Aphmau’s (UN)HAPPY FACE in Minecraft!
Aphmau is feeling pretty (un)happy, but doesn’t want anyone to know!
Come take a look at my merch!
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_
====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: https://www.youtube.com/c/JasonBravura/
★ Zane: https://www.youtube.com/KestinTheVoice
★ Ein: https://www.youtube.com/ChristopherEscalante
★ KC: https://www.youtube.com/c/MegaMoeka
★ Noi: https://youtube.com/michaelazekas
★ Pierce: https://beacons.ai/shado_temple
#Minecraft #Aphmau
Taqs:Aphmau,minecraft,minecraft funny,aphmau minecraft,family friendly,no swearing,no cursing,clean minecraft videos,aphmau sad,aphmau is unhappy,aphmau crying,aphmau emotions mod,emotions mobs,sad mobs,minecraft emotions,aphmau mask,aphmau is not fine,aphmau and aaron,aphmau aaron date,aphmau aaron propose,cookies mob,cookie recipe mod,aphmau fashion,pierce prank,pierce
コメント (457)
Wow I saw pierce and Zane in real life

Aron and you makes me feel cute when yal be together. It is like I have a crush on Aron but I am not.

Pierce: “He’s never proposed to you.”
Me:”HOLD MY HOOPS, and talk to Season 5 of My Street.”
APHMAU!!! OLD FAN HERE!!!! I don’t know if you get this question a lot anymore, but I was wondering if you were ever going to get back to doing roleplays! They were my absolute favorite thing to watch!
“Humungachunge cookie”

Stop chaging this
i like ramen noodles
Aphmau can you please do New roleplay please I miss your roleplays that so fun my inner demon is my favourite one
I love how they all care about aph but I loved the scream when the explosions happened with pierce and aphmau I was bursting to laugh
Keep u the work aphmau!
Yhis is crunch
Arron sounds like Pierce
This is crinch
You guys should make more videos on different games like Mario or more snipper clips except you guys just play altogether by the way I love your Vids
Aaron in real life you look a bit weird
I really don’t like this video
Zane does kc Binks?
Hello aphaum vietnam
Who’s still recovering from Ein being nice…
Basically change the Picture twice
Aphmau and Aaron are sooo cute
Who else thinks Pierce might of used his my inner demons voice
Aphmau I got a doll of you
pirce is hiding his voice
bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad
Ein was screaming

My sister is pregnant I’m going to be a uncle and I’m 8
What are you doing today for your video
What the heck a baking robot
I love/hate it when Pierce does “Ein” things whenever Ein’s not around. Also, poor Aphmau. Pierce is a meanie she didn’t deserve that.
: I just want to talk to him

: l just want to talk to him
: with a laser
peirce did the best immitation
why did pierce do that
Aphmau is a angel because he’s a good girl i’m her mother is a good girl
At the start i was wondering why Aaron’s voice was so deep now i know why
Pierce you gotta teach me how to voice act you seemed really good at it
It has been forever since I watch aph
Are you okay aphmau just wanna check because there seems to be more of these im fine videos
Want the heck
“I proposed to Aphmau as you.” – Pierce’s dumbest quote to say to Aaron after one of Aphmau’s emotional breakdowns 2022
This was so cute I started crying. You two are such a cute couple and I been a big fan for a while <3
I Feel bad for Aphmau cuz he’s unhappy
Have now you should do you being a queen of emotions for the next video
The posted note is curse
I’m gonna die
What does what are you said
Zane: i just wanna talk to him, i just want to talk to him
Aphmu pov: he always say that and it doesn’t end up good
Aphmau: are you sure
zane: i just want to talk to him with a laser
Where is Ein
Pierce I’m sorry the mutton comes from is s??e?
I love it when Zane tries to save kc number
I hate you so much
I hate pier so much
Aphmau is soooooo dumb
Bye-bye. Pierce
I knew it was pierce not Aaron
i dont like the um the start of the vid
love u aph
i feel kinda bad for aph shes sopposd to be on a real date with her boyfriend
Does anyone know when she’s bringing back the roleplay stories?
Can you do behind the Scenes ?
I want to talk to Pierce, I want to talk to grabs a FUCKING GUN WITH PIERCES NAME ON THE BLLET
Aphmau is ok don be sad. Aaron can date whit you now don’t crying okay make happy white you. Aaron
Zane brought back the

