Albion Online | Tracking & Potions
In our latest Dev Talk for the Wild Blood update, learn more about Tracking, a new open-world activity, and how it relates to the new and updated Potions.
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コメント (88)
can you be less stupid ?
Keeping the tracking boring and having no loot in it. Hope everyone is excited.
Khela hobe 👍💪
zerg group sellout dev team.
-> SBI? Is it true that the target can flee up to 100 times before you kill it?!
That would not be any fun! And a waste of your and our time!
Why is this the best designed MMO on the market. The way they implement new features and keep the economy balanced is amazing. True pioneers of the MMO genre. Imagine this game but with modern graphics.
So i cant track alone? I need + 2 friends ? In solo player 🙁
please do something about players tracking other players. in mists and in lethal zones.
All sbi has done is give the guilds in the bz more control over the markets, hurting smaller guilds, and solo players, its funny that over 50% of the players are solo players yet all they keep doing is making solo players not want to play, seems like sbi is killing there own game calling it updates, no wonder so many people have quit playing…
so i havent tried this yet even if its in the test server but im hyped ngl although if the tracking thing is not in the roads yet you guys should probably add them since roads are generally a more chill place for smaller groups/solos to pvp/pve compare to open world other then that i think this update is gonna be perfect tho i was hoping for a purge pot or something like that which tbh wouldve been decently broken but still would love to see you guys add it in the future
Excited for the new update
I hope the next update players can have a companion that gives buff or skill
I also hope that you can atleast use basic attack when on a mount
Nice, it be fun to see one of a faction members use one of the shape shifter staff. Turns into a bear or wolf to chase people 😂. IMAGINE a whole pack of it.
Well fun either way
Worst update ever 🎉🎉
Can’t believe SBI rolled out biggest MEME of the patch. 🤣🤣🤣
Here’s a suggestion- T4 (blue zones) and T5 (yellow zones) Prey can be Tracked if you are faction flagged and in enemy controlled territory. By doing this we can have both PvP and an option for solo players.
when is rz royals update rework for factions
Wow.. Nice new update.. I never disagree about new update (^^,).. But please dont make legendary weapon.. U will destroy the game.. And please make NEW skin.. Like warhammer 40k.. (^^,)
Only problem what you didnt look is People who do IT you need to make some kind Shield Are because other way your making they can get bomb,gank by biger grups + this update only Benefit to biger grups
These weapons are very interesting and exciting. The gathering activity is tedious, in that, you have to encounter at least 7-8 bosses before killing them for a very small amount of fame and only a few ingredients for the new weapon. That coupled with the many groups that will be collecting these resources is going to be absolute chaos come launch day. Good luck to the small groups trying to do this activity without being ganked.
Basically, for us mere mortals, the update will only bring changes to the island. Another empty update
okayman.. lets gank!!
I would like a new off hand tree
New ganking season eh
glad I’m quiting this game
bye bye black zone I guess, as a solo player myself.
yellow zone is my new home XD
Everyting SBI made is new metod for being zerg by gankers. Unbelievable….
these people dont even play their own game lmao
i think its better to set the item require to enchant potion higher instead of making the hunting more hard to do because the game is slowly pushing you towards pvp even when you want to do pve albion is a good game but to much pvp also will hurt the community in its own way because the most valuable thing in a game like albion is the group member size which can make the things bad for some small groups
what a lousy waste of time update.. not interesting at all i wonder noobs will be about this shiitiest update ever
Yay more content at bz/rz can’t wait to play it with my 140ms (“Completely playable”).
all I hear is : “ganking, ganking ganking, ganking”
Nice a dangerous and pointless activity
sbi seriously pushing forward with tracking as it is even after considerable negative feedback in the forums. What’s the use of giving us a platform for feedback and just ignoring it entirely????? Exciting 1-3 solo/really small groups getting squished in the open world.
The potions seem great, but everything else feels like it should go back to the drawing board.
O ping do jogo está muito inconstante está bom e do nada sobe até aos 3’00
The feeling of wasting time and the frustration it gives, make players to not invest effort and time in it. Why you keep forcing players to be part of pvp activities if they don’t want to? What players like me think about this? It is a shame because it seems to be a cool and interesting gameplay that we don’t find in other mmos. That’s what i think at least.
Robin for the love of God you need to play your own game my man. Play it for a while, stop making new stuff randomly from the top of your head.
Every updte seems less and less in touch with what the game needs.
Consoles release please!!!
Why the devs hate solo players?
Can you please a bit focus on new and solo players. I hate being chased by 10+ people in black zone already. Please add more solo contents jesus
tracking is for red zones and outland zones.. SMH
Thanks for the update!
My guild will enjoy it
no pve content. not playing
specing up my bear paws
this will change pvp in a major way.
