOT IT FIRST TRY” *asterisk* (1:55)
you gotta make the anvil gun bounce off the floor as well!
30 September what?
Congrats, Fundy, you managed to give an anvil analysis paralysis.
Fundy ARG
That whas incredible

and am a big fan

Guys, I love Fundy too, but you failed to see the end portion of the video. WHAT IS HAPPENING SEPTEMBER 30th???
here is a fact: dropped item counts as an entity
For anyone who saw the last 1 second of Fundy’s video and want to know what it means, there is binary and the character conversion says “The Final Difficulty” and the date is 30th September.
Can’t wait for “The Final Difficulty” on September 30th!
The tree you made in the mid of the ocean, it looked really amazing
Did i just hear mysticat say l like BIRCH trees!?!?!?!
The binary at the end: “The Final Difficulty” , then “30th September”.
Can u make an anxiety video next time
Wat da coal doin?
is it just me or this promotion and ending clips felt like it is connected to the generation loss lore created by ranboo??
teamtrees is sated
At the end, if you pause at 16:43 it says “30TH SEPTEMBER”
Edit: Before the text, there is binary translating to “The Fin Difficulty”.
Okay you need to fix the tree thing so that it has a trunk and stuff because that does not justify it
FUNDY!!!!next… pls make space invader
The yuutooz part gives me arg vibes
wow! your ideas are so good!
I must download the anvil throws
Please release these as actual mods or data packs PLEASE!
Also massive respeect for transitioning from Undertale music to pvz music
He’s done it again!
for those who are wondering, the very last blurb of green text at the end says “30th september”
So gooooooooooood
Satisfaction has become 2nd longest series behind impossible modes
“I love explosions”
– ItsFundy 2022/23
I skipped at the right time to hear
“The new fundy plushie came our, it’s bigger, it’s better, it’s big aswell
Best type of vids
0:30 IShowVillager
At the end it says 30th September
Fundy ARG? 4:11
What about like a barrel roll of explosions in a spiral pattern around the arrow?
fundy arg?
you shoud make a mod or a world for peaple to copy the world with that giant tree you grow underwater its perfect for a treecity or tree survivale
Ummm what was that at the very end?
i love how we ignores the pink sheep at 13:35
about the arrow making a tnt or gold line… theres actually been a command for mc bedrock for the command block that did that exact thing… to long for me to write in here tho
This series is getting funnier
was that… astro boy music? I. don’t even know what to say
what does 30th September mean
Funny can you please reply to this are you doing a arg
Fundy making horse armor into a gun was a great choice because the horse armor looks like a upside down gun
Plz do a star wars battle!!!!!!! I love u so much! PLZ PUT MY NAME IN VID!!! (Do SharkNinja13!)
omg dude pls make this a mod on forage it would be the best thing ever
fundy please this is too satisfying for us you have to stop
Change the texture of the horse armor so it looks like a Maschine gun
, and the random aimbot looked when fired rapidly like tiny target speaking missiles
Why don’t u do with the arrow a trace of tnt and then when it hits the circle of tnt will spawn
ok do that tree thing but tunnels in the ground, like an anthill
wait till he makes the title “So I made Minecraft EVEN EVEN MORE Satisfying…”
Make a war crimes plugin
what’s on the 30th of September Fundy………
my guy turned into HASHIRAMA XDDD
you should make permanent merchandise
“what da coal doing?” replacement meme for “what da dog doing” from fundy 2022.
Fundy what is happening on 30 September! At the end of the video there’s like something for a millisecond that says 30th of September
sonic mania backround musik
its good
i need this plugin release it now or i won’t release your family including your dog
Chellenge mysticat
Who will make better minigame?
bro just made an overpowered team trees
wut te coal doin
This video is so stressful that it made me quit YouTube and come back 1 hours later
You should have made the anvil gun when it kills an animal. Any remaining animal in the surrounding area runs as if it were hit. Then your anvils would probably chase better.
