
MH Rise Sunbreaker: The Ultimate Final Title Update Recap animation
In hindsight, this is less of a recap and more of a celebration for the end of Sunbreak.
From the creators of “The Ultimate Sunbreak Recap animation”, comes the sequel to send off the conclusion of Sunbreak as a whole with the Guren Bombardiers… “The Ultimate Title Update Recap animation”.
A bit delayed, but hey ho, better late than scrapped forever.
Funny thing is, this was meant to be a video specifically just about a fight with Amatsu… but then Sunbreak also ended… so it extended to “Why not just make it an overall TU recap?”, since this is basically the conclusion to Sunbreak. So if you felt that the monsters had too short bits, this was the reason why, cause they weren’t intended to be featured.
The Amatsu section itself was also the longest part to make, for obvious reason, and had constantly changed from its first rendition, with entire scenes scrapped because they were either far too ambitious or would cost too much time…
Scheming Weasel Faster (Starting bit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi69bI9vKDg
Rampage Theme Mix (Title Card): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyCpic6eDgI
Lava Caverns Theme (Metal Raths/Lucent): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CTAKkAcizY
Espenis Music (Flaming Espinas Card): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW-z6stIUQ8
The Hammer of Thor – Mjölnir Mix (Flaming Espinas bit): https://youtu.be/Ee5ckGcpppE
Imagine Dragons “Enemy” 8-bit remix (Chaotic G.Magala Card): https://youtu.be/xBZvkPGFOI0
Chameleos Theme (Risen Chameleos bit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMzLZWetkJA
Giorno’s Theme BASS BOOSTED (Risen Kushala bit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyYu3sJ6njs
Elden Ring Main Theme | EPIC VERSION (Risen Teostra bit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2p_JFF4lR0
Parodius Da! – Stage 3 (V̶e̶l̶k̶h̶a̶n̶a̶ Risen CG Valstrax bit): https://youtu.be/0tRnNasfKLA
Amatsu Theme Mix (Amatsu Fight Act 1/Credits): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovm_5XEZ6gw
Valstrax Theme Mix (Amatsu Fight Act 2): [ERROR: Link invalid, video deleted]
Proof of a Hero | Rise Version (Amatsu Fight Act 3): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADn4S1ajMAI
Rampage Theme Mix V.2 (Final Divebomb): [???]
Ultra Instinct Boss Music (Post Credit Scene): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zA46tkVtw8
Super secret ending:
Copy-pasta for deh Youtube gods:
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