How a PvP Player Starts a New Character up to Level 100 | Albion Online
In this video I show how I created a new character up to level 100 playing with Dual Swords. My focus was to get as much silver as possible to buy better and better items and fight whenever possible.
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Taqs:albion online,albion online pvp,albion online solo pvp,new player albion online,new character albion online,albion online new,pvp player albion online,up to level 100 albion online,level 100 albion online,albion online level,new start albion online,albion online start,albion online dual swords,dual swords pvp albion online,solo dual swords albion
コメント (33)
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Thank you so much for watching!
Are you playing on mobile?
Podia fazer um com algum cajado da natureza… queria te ver jogando…
Sou teu fã, espero que um dia te encontre numa luta para eu aprender com você na prática
In your oppinion what is the best pvp build out there?
what is this place to get books?
Excelente conteúdo meu amigo.
Love that build ❤
Enquanto isso, eu com 9m na conta com medo de usar set de 500k …. kkkkkkkk
ign: ZoeisPlaying
meu celular quebrou e ja faço 3 semanas que n jogo albion 😢
albions every common life in this one video hahaha😂😂
Queria ter essa sorte boy kkk
u got balls man great video!!!
Noooo ty kill me ( Sosiska)
foi tudo em um dia ou vc pegou varias dias e botou no video?
You’re the man dude.
I need video about spear 1 hand
Cara como que você consegue ver o cara usando a skill da armadura aos 2:19 ? Você fica olhando também para os status lá em cima?
Buld do cara mortficos ?
Step 1: get premium 😅😂
Ign: NotAuqa684
Eu gosto muito dos seus vídeos pq eles realmente mostram a experiência do albion, vc não vai ganhar todas as lutas, valeuzao
why did you use leather shoes? wouldnt it be better if you use cloth sandals for some mana as in long fights Dual swords drain too much mana and on top of that the cooldown of E is not too big??
You are very brave and always upgrade all your equipment 😢
The time to trade an honest T3 horse for an expensive T5 is after 5.5m has been invested in the set. After all, silver doesn’t grow on trees!
Can u say me passive skill of weapon ? And gj men
Would swapping merc jacket for hellion be an upgrade to the setup?
Or is merc jacket better because dual swords is alot more auto attack focussed?
Great vid as always
This is not gonna be happening in east server..east server is hardcore
nossa mano matheus, tira que eu vou cagar
Nice video
4.50 Its amazing how close that battleaxe came to winning considering how badly they played…
I upgraded a double-bladed staff to 75 skill in 7 hours, without a bonus on a new account I think it will take 12 hours