WAIT WHAT (Minecraft) #60
The most cursed Minecraft series…
Check out wait what memes playlist :).
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Taqs:minecaft,Among us,memes,compilation,minecraft memes,cursed minecraft,best minecraft memes,meme,pewdiepie,funny,perfectly cut screams,Snapshot,cave and cliffs,glow squid,creeper,dream,dream smp,minecraft portrayed,Minecraft speedrun,Minecraft Speedrun Be Like…,minecraft bruh momment,Unusual Minecraft,1.18,wait what,wait what minecraft,what how,what how minecraft,hol up,warden,1.19,backroom,back room,Allay,Frog,The Wild Update,firefly,goofy ahh,NextBot
コメント (317)
at a buffet, i personally sneak corndogs into the buffet so others can enjoy them. I hide 6 corndogs in my jacket pockets. it then, is a joy for me to see other patrons of the establishment eat my corndogs thinking they were part of the buffet.
Hiii fourth
Imma here baby
This is not safe
No more frog

I love these videos
No, frog
WHAT HOW!!!!!!???
Sayonara Frog XD
Still awesome video!
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
Nice bro
Did not put a wall
Rare things at minecraft, @mojang pls do something before something happens (like Minecraft world war 4)
احسنت ايها ستيف
Creo que volvimos a la luna XD
I love this
155th view, 32nd comment, 129th like.
0:23 anyone else notice that he stacked beds
Son los mejores
That’s the freedom that Eren wanted
Hola un saludo profe
Each day pass, this guys be more crazy haha
please never stop making these masterpieces
I swear that this gets more and more insaner than usual.
0:28 “Now it’s my turn!”
0:32 *Banzai!!
imagine if steve emptied that bucket of moon
Anotha one
Villagerpig be lookin fresh
IDEA: shulker hitting itself , giving the world the levitation effect and it slowly gets cut off by the build limit
Or trying to summon a wither creates an ender dragon
Or the farlands rising out of the ground
Rip frog
I like how you’re editing these videos now, you’re making the clips go smoother but also keeping the “What” signs for those who like it
idea: what if the players are fighting the ender dragon and the dragon takes bonemeal, bonemeals a enderman then the enderman eats multiple endermen and then the enderman picks up the end (everytime the enderman eats a enderman the enderman gets bigger)
The first one was just different
Yeah! No more Frog!!
Idea: American villagers. Need I explain more?
Idea: Steve opens a crafting table like a chest they jump in. They find themselves in a black void without gravity with every craftable item.
The anvil one is like one of those “perfectly cut screams”, but without the scream
These are just simply mind blowing
Put someone in the ‘the Jar’
Steve is copy steve haha
Steve :didn’t you learned what happened if you bonemeal an enderman?
bucket of moon
Idea: Your friend (the other steve) punches the sun and the sun then equips a sword and gets closer and the title says ‘run’. Also works with the moon.
Hola brooo necesito que patrocinas mi canal porfavor
Villager xd bruh
After so many frog jokes, that one was refreshing XD
And the Anvil one made me burst out laughing
استمر اسطوره انشاء الله توصل لهدفك
3:58 What’s that song?
1:34 WTF
Wait what?
How about building a giant flat nether portal and use it to transport a giant chunk of the overworld to the nether?
Idea: Steve shears a creeper, leaving only the face. He then eats it and explodes.
Idea: mine a frog, then eat it and get it powers and start eating mobs. Just a stupid idea
Idea: Steve gets stuck inside a shulker box after going inside it.
Idea: Adding fortune 3 to a torch and it multiplies the dragon egg
there better be more frog
I knew he posted it!!! 0:07 / 4:30
The iron blocks is infinity
amigo eso es ilegar
One idea similar to the fortune one is if you make a silk touch pick it turns into a pick made out of silk/string
idea: zombe join the game
*I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!*
*I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!*
Idea: You are having an among us meeting and green turns into a creeper and blows everyone up and then the impostor wins screen comes up
Idk why, I think that sounds kinda funny
*I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!*
Idea: Steve rips out the lil dude from a shulker box, and eats it, then, Steve becomes a shulker, a stulker if you will, then shoots you into orbit XD
Thanks for making the inventory idea!
Idea: Stretch a piston using two other pistons. Use the stretched piston to make a *really* wide chest.
2:41 Noooooooo!!!!!

