Best Badon Bow Build Mist Pvp #17 Albion Online
Bu kanalda güzel olduğunu düşündüğüm kesitler paylaşıyorum.(in this channel im sharing clips which i think good)
İyi seyirler !
music: Audio Hertz | Mission to Mars
#albion #albiononline #albiononline2023 #openworld #albiononlinegameplay #badonbow #road #solopvp #albiononlinepvp #mistpvp #soloroaming #blackzone
コメント (60)
I love to see those trash 8.3+ copying streamer’s build but no clue how to play!
badon u royal jacket ile kullanarak mist girmem mantıklı mı acaba ? IGN:joksiha
Ign:- shadow9382
Nice video
IGN: StormPhant0m
IGN: Hinqqpr
This is insane and a lot of skills could be learnt from this video
Crazy ganker
Hi, what is the best bow in game for pvp right now?
Fkin rats in mist are annoying as f
NIce content pls god im poor i need it. IGN:Lavaplatos4000
Nice 🙂
IGN: Eberchen
Spear videosu gelir mi
Abi çok iyisin
I just wanna ask, have you ever died in blackzone? Because I only see victory when I open YouTube.
Ign: HopeLive
Really nice vid my idol #giveaway
ese arco esta roto en todo sentido saludos desde rd, IGN: SKLenchy
Wow nice shots
i love that bow
IGN: OcnRed
Swiching from crossbows to bows
IGN: SwamHost
IGN RailStrage
Ign: Aiskurimuu
kaç gündür build arıyordum birsürü silah değiştirdim bazıları iyiydi ama sıkıcı ve mobil değildiler , ok kullanmak istiyordum ama slotları zor kesiyordum, bow of badonla kesiliyormuş şimdi senin hareketleri görünce çok heyecanlandım hemen bu builde döneceğim, pve kesmek ileride de pvp atabilmek için bow tavsiye buildi söyler misiniz
Bro this video top i like badon you good player
Pls can you make new video on Badon?
i like your video
IGN Siol07
Çok iyisin eline sağlık bende badona aşıgım 72 seviye daha 120 yapmayı düşünüyorum bakalım ❤🎉
IGN : Doenza
Well played !
Huowwww , niceee! The best bow player
Ign: Ruterdan
Nice video
Ign-kaddu (east)
Right in the first clip I already gave the like! gj man
Brazil, i New player Arrow
IGN: Benozza
I tried Badon for pvp but somehow still feel myself squishy and not dealing enough damage at the same time 🙁
IGN: AnLanMan
What do u think of hellion
IGN : ZennonX (East Server)
can wait to try this build
IGN Zuzume
Come on!!
i want strong like you
IGN : Masour
IGN: meomad
Poor guy with 17m of shoes 😂😂
good job
#giveaway Def64
As always really nice content ❤
IGN Captainofdarknes
IGN: Aboody02
Well done 👏
#giveaway How do you stay tanky as a bow user, double swords jump on me or carving basically im almost at half health
ign: xBytes
nice video
IGN : Tenyel
IGN Zikeman
Crazy play. Already 100 in warbow. Time to go with Badon next.
IGN : Nesistor
#giveaway ign:Snibirr west
This build is beast GG
IGN grimbrum
Lol that poor guy forgot to equip the shoe😂 iconthelegend, east server
En iyi badoncu sensin <3
IGN Pungkula
Take that squirrel #purgethesquirrel
IGN: ekekdnsh (east server)
So good play in mist, with so many disgusting rats.
New player and I’ve fallen in love with Badon!
Oathbringer , on east
#giveaway Jonkai – Love watching your videos, my dad loved the Warbow and 1H Frost
IGN: Zickkk
IGN: Kido222
what was with that surprise kill though xD