The end says “The Final Difficulty”, September 30th
“Let’s make minecraft e̶x̶p̶l̶o̶d̶e̶ satisfying!
those anvils were like space invaders lol
Lol use the tnt arrow idea to make it draw a 5 wide path on the ground using like concrete or bricks or something
Hay fundy ara you a furry?
Yes destruction is very satisfying indeed
30th september, what does it mean?
sonic music in your Video
Next video thumbnail : I made minecraft way more satisfying
You just mae a crackshot from cuphead in minecraft
the binary at the end says “The Final Difficulty” if anyone was wondering
I love this channel it’s awesome and I love explosions also
Fundys computer when he’s coding: Haha I’m in danger
HE SAid he wouldn’t nuke the baby chicken him seconds later “nukes chicken”
Fundy… make this a mod
Fundy, have you been watching or playing pvz? Becuase i heard pvz music
Can we talk about what happened at the end of the video? Can someone decode it? 30th December?
2:46 mm yes taking after Wilbur are we?
nice bruv
Upload pog
do something with the british minecraft guys with all your wacky stuff combined
at 12:54 there’s this cool snake shape (not just the ‘wooden snakes’ but it really has this teeth)
Edited it right after posting to add some things
With the arrow he should try to walk on it
Imagine being thrown into the air, dying, then being buried immediately
something is going to happen Sept 30
you know this guy got at least a doesen people into coding with his shennanigans
do the giant tree thing but with 4 spruce sapelings next to eachother
make a arrow fly out, making ‘shockwaves’ of tnt every 2 ticks that multiplies on each explosion
Idea for next vidro: make mimecraft THE MOST SATYSFIYNG GAME EVER
Anvils are pretty much the definition of panic attack
I think the most satisfying thing of all would be a human fundy skin
No mobs were harmed in the creation of this video
I bet someone could take those trees and have them as a really cool biome with stuff like darker grass unique mobs and some cool structures
Metal suicide beember
Buzzes between enemies, on contact explodes
oh my god… ITS BACK LETS GO
“It didn’t even take long at all”
You should try the tree thing but with water or lava to make a bit of a tital wave : v
12:55 snake
i wanr one
Bro what a mad lad. The ping pong anvils are such a fire idea!
At 1:09 you want to do what to him
Make grass turn into dirt turn into grass
Second please make lava just like water
Make 1 firework spond 10
12:53 it forms a snake for a second
Minecraft, but I make it not satisfying.
1:30 sniping is a good job, mate!
Chapter 3 Baby!
Make another part. In your own time, of course!
Fundy: I made throwable anvils that explode on impact
*Rekrap wants to know your location*
@The Game Theorists arg in the vid check it out
11:18 Never let them know your next move
oh no
Bro Why’d you have to release your plushie now, when I just spent loads of money on collectible plushies and can’t afford more now
Make Minecraft unsatisfying
14:57 Bro just spawned in a whole biome
Yay! I’ve been waiting for this for forever!
I have an idea. With satisfying shockwave arrows, you should make them explode into more arrows. That would be so satisfying just to see a ton of shockwaves, although you might be risking your computer crashing or never working again.
I’m early! Also nice video Fundy
Pause at 13:18 theres a pink sheep there
you making “sounds” to explain things AND EDITING SUBTITLES OF IT IN THE VIDEO. Top notch. Makes me alive.
Huh conspiracy? Hmm Sept 30 this year what happens then?
youtube isn’t notifying me when you make videos
yay!!!!! another upload
“30th September” Fundy, what’s going on.. Fundy are you ending the world Fundy?
Vegans: ”Dont you know how animals also have feelings”
fundy: ”kill
alternate title: fundy messes around with explosives for the third time
The arrow is a one piece refrence
Explosions are just nice
*Me the whole time*
”Wat da fox doin”
*30th September*
What the hell was that merch plug….
