HOW TO BEAT TRINITY SPEARS in Albion Online | Solo PvP Tutorial
This new guide format will teach you everything that you need to know about winning vs Trinity Spears in Stalker Corrupted Dungeons using the Fire Staff.
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/bernstone
Full Fire Staff Tutorial: https://youtu.be/56luVFKyvZk
More CD Builds: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgCwaM6nkG3eJX8-oruPwjvkg7wmjHpfU
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#AlbionOnline #PvP #CorruptedDungeon
コメント (3)
If your going to do a guide on this match up I think you need a better example. This guy made it super easy for you to win and it was still close. First thing, normally after they jump with their e they just follow up with thier own boots and this guy can’t do that cuz he has royals so there so no simple running away. Second, like you said he switched his w which is the worst part of this match up. Good spear player would never do that. Also I think playing fire wall to cancel deflect is not ideal because you really need to be close and that is what he wants. To be honest I struggle myself against that build and so far didn’t come up with the way to counter it but I can tell this is not the way to do it. I don’t mean to hate, just pointing out that this guy was really bad and normally it’s much much harder. Love your content, take care
Light crossbow, frost mage, bow of badon..
Thanks mabro