I don’t like to die!
Idea: Steve mines other steve, renames them dinnerbone in an anvil, and puts them back upside down
toss the steve model onto a phantom without any animation
Did he just become a suicide bomber using beds
It’s so clever and creative.
Thanks for IT.
Make the player grow the enderman and make him take the moon and put it
You can eat coal and change Color of skin.
And then run to fire.
At this point, i’m just waiting for another one of THESE
-ING BOTS to appear
Not safe puede arreglar calabaza de nieve ponerte máscara y otro máscara los queremos mucho amor de pareja XD y esta embarazada steve de cabeza de nieve XD Aquí comentarios si quiere
Idea: you’re on a high up platform in the sky, make a huge pickaxe and mine the Overworld. Throw the overworld item in a nether portal and then go in (result: mixed nether and overworld, village in the middle of lava pool, demon skin villagers etc.)
Idea: The entire moon in a bucket skit again, but this time Steve drinks it, getting ridiculously obese
Giant enderman picks up the sun & places it on the moon. What happens?
I have an idea You should do the characters traveling in the deep dark but then they actually make a loud noise but instead of the warden crawling out of the ground it’s a frog that eats them both
3:09 Well done, it came out nicely lol
I really expected that the giant Enderman would take a whole chunk
You know how the death animation is falling to the side? What if when you die the camera also falls to the side following the animation and then gets stuck in sideways orientation on respawn?
Idea: Craft the crew member from Among Us using the mangrove wood and then the member comes to life
Idea: make a giant enderman pick up the whole world plsssssss
outro music is from petscop, great not game
Use sheared tongue to kill e drag
Its getting better:D
الله اکبر
E drag flies out to void. Steve feeds it bone meal. E drag gets fat and can’t fly. Falls into void and dies. Spawns a bunch of e drag eggs cause yo mama so fat she gave birth to multiple offsprings
Me: watches video for 30 seconds
Also me: sees stacked beds
My brain: something seems *off*
Idea: Player turns into an item when falling on a torch, like sand
0:32 الله اکبر؟
YEET 0:08
Idea: A bed that you can wear on your legs and then when you sneak you fall asleep on your legs
I Love the Earthbound music in your videos
I have a question is this animated or is this all in Minecraft vanilla with mods?
a cup of moon
Who could say it? Bobicraft is your fan
0:08 frog: you haven’t seen the last of me!!!! Blasting off again
Me gustan los endermans.
Mine bugs creft
now I wanna play minecraft forge with mods

Ok make so When u see chicken near zombie is seed gun
Each video I leave with less and less braincells.
How about Zero’sBeamSaber idea with the End rods
4:00 as soon as i heard that music
Idea: You and the other Steve are playing normally for once but then come across 2 Alex players who are doing even weirder stuff like digging the sun with a shovel
Idea: you hit an iron golem then you build up with stone then the iron golem eats you with his frog toungue
the frog without a tongue situation but it’s left alive
and has to manually eat slimes
My dude is so magical that he held 9 beds in one inventory slot.
Steve eats the ender dragon, but the purple goo inside is actually a virus, which turns him into a Steve-dragon with a frog tongue that takes the other dude to the Backrooms, where he is eaten by another frog.
Steve mines the pause screen
0:01 Ohhh yeaah!!.
Good Ending.
Lanjutkan bro
Idea: Steve grabs you and throw you on the sun. You notice a huge frog. At the main time Steve comes on a rocket and kill the frog.
Is my idea good?
manda por cada 2 dias video
I wonder how you do this?
Is it a mod, or is it just editing?
Idea: Steve mines the sun or the moon, eats it, then VERY rapidly expands with the phrase: RUN
0:32 Remember patrons can end,But not believe in imperor
Sorry for bad English
FLING FISHING ROD (bad ending mode) 2:29
The End 4:11
BRUH you didn’t gave me a shoutout in your outro i just became a member….