Bro really milking this dry and I’m 100% ok with it
Ah yes
I’ll never run out of wood again
4:07 What was that…
Hey! this is soo cool and satisfying! also could you post the source code in the description? because this would help me a lot with my spigot development.
now try to play the game with all these blursed things
Nice minecraft rocket launcher
Hey funny you should make the gunify code shoot faster
something something September 30th final difficulty
Did you hear fundy’s laugh though

You should make a video titled ‘What happens when you go near a wolf with a fox avatar in MineCraft’
So what’s happening on September 30th?
Still waiting for the horror mode mod release . . .
you reinvented skeet shooting
Who else recognizes the music at 1:40?!
hey funny
the real reason fundy learned to code:
Imagine Fundy coding MCC mini games
If you only made these videos for the next 10 years I wouldn’t mind
30th September.
We need to stop allowing Fundy to play with explosives
Fundy pls make the tree one a mod i would play with it every day
what have you done
Now make the blocks from the arrow go up to the arrow
Make Minecraft but it’s less satisfying
Someone praise this man for his hard work he has done to make content for us. He deserves it
step 1. make an alternative game/engine
step 2. code like 500 of these “abilities”
step 3. you just made an RPG game with cool magic spells. :3
At this point, Fundy’s just looking for new ways to crash his computer
Sorry I got dropped off at school anyways to Minecraft really!?!?
i am watching this in school rn lol
0:01 Welcome to the timed experience you will see Memes about what you are watching
this series is so cool! the effort put in is amazing
what is happening on the 30th of september HMMM FUNDY???
I love it.
What is the name of the song at 14:29
now this, this is some new trickshot material.
turned the anvils into flies.
15:46 guys its a giant version of covid-19
I love explosions too
nice sonic unleashed music 7:20
best. video. ever.
the anvils looked like a bug swarm
i would just turn off my computer if i saw that coming towards me
The binary code at the ending converts to
And something September 30, I don’t know what’ll happen but I’m excited!!
Also I’m looking through the comments and surprised that no one else (besides one) thought to do it? Unless it’s just an outro thing and I’m looking too much into it
30th september?
fundyyyyyyyyyyyyy you forgot your exception and finally after the try at the ennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd
what if it’s illlllllllllllllllllllegallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Heres a tip:cdont admit you are scared or mysticat will appear in the comments
Next video idea: So I made Minecraft THE MOST SATISFYING…
I made your mom more satisfying…
Next video will be I destroyed minecraft in a satisfying wat
12:54 looks like a snake with the teeth
Alternate title: ‘’Adding 729x more explosions to minecraft’’
Ah yes another one
Nice asterisk lol 1:47
I dont want part 4 I want something original :/
September 30
I don’t think we can outrun this bro.
11:35 I feel a “I made space invaders in Minecraft” coming
“we need proper trees”
*proceeds to make sand snakes*
bruh, you’re like hashirama with the tree thing man
sub to him or else
Guys, are we sure that Fundy is okay? He seems a bit.. Disturbed lately…
MLG Anvil bounce
best video ever
The gold arrow prototypes are actually sick.
im a little curious on if he has the primed tnt ID engraved into his mind
Is it just me, or did I see a date at the VERY end of the video? The last frame of it?
The date said 30th September
aye bruh whats on september 30th
For the anvils make a texture cap that would make them a captain America shield
I really love the youtooz and the plushie but shipping it to the Netherlands is much money and my parents disagree
15:03 perfect treehouse conditions
ok fundy imma need that datapack
You should make an arrow that works like the elytra rocket thing so if you shoot at a mountain it will make a tunnel and the arrow will keep going
Is there a place where I can download this? I wanna hit my friend with anvils
Wait , that almost 11k hours in cs;go are really yours? xD
Why did my mind immediately think that Fundy’s promoting of Youtooz around the 4:30 mark was the start of an ARG or something
woah falling anvils? how weird.
