This is BEAR PAWS! SOLO PVP | Albion Online Highlights
In this video you will find solo pvp with the bear paws weapon.
Hope you like it!
Bear Paws Build: Fiend Cowl / Hellion Jacket or Mistwalker Jacket / Any Boots / Martlock Cape or Undead Cape.
Food: Roasted Puremist Snapper / Healing Potion.
► Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/c/MatheusDragneel/playlists
► Discord: https://discord.gg/5GZDfHY7zU
► Friend Channel: @trued2977
Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
Thank you so much for watching.
Taqs:albion,albion online,pvp albion,albion online pvp,solo pvp albion,albion online solo pvp,bear paws albion,albion online bear paws,pvp bear paws albion,albion online pvp bear paws,solo bear paws pvp albion,albion online solo bear paws pvp,albion online highlights,highlights albion,albion online bear paws highlights,bear paws highlights albion,solo highlights pvp albion,albion online solo highlights pvp,pvp highlights albion,albion online pvp highlights
コメント (59)
Informative ❤
IGN- SesemicCesodia
The first rat😦
o melhorzinho que ta tendo
IGN: Keelz7K
What is the purpose of fiend cowl?
HHAAHAA that cursed guy at the start is Soo me. 😂
NICE IGN: Cabeloko
ggwp IGN: Ignitra9
Nice video bro
Ign true
bearpaws never fail. IGN: Soriuu
The owner of the Battle X, who killed you I know him, his name is Raed 1212 He is playing mobile😆
IGN: K467
enother video👍
IGN : 123Mahdi
Bearpaws é quebrado dms.
Ign: Maurell
muito bom !! IGN : FEANNNOR
Nice Video IGN:Lodarius
Ign Lwryki
IGN MateuoT
como sempre o conteúdo de qualidade!
Gg again 🙂 i hope i wont cross your path!
Ign: Nastycandy
Imma practice this after the vid😅 my bearpaws sucks
IGN: TriDodemonslauer
i like when you kill gankers
IGN: FirstFiesta
I too started paws but need spec before I go for PvP
IGN: Aghoriji
O vídeo é top mas a patas de urso pra 1×1 infelizmente não presta parece saco de pancada só ganha na desvantagem…
IGN: B0necaDotada
nice videooo
IGN: 2deathxz
Good video
Video brabo❤
Perdi tudo e agora moro na amarela haha
Obrigado pelo vídeo
Didnt expect bear paws to work that well O_O
IGN Fulaminus
Malditos ratos kkkkk
Ign: ScourgeOfHell
Opaa, mais um vídeo pra começar bem a sexta!!
Video brabo, faz um de 1h dagger também, ansioso por um video de adaguinha sz
IGN: Xatao1
Love your videos! IGN: Calyphia
O melhor content creator
Ign: Tavoso
Clean plays 😮😮 Nice vídeo Bro!! IGN TheBeastBR
We want more gank content
Хоча б показав свій білд за все відео.Не зрозуміло навіть в який рівень екипірування одягненний.
Ign Ananaspalme32
IGN: stillakin
Дай русскому выйграть пожалуйста
Ник: Dmon114
Damn that bloodletter dodge
IGN: IDomitorI
Hello bro, nice play 🔥🔥
IGN : TUTA1000
really hard match up
IGN : Canardeus
Farm de prata infinita
IGN: Acee0
IGN: MrHrissa
Always On Fire ❤
IGN : xpapaj0ex
Boa El maestro
Ign : TheCaptainY
je trouve pas le mots chapeau !
ign : LeGivre
High Quality content <3
IGN : TheBulldoser
You are so good
IGN: theGardeningMD
Its me again
IGN: drgsaka
66th ign:KevinSTonks