It does my heart good to see Minecraft creators are still out there.
I’ve been really bummed about it all when my favorite scary story-teller, O1G, quit doing Minecraft and started doing Roblox. If that’s what he feels like doing, cheers to him. But I really liked his scary story Minecraft videos. I miss them. I hope he’ll do them again.
My point is: this content is exactly the pick-me-up I need.
I remember i used to see oggy and the cockroaches where an anvil always use to fall on oggy. It happenned in real no

I love watching these
Idea: Get a bucket of milk and put it in the cauldron and use bottles to get “Milk in a bottle” and if you wanna go the extra mile, splash potion but milk.
Steve about to go on a suicide mission to kill the ender dragon
How do you have such unlimited creativity? It really does amaze me.
Good news, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock (Jesus/God’s son). If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and eat with him, and he with me.”Revelation 3:20 Please think about it. Repent/believe before God’s wrath on an evil unbelieving world. Out of love Jesus died for you. Love U
Switch to sword and attack him for not returning your arm, then get back your arm.
you can tell not in minecraft cause crosshair is missing
Idea: steve mining the camera
Where a ” wait what “
Take time out for some truth listen to Clark Van Wick pastor/teacher, on youtube. He goes thru the Bible and gives a clear understanding of the word of God.
Idea: Make two frogs fight to the death
0:28 kamikaze
A bunch of ghasts appear, steve puts down a sign facing them that says “you smell” or some other really weak insult, the ghast start dropping ghast tears and leave.
Idea: items that normally don’t stack, well, they stack together like beds, weapons, etc..
Steve (Herobrine Power)
Idea: there is a tornado
Do something similar with the enderman where you bone meal it then it steals your house and teleports away.
0:30 allah akbar
3rd clip too much moon cheese
The poppy in the clip just wanted to have some playtime
They need emerald to lure villagers instead of boats new update
Кто из России???
when you get free minecraft
HELLO Not Safe
Idk bout yall but this music and these graphics are throwing me back to times I wish I could relive
Idea: mining frogs and put them on T-pose grass blocks and frog Wither spawns and it just eats everything
Nice idea
Idea: have a few of the real strange ones but you are player 2. Such as the hella big crafting jokes
0:28 step 1:go to the End
step 2: cover yourself in beds
Step 3: explode
This man’s creative ideas are never run out
He always come up with more and more creative and better clips
Please make a movie on these epicness with some RTX grapics
Idea: Blow up the sum causing it to destroy the world in a black hole
Nothing new
you found bedrock and your friend places a frog that eats a bedrock then your pc crashes but frog eats the crash screen
3:18 *need a hand?*
Idea: The frog transformed into a STEVE
как от как до свидания доброе утро
Devamı gelsin kral
An idea huh…
You and Steve finds Dan TDM’s old base where there is a Chemical X potion. Steve drinks it and becomes a boss.
noticed the 9 beds
0:22 how did you stack the bed? Great video
Idea: you put some black, blue, aqua wool on a giant crafting table and crafted a diamond (the texture of diamond is made of black, blue and aqua.)
Make Steve stone armer
1:42 what’s the sound?
Yo sooo nice, some clips are sooooooooo weird
Make your friend do something more crazy like throw ocean monument into sun
Steve hacker
idea: steve is blind and accidently hit you.
Idea: Steve eats blaze rods, then becoming a ‘blaze Steve’ and then he starts attacking the player.
Maybe also when the player kills Steve, he will then drop Steve rods. How?
2:39 that anvil got me cry
How pick sul
Yay glad to see the troublesome frog gone

Also you should mine the iron golem with a pickaxe and then move it to a different village
good video keep it up
Steve instead of mining blocks should take all the block instead and eat it
hannel, it’s the same there.
*I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!*
Frog takes revenge when steve tries to throw him again by using his young to bring him with him.^_^
Another Idea is that there is a war against frogs and players the battle is tense then something literally random and not even remotely related just appears and beats everyone. ^_^
Wait What
Что это за Minecraft Я хочу в него поиграть
Minecraft??? Bruhhhh:))))
Flower are drugs
Idea: the player gives Steve a skulk sensor and Steve eats it and becomes a warden
Video idea: a player shoots a fireball at the Ghast and the Ghast reflects the fireball back, killing the player
Việt Nam
i like the thing that you stop putting frog in video
anvil one made me tears
Worms Armageddon on Sudden Death be like:
(insert “Камикадзе!” shout)
Idea: mate some Steves like cows or pigs

POV: the flowers want to kill you
1 hit Kill the warden with a sponge
Hey i have a question. Do you make the mods or you edit it using editor software. btw ur videos are fire
Apa katak lempar ke matahari
You bucket the ender weather and get a black liquid and turn weather into overworld weather. Drink it and turn into Ender Dragon
poor frog
in the end steve swaps himself with the dragon and then you put a frog to send him to the backrooms
the meme can have,
no more dragon
or steve
Finally the frog dies