The homing in anvils that chose a random target reminded me of the small spaceships from earthbound. If you know what I’m talking about you’re in the cool club
A new fundy vid!
“Ping pong anvils”
Hi fundy can be in one your video’s
Oh Dam
Fundy:let’s do gunfiy | me: that’s not a command in minecraft
We need a mod for the tree one. Like a downloadable mod that u can use in your own world lol
Even more even more
12:50 The Eater Of Worlds has appeared
Yay a new @Fundy video!!!
stream when
These series will get better if you have friend reactions to these
16:50 MISTYCAT!?
Make a unsatisfying
Can we talk about how Fundy made anvils so anxious about choosing a target that they literally exploded?
I actually made a mod with a gun and I killed the animal population

RIP Mysticat
1:09 i could listen to that sound for so long its soo good you might call it …satisfying
you should make a mansion or something with that tree in the water, it would look so cool.
1 video: i made minecraft satisfying.
2 video: i made minecraft MORE satisfying.
3 video: i made minecraft EVEN MORE satisfying.
Has fundy ever considered a collab with doctor4t it would be cool cause he does insane coding too
Ngl I thought he was died
“it didnt take me long at all

What are those gold blocks in the air doing
how has this man not been copyrighted by materia collective
2:49 damn father like son
9:12 honestly sounds like the original Batman outro
13:15 there’s a naturally spawned pinksheep there.
What the heck was that youtooz ad
That was funny when you went BAH
fundy art??
Idea: combine what you did with the bow and arrow with the anvil. And call it the arrowvill
With some tuning, you could make a cool map with some of these random tricks like the tree.
ummmm 30th september somat 16:43
With 1 sapling, you made a whole new bione
dude you can make a rollercoaster with the tree thing
Keep up the good work you always make me happy
About to hit a 360 anvil shot on some noob
I need that sapling mod
Next video: I made Minecraft TOO SATISFYING
Dude this was so satisfying, loved it.
Now we just need a
“satisfying DIFFICULTY”
Wow, the new 1.20 update hit different.
idea:do the same thing in the last video with the line of TNT behind the arrow but do it with multishot I think this will destroy your computer >:)
4:09 this is not satisfying
I was genuinely scared when the screen went black for a moment and u started running

Come just as you are. For God so loved the world that He gave His son (Jesus) that whoever believes in Him will have everlasting life. John 3:16
30th september
Imagine keir dev and boosfer doeing a man hunt with this mod
he had the oppertunity to make the anvils ricochet but he didnt ;-;
next video so i made minecraft MUCH MORE satisfying
How satisfying does it have to be
Just imagine if he had some of this weaponry in the SMP
When he explained the arrow thing, I didn’t understand at all but when he did it I was like wow:O
This is just gonna keep going isn’t it
Can’t imagine when he’s gonna upload minecraft but UNSATISFYING
you should make the dvd logo with that anvil and make a hour long loop of it.
when Fundy used f5, the video is completely ruined pls Fundy stop using f5 ur avatar cringe pls stop
Fundy ARG???
Lol the advertisement for the plush and toy feels like the wilburs editor thing
omg fundy arg?? or is just a “do a funny” video
What happens on the 30th of September??
i need that giant tree mod, it would be awesome to just put that on a sever
Fundy arg?
“I hate it with a passion”
-Fundy 2022
Satisfying Minecraft playlist?
Omg fundy needs to add all these mods to a server and add people and not tell them
i want you to code bownsing tnt but etch time it hits the flor it makes more tnt and i <3 your vids
use the bow shooting straight up to mine
opm blinks 7:25
To sum up the whole series in 5 words
“I like blowing up things”
ive already done the explosion arrow thing. its simple. idk how in java, but in bedrock, just make a repeating command block and type in the command “/execute @e[type=arrow] ~ ~ ~ summon tnt”. then, either use a lever and turn it on or put it in always active mode, and youre good to go. you can even do snowballs by replacing “arrow” with “snowball”
edit: didnt do the gold thing
“I made Minecraft Satisfying…” nah you just *terrorised* *minecraft*
More satisfying. This is just unsatisfying at this point
I’m missing the streams!:(
Loved the video tho!:)
7hrs ago
America: 11:44
12:37 dang fundy, put ur wood away
” Yo I got it First Try* ”
– Fundy
You look like Linus Tech Tic if he did a bit of heroin
Funny sees everything as explosives
13:17 *casually passes by pink sheep*
Is this the start of a fundy arg?
