deathgivers new meta? 3 day challenge to 50M profit | PVP GUIDE | HIGHLIGHTS #6 | ALBION ONLINE
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Hello guys and welcome to my new stream highlights, this time finishing 3 days to 50m profit challenge. Hopefully you will enjoy this fancy ninja weapon in action!
Join discord : https://discord.gg/jqqqM9qfrh
See you on stream!
Adikop – Bring me back
Jessee and Artino – Stay Focused
JVNA – Taking it slow
Andrah – Pretty afternoon
BEKSY – Stars in the sky
Besomoprh and Codex – Redemption (ft. Riell)
Blooom – Alone (feat Sgar)
Organ – Cricket (we nice)
NGO – Don’t stay
Taqs:albion online,pvp guide albion,grindrr albion,grinder albion,grindr albion,deathgivers albion,deathgivers solo,deathgivers pvp guide
コメント (22)
Best weapon) I usually play with caerleon cape and cloth robe. Don’t like that basic build.
Great Video, like all of your videos ! (explanations are so insane)
Can you do one on Axe please ? Or Carving again pleaseeeeee
cool video johnny sins looking like dude but your logo looks like 13 yo edgy hacker kid type of logo no offense
nice video
the only trouble of this weapon is the price xD
Great build bro explanations are appriciateed i was looking for any dg players thanks
Can you be more specific when to use first Q and chain slash?
how much ip do u have overall in this t7 set ?
Whats ur ip?
First DnB song name please
nice to watch some low level fights! I can clearly see my self there – only difference I would lose most of them! xD
Ps best Albion ytber!
I’m sorry it’s me carving who killed you (XeanaOgie) 17:00
Great video ❤
At 3:12 when carving sees that you swap to q1 he should swap to knockback on cowl right? And mistwalker for merc heals, E and W to kite you
Death givers is my favorite weapon in the game, I mean it is the coolest weapon. But i suck at it, glad you are playing it
why the f u have chicken with ur pots XDXZDZXDXD
redo the 1h dagger with teaching commentary pls, it’s my favorite weapon 😀
what weapon ez play for pvp in mist?
I tried dg but it doesn’t suit me I ended around 20m and am done back to lxbow and carving haha
No more carving? 😢 does the nerf make it that bad now
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i jump on the notification