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コメント (48)
Btw vs the 8.4 kills I was unnatunned while they were max atunned
good hacks i see on your stream u using hack
When it comes out, you click several times on the options and that’s what the hack does because I’ve used it.
Why u ppl just dont try ur own builds instead of copycat everything?
Btw which do you think is better deathgivers or infinity blade
Nice pls upload whit 6.3 build carving pla
@Godcall2 sir can i aks the names of your armor, i’m a newbie and i like playing sword weapons thank you.
What traits do you have on your infinity blade?
Nice kills
hello, can u tell ur res pls)@Godcall2
3:13? WTF?
You are a cheater.
hey godcall iam masterbator i killed u today and u said to me that i rated…u dismounted me xd iam 5.3bl luv ur content
Hello, do you recommend using royal boots for mobility over high ip Boots?
Man huh, 7:51 how did you land? Surely…
love this build maybe next meta its so op
I see you yesterday ❤
Omg gg
come on lad lets get these gains!
1:16 bloodletter really hit you 600 dmg…
7:50 luck? Come on PAIN, HIM vol2
Quick question about radar if you use radar wouldnt everyone be able to see its effects in the video XD
Him is n1 forever
This is the best e from the sword to catch Someone you are so fast and you have a timer to actually make the damage
You should make guide on how to pvp while killing those guys ngl
Old trick with the flat t4 undead to loser the total ip to bait other 8.3 to fight if they are dumb enough to not pay attention 😂
where is the HIM
the last guy straight up melted
How would you compare playing infinity over carving? What are the pros and cons?
first kill was insane
Best Pvp Player
Ur #1 rn because everyone else got banned for radar
A true sword player 👌👌
The real #1
.. Hitting that player out of invise was kinda sus 7:51
just a question, u took songs from my vids?
gg bro, sorry i haven’t see the vid sooner
7:50 nice radar / 3:10 nice radar
nice video but change music
Bloodletter or carving or infinity?
Wp bro nice video
How many times did you die during the filming?
3:14 bro why do u guys use radar like bro you can’t even lie about that xD what was thatttt
With qish and pain gone it’s ez for u xD
The duskweaver helmet is so clean.
Really good 8.4 kills gj man!