“I just wanna talk to him” from her earlier videos
Damn noi be disin Zane a good one he so obsessed with KC he jumped in the fire an died for her non existing number on the sticky note
Aphmau can you do cartoon dog for 4 nights
Love u Aph
It’s ian dynamite boi
Tell that M is made out of sheep
Zane: take a aphmau on a date or else!
Aaron take aphmau on a date?
Zane yes take aphmau on-
Aaron you don’t have to tell me twice!
Zane: hahaha just kidding
Aaron: I’m not kidding I am going to take a aphmau on a date!
I LOVE NOIS DEEP/LIGHT voice sorry I’m a fan girl
i love your videos

closets demon

Guys this means something
First aphmau is(nt) fine
Omg, also love your work, I can’t wait to see your next amazing video aphmau,
Hey aph could you make a reaction video of happy face song
i still rember wen aph and aren read echothers dairys

I love ur vids but sometimes I don’t watch cuz for me some of your vids is boring
I Love you
Oleg gameing
I Love you Apm

Apumau… Don’t hide your true face and if others see your sadness they’ll cheer you up and tell Peirce…”DON’T BE MEAN apumau was actually heart broken
Is @shadow_temple one of your voice actors
Aaron doesn’t sound like himself
it is also so funny how Kestin is always like “I just wanna talk to him”
Zane is the one that makes me laugh the most and i really like how Aaron is protective over aphmau
I just went thought one of the worst days ever at work, the fact that this video shows up the same day is both odd but very comforting, thank you Aph, you made someone’s horrid day a bit better.
it is also so funny how Kestin is always like “I just wanna talk to him”
In the fighting scene with the zombies who else wanted Aaron to turn into a werewolf and just blast them away? Like tbh honest it would have been so cute!!!!

zane has a gun

We all love aphmau
I really like your videos and I watch every single when I think you should keep doing it
ZANE take some advice from arron
OMG APHMAU! I’m such a fan please notice me! I LOVE you vids!
PLEASE Aphmau make a Copper golem video
pierce: *throws dynamite in eins house*
why is aph was unhappy※
SAMEEEEEEEEEEEE APHMAU CAN YOU PLEASE SMILE! I CAN BEAR SEE YOU UNHAPPY! and my fav part is when aaron kicked pierce hahhhha
I want to kick ein ass
the fact that I just started watching this and i said that not Aaron that Peirce isn’t it
, I was right
Edit 1:
That is un happy
Put on the happy face
Aphmau you are not gonna read this but can you do a cat dragon video when you are a dragon by day and a cat by night? Please
(I don’t like the family ones as much as the others) I knew it would be Ein or Pirce then when he coughed I knew it was Pirce!
Aphmau I Think You should Make Aphmau Friends becomes Their Opposite Personalities I Hope You Like This idea!
Don’t cry ok
He just like to be mean and just like Ein ok
Do doors plz
Be sad u san ofa beach
Why do you keep changing the thumb nail?
Why aphmau make a emo vud now
Hi Aphmau your intvited to my birthday and tell the taxi driver bachoe weg end then you tell the taxi driver to stop at a barbershop ok end then you you go all the way at the back
Who else noticed Pierce was using his demos voice for his Aaron imitation
Aphmau when I found this vid it was about 8 minutes ago sins you posted it!!!
End your friends to end your BF ok end I live in Suriname

Hey aph it’s me your freind I’m a member now today I joined I’ll being seeing you soon I send love and like I hope to do a vid with you see you soon aph
“Noi gives the milk” “aphmau walks away”LMAO I LOVE THIS SNENE
Pierce I can’t believe you did that to aphmau