4:15 oh fuck man good coke
Man, skinwalker wants his merch
gUyS fUnDy FaCE rEvAl
100 people survival but its only tree
everyone wants flys or other stupid mobs but we all know the mob we really need is kamikaze anvees
I’d actually love a biome that’s just the water tree at the end of the video
The commentary when he was shooting the arrow is how I felt when I discovered I’m bi 6:25
YESSIR anoher part
i love these videos!
Fundy is the only furry that I accept
Ah yes. Subtle hints at an arg. I am grratly intrigued
best series ever
The sound of the anvils tho

The editor is doing the funny
Me im Super Mario 64 imaging what will happen if that flying 1UP chasing me catches me:
good video
This is part 2 of Minecraft more satisfying
The part of him showing off his new plushie and you toons is giving Wilbur Soot arg vibes.
This video was 100x funnier than those try not to laugh videos
oh hell here we go again
What the fox doin?
Host a server where you just have this massive tree at 14:50, interested to see whether it’ll become a figure, whether people would use it to build resources, etc.
Just imagine a boime of these trees, what else would be there and what would the name be?
30th September…
Fundy X Micheal Reeves
new content poigggg
I want them to *bounce.*
1:37 Dream music
I’ve been waiting for this.
Fundy and Mysticat messing with each other is now one of my favorite things.
13:18 pink sheep
le 30th of the september
title idea for the next video: i made minecraft INSANELY SATISFYING
Fire but it will spread around itself


So on
Fundy is the most talented person I’ve ever saw
First day ticket here! Get Your Here On The First Day Tickets Here!
Wonder what’s on September 30th
It is interesting how your trees worked like a sine function.
next he’s gonna make a realistic gore system
like doom realistic
with the gold block arrow thing you should make a shockwave bow that uses the warden’s sonic boom effect thing
Soooo coollllll

Famous last words. “It ignited”
How satisfying can you make this?
3 times the charm
now, what would make the anvil part EVEN MORE satisfying is using a autoclicker with the anvil launcher
I know something fun make it when Annabelle’s hit water it does like a splash effect
Hey Fundy can you try to make a Stargate mod for modern updates? Check out the AUNIS Resurrection for a good idea of what to do.
what’s happening 30th september i’m too lazy to translate binary code

The like second tree thing was just hooty from toh
Long wooden snakes
“I would never” (boom in the distance)
30th of September
Almond milk
you need to Give us the Download, NOW
what’s the 30 september text at the end of the video? 16:43 ඞ
His trees giving me outer wilds ptsd
11:40 when you download the wrong aim bot hack
Hey you know how i can piss this guy off? Furry. (Its a joke i like your vids)
Where the fuck is my Minecraft but I can dance to move: part 2
so no ones gonna talk about fundys hours in csgo? (10:13)
Fundy should make it so the earthquake explodes on impact
I honestly would not care if you changed your whole channel into satisfying minecraft videos LOL
What school were you in that you liked?!!!