How was the inventory mined?
Your videos are not normal
well be my friends guys let’s go play rainbow friends let’s go!!!!! let’s go play wait let’s do this noob your are Qeit what wrong huggy wuggy what wrong? where the egg you can cook you can buat cake where the money
BOIIIIII hey l wanna do that
Idea: Bonemealing a villager to obtain a giant water bucket. Flood the village.
idea: speedrun subscribe button on ur channel
0:28 reactive armor
Please tell me what’s that sound at 1:44
1:19 wasn’t that my idea in some form x)?
Frog:OH NO!!!
Ur so funny
00:34 I expected it to approach, was hit and the various pieces exploded
Bonemeal strider and craft tree on a stick to lure it and ride it
3:23 “Give me a hand”
Привет, если ты видешь это сообщение то это судьба. Моя мечта, собрать 1000 подписчиков на моем ютуб канале! Будь добр помоги мне это сделать пожалуйста!
Где сборка?
noooooo, not the frogs tongue
Stacked beds? I wonder why no one does that¿
Vapoureon dies in water

Idea:vapoureon dies in water
Emotional damage.
Эти видео о том, чем занимаются боги.
Idea: wandering traders living in a village and notmal villagers coming to trade waste items sitting on a iron golem
1. Никакого лягушки!
2. Как?
3. Беги!
4. Плохая концовка…
5. Что?
Mi parte favorita es la del yunque 2:28
Idea: You are in The End with Steve. You make shears and cut Steve to turn him into a skeleton, then you got Steve wool (3x) to make a Steve bed to make the Ender Dragon sleep and got stevified (turning into Steve Dragon) when sleeping.
very simple idea to use.
can’t wait.
Wait whatt
idea: both players are messing around with command blocks, but one of them accidentally spawns a frog, which eats their entire command block setup
Lise öğrencisiyim. Aileme yük olmak istemiyorum YouTube’dan harçlık çıkartmak istiyorum bu kadar insandan 5 – 6 kişi bile görüp abone olsa çok iyi olur , ve bir kişinin _mutlu olmasına_ vesile olursunuz.. *Şimdiden çok teşekkür ederim*
1:27-I am so sad about the diamond you left
Idea :-Some one on moon sees you and use infinity enchantment on his hand and pull you to moon
2> two steve vs 2 Alex compete in making weirder stuff
Idea: The player kills a giant after which a giant rotten flesh is dropped and it kills the player (kinda like anvil).
Idea: You try to break the bookshelves in the library to get books, but it drop multiple amoguses instead which transform into missiles and fly into you.
3:36 dude I need a hand
Me: ok
infinity iron 0:36
Can you do the „WHAT“ Message and music again?
Who noticed that Steve isn’t a player but an ai
Ur really not safe
sun becomes frog.
IDEA: shave a chicken make a chicken bed ,sleep on it and pops out a steve spawn egg the next day
idea: use a grey dye on villager and turns to a pillager
idea:wandering trader turns to slave trader (leads 2 villager using the rope)
idea: If you decide to kill a Diamond Axolotl you teleport to a completely Black room and then Sonic.Exe appears to Kill you for Idiot.
It is an extinct species, so it would be good to do something like this to raise awareness and for people to take good care of the Axolotls
Not frog eatings anymore.. that is good.Steve have done the hardest Achievement.”No fireflies” achievement..
2:40 music, where from?
100k views Only 18hour HOW
Mushrom + cow = mushromcow
pick me im new here
More frog jokes!
First video posted after I subscribed, I was not disappointed by the current level of absurdity.
2:42 what the hell?

Just nine more and the world will be a better place

a bunch of mobs eating each other in a circle and creating a singularity
What the sound 1:42 ?and 2:08
I love the copious amount of Earthbound music
Idea: lama spits at Steve he catches then drinks it and spits it back
I will NOT be fooled by mods I’ve used before, but how did you mine his inventory and how did you get Steve back without Silk touch?
Idea, knockback but hitting the ground sends you flying.
idea: The player makes an infinity fishing rod and gets infinite fish from it.
What –
You can feed grass blocks to sheep and then they make a baby
I’ll Heart any idea in the comment that I use ^_^
Make Sure you put “idea” in your comment