I’m happy too
Is Zane aphmau’s brother
I do not know why but I think of the song happy face came into my head when the show stared
I like how Aphmau said KC Number was burned it
And Zane said KC Number!? NO! I trying to saving it! And he burn himself Aghhh! I love Aphmau videos
And it is the best!!!!!!
I’ll make u happy by hitting the like button!
I just went thought one of the worst days ever at work, the fact that this video shows up the same day is both odd but very comforting, thank you Aph, you made someone’s horrid day a bit better.
Bruh zane said (the kick is good) it has to be (the punch is good) because aaron punch pierce
Aphnau can you make a video that you’re biggest fan’sjoin you in minecraft plssssss
Is it just me or aaron’s voice is more deep
Bro aarons voice sounds sus

look now if you need what time or you’re depressed you can take a Break fans will understand you take a break
Aww Aphmau you so sad today don’t sad I will kick pierce butt
I Love you Aphmau
She has been making so many depressing vids lately!!!
Aphmau, i have a question… why are you making so many vids where are you are in happy-
aphmau somebody copyng you again its alex
pls aphmau its copyng your old vid
1:I ain’t a grandpa 2: XYZ if ein is ur favorite and u want more kitty x ein
I was bipprest cut I’m free

I’m unhappy to…my grandpa is almost dead….
I love all the memories of Zane saying “I just want to talk to him “
OMG I did not see this video in weeks
and I’m Sough a big fan I love all of your video
IM 9 and uh munten comes from….don’t tell purcs it cOMES FORM SHEEP
Hiiiiiii I’m a big fan I got your plush to
Me and this one girl in Roblox love your videos
Video idea: Backrooms level fun Morths (Partygoer and partypooper)
Oh my God this videos insane

you are the best YouTuber on YouTube
Where was ein the whole video?
Who have sad life?
Sad happy
Nooo dont be sad we lovee u aph!!
Byw love ur vids especially the fact u all put a lot effort in them:)
Where is Mac I hadn’t seen Mac in all of the video?
Im super mad
itGood love
I love/hate it when Pierce does “Ein” things whenever Ein’s not around. Also, poor Aphmau. Pierce is a meanie she didn’t deserve that.
Is it just me or am I most sreatin she changed the thumbnail
Wow pierce that is just sick even for you
That was not Aaron lolz that was Pierce!!! THAT AARON IS AN IMPOSTER!! :O
Aphmau are you okay because you posted the “not fine” video now this. Are you depressed?
First of all that sounds like Piers from the demon realm thing
Pierce/aaron: voice at the First i kinda look familiar in demon Pierce in inner demons..
The end was a diney (disney) movie!
how it’s going?
Are you unhappy?
HOLD UP- Is PIERCE voicing AARON?! cause that’s what I’m hearing
it is also so funny how Kestin is always like “I just wanna talk to him”
You Always make my day aphmua
Thx 4 posting everyday!
This is for Pierce f you and your mom and your sister and your job
Can u try emotions control the weather? if u didn’t?
When aphmau get pranked
Me:start to create a potato memow
Yay arin
no is isint
Biggest fan of you ahpmu
Do you like eni still?
Eon likes you ahpmu
Aww zane is so protective
Tada rada dada tada rada da da titan tok tik lack tok tik lok. talk San Canon
Loved watching this
And I really enjoyed this
Your Very talented
The cat is sad coz it’s not getting likes
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Aphmau: so it’s okay- What!? Zane! You never told me about this!
Zane: I thought it was a soomd
Noi: he’s the last person you should ask about feelings
Zane: Hey!
Me: XD
I like how the world always gets destroyed

i love how zane is trying to make her smlie hes so nice’
Apmua is always sad
Hey aph I just want to say that you are awesome
I know it a video but Aphmau
are you doing ok ? Irl aph we are your fans we will help you
the fact that ein screamed at pierces house