It took me 45 minutes in the blackzone in full 8.4 120 spec with the zone all to myself to find a single artifact. They are way too rare. I’m expecting a hunt to be a 2 hour investment
I love the new content.
I hate that they call 25 people in one corner to gank a smaller group of people trying the new content, as *exciting encounters*
Imagine SBI will make a few more skins for $100 to hire new people to balance weapons and repair skillboxes. and maybe fix 40% of unplayable weapons before releasing new ones, just imagine…
Notice how people hating this update are the ones who never do pvp or only rat mist. Y’all were never the target audience for the game just leave
Albion developers pys fix ping problem in West server for India. Players my id is krish9
Horse simulator… Potion are gonna break some content (not a lot of content already). This patch is gonna make lot of ppl leave !
Un desbalance total, Gremios enteros masacrando a los que quieran probar el contenido de rastreo, Y nada para los jugadores solitarios.
nice trash update… thanks for letting me know never to come back for this game again 😂
Trash …
no p2w this time? im dissapointed :v give me more content like aweking weapons or something so i can win with my new meta credit card build, ok ok?
What a terrible update, played it in test server its extremely boring to walk around. Now on top of that you will get ganked by groups. “Awakened weapons” another silver sink for rich players to gain advantage. Regular bow +10% damage (6m is half bow Q so the dmg reduction will barely apply). Fire Q getting dmg buff (who asked). Meanwhile you get 0 loot in nearly all content except mists where you get run down by 8.3/8.4 stalker jackets. premium 20m+. game is in a terrible state
Fking trash update p2p update
La gente comenzará más a moverse por zona negra cuando las actividades de gremios grandes sean únicamente eso, para gremios grandes.
Deberían poner debuff desde el 2% o 3% por más de 20 personas, así se acabarían esos grupos de 40 player yendo por un cofre mediano.
People will begin to move more through the black zone when the activities of large guilds are just that, for large guilds.
They should put a debuff from 2% or 3% for more than 20 people, so those groups of 40 players going for a medium chest would end.
Next update , after tutorial u ll spawn in a black zone deep in 😊
I echo the sentiment that rz/bz is just too dangerous right now for many players because of gank squads, but i also understand why this mechanic is not in yz. What should’ve happened is that there should be tracker armor that gives us more options for escape and safe exploring in bz, like more mobility abilities, player only invis, or perhaps one that lets you briefly see every player on the map in bz but with like a 3min cd so you just have to guess where they went in between. the latter 2 i honestly think would have even been thematic with a tracking/hunting set, and been in line with the new activity only being in rz/bz.
the potion stuff is just straight up nice. wish a potion could also let you check players on the map (unless i’m just missing it). All in all another great step forward either way, with great options for content. now if we just buffed SD fame and made it safer to go into the outlands the game would be perfecto *chef kiss*
I like the new potions, but tracking seems like a missed opportunity to bring more life to the roads. The group size is perfect for it. I can’t imagine the frustration I will feel when I’m on step 17 of the tracking hunt and die to a 20 man gank squad.
Every guild will run around in groups of 20-50 players farming all the players roaming the open world in hopes of new content while the guild players stay safe in there groups of 20-50 leaving 0 counterplay to others.
welcome to the new ganking and spawn camping season
I was too excited for this mechanic. Madly disappointed, you’re basically just waiting to be ganked by doing this.
This new update will bring out my adventurous side, my fear side, my dark side, my panic side, my tryhard side.
We look forward to this new update.
Good Luck my friends 👍🍀
not for solo?
I think the game is headed in the wrong direction with this update.
the tier 4 gathering grind brothers
So in other words tracking is gonna stay miserable, dangerous and unrewarding
interesting mount simulator this new content
add eu server
rich and powerful guilds will be even more rich and powerful.
Upvote this if you think SBI should finally make SwoleBenji an official content creator.
nothing for solo players again xd ggs
As soon as I read the part that says “can be found in the outlands and in the red zones” only, I thought to myself another activity that I will not be able to participate in I guess.
Its good that they can be found in rz.
Exactly what you should NOT do is increase the generations of traces and drops so as not to break the economy of the game, if you foster the anxiety of having everything at once the hype lasts 1 week and the next you already have the premium at 100M when 4 years ago it was 4M wtf
Congrats on making tracking worse than fishing, you really outdid yourself!
Locking the solo/small scale activity OUTSIDE of the solo/small scale zones was a genius move.
“exciting encounters between players” ah yess cant wait to go into bz and get run over by a 20 man gank squad such an “exciting encounter” when tf will sbi realise ss and solo cant exist in bz cuz of the way they designed it…
Still think there should be options for low level tracking in at least yellow zones
Já tô anciosooo
potions now can be enchanted to .2 and .3 Damn
What I need is a nerd for the amount of gold needed for repairs . Please not all of us have money to buy gold or the pass.