Your Finally Back :0
You never fail to entertain me, Thank you for being amazing! :]
Is fundy just making a “satisfying” game mode?
he didnt kill the chiken first try there was an astereik there in the cc meaning it was fake/lie
This video earned you my subscription
as we thought it couldn’t get better
[Fundy uploaded: So I Made Minecraft EVEN MORE Satisfying…]
Fundy turned horse armour into a fuckin gun that shoots anvils at the speed of an A-10 warthog. I love it
Alternative title: Furry goes insane and explode animals with anvils
Just so you know, the weird coal thing happens because certain blocks have a different rotational texture depending on the cords ants and the seed. This is the way that dream found the piewdipie seed. I’m not sure how to fix it, but I guess that was the probloem
God this is funny and amazing fundy
4:20 face reveal
when you said OOH LAG i was just like “this is how my minecraft java is“
Amazing trees fundy you are an amazing coder. Never quit man seriously you are awesome
when are you gonna release these
A giant shockwave of explosives and BABABABABA
11:41 is conways game of life
Make a series of you and a friend in survival with a ton of those wacky mods that you made
Fundy is a type of a Man that When you tell him to touch grass he makes himself touching Real life grass in minecraft
Fundy ARG?
Birch trees suck
Funds ARG here we go
So, remember the 3d snake game in minecraft you made? How about that but it will go after any entity/npc or player untill it is dead and than it will choose another target, the things it kills become the red does your auppost to collect to grow the snake so the more it kills the longer it gets, and than a minecraft speedrun against it
You should have made four solid walls and throw the bouncing anvil in the corner.
Imagine if that’s the start of the fundy ARG
0:20 ANVIL
A Fundy video! What a pleasant surprise:]
Make another impossible minecraft video and challenge people to beat it
Fundy should teach calculus with tree stumps and minecraft
Can you put a download link to your mods in the description?
That giant tree right before the tnt trees would be an awesome structure in Minecraft, it would be just amazing
now just remove arrow gravity
So what if you made the wooden snake target people and make a wooden snake bossfight?
Is there download to the big tree
I wanna summon a meteor in minecraft
14:56 hashirama would have been proud of you
At the very end in binary it says “The Final Difficulty” huh
Fundy, I think you should reveal your merch in your house-
I swear if he starts a Fundy art…
8 hours late
I have a good idea every timea arrow hits the ground,an exp.ksion underneath boosts it back up
Has funny made a lore?
You should code a ping pong into mc.
Now I’m expecting a Fundy’s found footage series
Fundy’s a senju
GIVE ME THE DATAPACK PLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The trilogy is complete…
Make it a quartet
Fundy is literally such a legend and I am so proud of him. there are many things to say about this video, but I must limit it to mentioning the maid youtooz
This was soooooooooooo satisfying I will rate it 0.5/10 jk it is 999999999999999999999/10
Final Difficulty! Let’s Go!
with all the TNTs blown every video
im surprised his computer didn’t turn into TNT
so with the exploding arrow, if you shot it into a bubble elevator going up, would it constantly explode?
13:16 wow pink sheep
So, ive been wanting to get into minecraft coding and i wanna ask how does fundy code? like what program, what language and maybe even where did he learn to code so well?
fundy what About use this stuff to make superpowers
Are we seeing a fundy arg????
Fundy’s Objective: Make Minecraft satisfying
Also Fundy’s Objective: Make his computer crash
Can you upload every day not a month school is in the way because you don’t get a lot views because school started
30th of september ?
You are the new and improved mysticat
This guy give me life
the anvils looked like angry bees
11:33 They look like big EXPLOSIVE flies and I LOVE IT
Can I have the mod pack?
“I refuse to die.”
2 seconds later
“Alright fine.”
30th, September..?
3 satisfying videos in a row! Can we get the streak to 5?
30th September what?
Make part 4
I laughed so hard watching this!
14:56 you gotta put that as a add-on or mod, there is so many things you could do with that
I like how YouTubers can make 16 days of pain into 8 minutes of pleasure
Very satisfying
Fundy’s laugh doh
It says 30th September at the very end. idk what’s gonna happen, but I’m putting it out there.
Love the plants vs zombies music man
7:35 elmo
At 1:57, you can see that right before the text goes away, an asterisk appears right after the word try
Funny you got some explaining to do
Shoot the arrow directly up with a dispenser