I can tell it’s him at the first start I know Aaron’s voice I’ve been listening to your video and also I’ve been a subscriber since 2020
Why does she keep on changing the thumbnail and title?
I didn’t realise I wasn’t subscribed aphmaui just
Hey aphmau……… WHY ARE U SO GORGEOUS don’t listen to the haters
Aphmau I think it is just me but I watch vids and I barely hear you and your friend mics!
I usually praise Pierce, but this time he deserved to turn into a Zombie. To everyone wearing a “sticky note’, find one person, just one, and if you can find more that’s just as good, and tell them how you are feeling. Even just talking about it can help you mentally.
Uhm Aph why is Aaron’s voice like he ate a sour patch Kids
hmmmmmmmmmm no
Aphmau are you ok the vids your makeing are showing sings off depression
I have depression so I know
You’re racist!!!
The way how Peirce’s voice can get really high and really low
i like your dress!
Is pirs
Wow pierce kinda sounds like aaron
T _ T
Hey aphmau can you be scp-999 scp-999 is the most nicest scp
Wen we know Aaron is in trouble
Zane: I just want to talk to him..!
i like your video your the Best you tuber
im alwaste un happy when i lost someone it really changed me
Thats me evrey day but aph its fine if u take a little break
Aye YOO PIERCES VOICE YOO miss him having his voice so low so cool
Pls do aphmau cant stop lying mod next
Aph when are you gonna bring hot voice ein back instead of squeaky voice ein
aphmau kinda looked like mirabale from encanto the first dress she had put on
Aphmau is my favorite character
Also can you do a Collab with checkpoint
The ein scream got me
Only ogs know the original title before this!!!
Noi:hey aphmau you want to see the new mob we made.
Opcmow why ar you acting
İ am very un happy but i put a fake smile
That’s so sad imagen getting proposed to and finding out it’s fake that looks like it hurts even when I’m not a in a relationship
Me:you want to know the new mob they added
Pierce:I have a seprise
Me:I have a seprise too I know aphmau’s server
There was a YouTuber had you in a video and made talk a weird language and you only said aph only that part of your name then on the end of the video you said a… thats it then they said their still stuck on the island
S ce
Sorry aph I’m not watching your vid everyday bcs I have school ang I am not 10 now I’m 13
thank u for making me happy in 3 years 

When will Zane and KC get maired
I think now I have a crush on Aaron

oops sry Aaron already has a gff is Aphmau hehe
so like it and hit the like button and subscribe and use Aphmau Star code plz???!!!!
*I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!*
Aphmau smp:Crying causes doomsday
Irl:Crying causes slap
Aphmau do you know that you have a copycat
Zane is a idot
Zane is a simp
12 days in to my b day
Why was that obvious that wasn’t Aaron his voice is so deep- and he never talks like that-
it’s okay to ask for help
I Know Zane is a good friend to aph but he doesn’t do what she wants or needs and he sometimes won’t let her talk for herself
İ just love that you and Aaron are super cute together and zane and kc is so cute together

Poor aphmau:(
Why is ZANE forcing aaron to go on a date with aphmau

This is a gray video,so ! I really love your video, the best
YouTube ever, not Lila’s h adskylin hbsopy cat skylin se is bawoman,I love you vid thank !
it is okay to be sad, BUT DON’T BE SAD FOR TOO LONG
Zane say “and the kick was good” but Aaron actually punched Pierce…this was a good video!! I love it! Looking forward to see old characters back…
She was drowning
but nobody saw her struggle….
Btw there’s a tiktok for you
I love you
Yes gkshuafid
Aaron should punch Pierce into space, maybe that’s what he gets for hurting Aphmau feelings
Your video is the best
I have Watch you sins I was 9 months
And I am 8 and I am saying goodbye this is the last time
I love
this soo much
I’m your new subscriber, I drawing fan art for you, and I posted it in my YouTube, please notice it
PLS make more role play series
they were always funny and uplifting.
She’s u̡̬̗̬̘̻͓̞͚̫̲͔̖͖̥͕̱͓̺͚̳ͧ̍̉̓̿͒͌ͤ̈͛ͯ̚̚ͅͅ҉n̴̛̗̓ͤ̈͗ͯ̉̀́̕̕͠͠҉̷҉̨̛́́͘͢͠͡͠͞͞͏̨̢̕͘happy
aron is here date at the end
Un hapi
Pika mina!
*I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!*
Aphmau: No more sticky notes with KCs number on it!
Throws it in fire*
Zane: Jumps into the fire to get the sticky note

Makeup videos make a video where Jenna the hacker comes take over server
U should play roblox with its funneh
I really want to meet the Aphmau crew but I’m in the uk
Theese are wither a sign of sadness or a a insensitive way to get “Clout”
14:23 Zane says the Peter part
Day 126: aphmau is the master hypnotist in Minecraft
Hey Aphmau, I was thinking of an idea for your next video. You should call it My Friend Is Sleepwalking in Minecraft. It’s when your friend Zane works nonstop for weeks. He refuses to rest, so you get him a Splash Potion of Sleeping, but then you accidentally bump into Ein who stole a Splash Potion of Sleepwalking from Kim’s house. When you and Ein bump into each other, you both accidentally switch potions, and you accidentally give Zane the Splash Potion of Sleepwalking, and now Zane is stuck sleepwalking until morning, but you have to follow him so he doesn’t get hurt. Then in the end, when Zane wakes up, he thanks you and beats up Ein in the end for causing this whole mess. Try it and keep up the crafting.
Aph is such a baby
That theme remember me at a song … “Put on a happy Face”
I have a feeling that Ein is slowly not doing pranks on Aphmau
I don’t think Aaron would want to eat all that cookie he doesn’t want to lose all that muscle and become fat
i now its fine to talk about emotoins because… i have autisme
More face one’s please and I love it
Noi – let’s be real aph he’s last person you should ask for feelings


Me –
its lovely that she’s paying attention to mental health in her videos, it makes a lot of people feel better – thanks jess.
good shows keep it up
Hi aphmau I got some extremely bad news today GI grand Indonesia mall the west side is on fire
I can’t still be the only one still mad about my inner demons it must continue
Apmau are you ok
Aphmau can you add me in minecraft
waTCHED THIS on A different accaont
Ready this comment fully
This is a cat
Hi , how r you?
I love cats
Sundays are my favorite
I love fruits
Saturday mornings R CHILL
Howdy mate!
Oh my god
What day is it?
Tonight is a big day!
Mondays are busy days for
A cat is sitting
Kangaroos are cute
Eggs are delicious
A what?!
I dont care
Dont do it
I do care
Oh, that’s cool
Together forever
Gotta go!
Emotional DAMAGE?!
Today is a boring day
Different concept
I donated 2 dollars
Stop hating!
Tofu is not my type
Cats are very fluffy
THE dog
Everything is good
Donatella is cool!
After you read it all,
Get the 1st letter of the 1st word of every sentence and and put it all together
If anyone reads this, what I think Zane’s robot is Jean just acting the robot
DONT say dieded but say DIEDEDEDEDED!
Your welcome
You can be happy
And you are nice
Aph I love your videos and I know you work really hard and it always pays off because your content it always funny and amazing
I love/hate it when Pierce does “Ein” things whenever Ein’s not around. Also, poor Aphmau. Pierce is a meanie she didn’t deserve that.
The moral of this story is never say I’m fine or I’m ok when you aren’t trust me
Aphmau and Aaron forever!!!!!
Aaron-yeetus THAT FEETUS-
This is good love you bye

You should do like a Arron died forever and no one remembers him except you
Why is Ein screeming Were Aphmau is thro The Dynemite at Pierce’se house ?
Shadows is outstanding with that Aaron impression like wow
What was Pierce thinking, if I was there I’d rip him a new one for that prank.
This reminds me of when she made the video “Aphmau is not fine in Minecraft”
Can we apreciate how much effort he puts in his videos
Zane is the one that makes me laugh the most and i really like how Aaron is protective over aphmau
I know she’s going to get married I actually go for it too because you deserve it for afternoon if you see this message I’m just saying I’m sorry
By the way my name is Lily and I’m seven I really love you and I’m such a fan I live in Indiana
Oh wait no you don’t deserve it I said it wrong I don’t know how to text I’m using the microphone well I’m just sorry you don’t deserve it
Aphmau can I ask you one more question I like one of your videos that says I’ll look it’s rock rock turns around it’s the Rock that’s my favorite one
Hahaha there was a family guy reference made by Zane in that

Where is the sweet Pears who likes to be called pretty
Aphumou hase a dienamit bruh
My Shipp Aaron&aph
plz play 100 days in stardew valley what is stardew you ask it a farming game and you can do multiplayer and befrend the people in the town and get animals and a pet craft things buy things and much more
Pierce is master of disguise !!!!
Can you make a 100 days in Minecraft video! pelllllls!!!
I love you aphmau i am your big fan
You did the vid today well today is my birthday thx aphmau
Why this me?
Hello, Humans
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” -Albert Einstein
ME: I feel fine everyday even if I have different feelings. In reality I’m actually sad
Aphmau let’s just say,we love your channel your content must be very hard its amazing dont listen to haters or copycats ok? Its ok! We love and support you!
Yeah there soo

Can you do hide and seek in christmas and pls put me in the video
OK, but making videos teaching about depression in minecraft is a good way to educate people
me and my sister love your videos so much
You are the best aphmau

You changed the video and thumbnail three times? Cool!
The Sream
No more post-it notes with KC’s number on it

I hope you’re ok aphmau
it’s been two times that you made a video telling sad I just hope you’re ok but if you’re just letting you know that me and you’re fans and friends or family will be there for you <3
i just know fake aarons voice is just like pirce at the start lol be back for more
I feel bad for the kids watching this…
My heart is always ribed to pices
she changed the title and thumbnail, and its still amazing
“It reminds me of a picnic :(” It reminds me of Phoenix Drop High when Katelyn said “Jeffory loved marshmallows :(“
I just love it when Aphmau she makes us Laugh and Smile at the same time! Surprised at actually how legit this was, simple for everyone to get unlimited robux.
I really enjoy your contents so much am your fan for 1 year I know that’s not so long but for me your my favorite minecraft YouTuber love you aph
Zane is such a good friend i wish i had a friend like that
if u agree
help i hear the inner demon Pierce-
AHHHH A CHILD got me dying
hey Jessica bravura do you don’t have time to online?
What else can you react to
11:43 pierce just did the ein scream lol
can you make a roblox Doors video please if you don’t do it I’m not like and subscribe
Zane: Take Aphmau on a date or else!
Aaron: Take Aphmau one a date?
Zane: Yes take Aphmau on-
Aaron: You don’t have to tell me twice!
“What’s happening Baker bot this isn’t in your function!”
Me: Cuz is a MAL-function
Did you notice that she changed the The thumbnail?
Gurl what happend is it a boy I give him some of my good
Same im sad rn:(
If Aphmau was sad I would jump into the video and give her the biggest hug
how are there so many views in 10 seconds!? you do such a great job on your videos. congrats aph on 14Mil!!!
Let’s just say how much work she put into this video keep it up
Who else instantly thought of Amazon-
This is not a good vid from her it just teaches kids to hide their sadness and become depreseed
*I’m honestly impressed by the time and effort you put into these videos, Keep it up!*
bruh adpmow why you use red market that you suit it you look like a partygoer from backrooms
I miss you more then life
Aaron’s voice does not sound right

he kinda sounds like pirece
Boop kids
Aphmau you know what or i say with aaron he f*** that beach
That’s my story my family won’t even care about me and I been bullied since 5yrs
I love it the sad 1s are so good with Zane and u
Peirs did play Aaron pritty wel i have to sy
Idea: how about you make a mod to happy to sad and you can control your emotions
Not easy Aaron is Pierce
When you pause at exactly 1:28 you can just see the regret in Pierces (“Aarons”) face

4:05 Was that- Jason??

(Aarons voice actor)
what if Aaron is Zane cuz they are both over protective of you

Bye-bye said Ian
it is also so funny how Kestin is always like “I just wanna talk to him”
I think your disert to be a sad gamer
I knew it was PIERCE

Didn’t they do this already
Amog is
Love the vids watch since 2015 always love them sorry can’t watch all but love them all

Wait a min that was Peirce in Aaron’s skin I forgot about the it’s in shop of Minecraft the APH crew skins omg no poor APH!!!!
Kc? Number
Imagine aphmau had overprotective brother
If Aaron finds out it’s the end for pierce
scusa Aphmau
Sorry Aphmau
Uuummm how is your sadness spawn monster?
Pls can you play white me on bedrock
the way aphmau said delicious
what he was nice