Albion Online | Awakened Weapons


Game Director Robin Henkys takes a closer look at a massive addition to Albion’s sandbox world: Awakened Weapons.

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  • コメント (173)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • Victor Manuel
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Será buenaso este juegos nunca eh jugado pero me párese genial 👌😱

    • Sean Gowe
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I really hope this is not the final nail in the coffin for this game I’ve been enjoying it for years 😢

    • AssistanceVAL
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    im sitting on 400m of rock when we doing that

    • женек я
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Бесполезное обновление чтоб качать пушку надо выкачать мастерство в ветке +кучу серебра надо лучше бы твинков запретили чтоб меньше серебра было а так у новых игроков шансов нет

    • женек я
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Почему они сделали чтоб стаки с редким ресурсом отображались на карте, собирашек итак обижают а тут еще и ресурсы пвпешарам отдали

    • Albert Karaj
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    how do you expect us to awaken our weapon when we don’t have enough silver to feed animals in our islands because the chest loots are trash.

    • Elocult
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    kinda cringe, nobody with braincells gonna play with it.
    paying for awakened item with pve fame on it doesnt worth, bcos i can just gear a better tier for a cheaper price
    on the only one content, when u need maximum gear pover – HCE, there is still no point, bcos u cant use it there
    awakening will be only used just for fun, like make a cool vfx effect on weapon and make some laugh.
    making your own item with a high time and silver cost doesnt really worth in full loot pvp game. lmao
    that weapons are the most useless adjustment to the game
    At least shapeshifters are good

    • Blackboa
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    The awakening system could have been much more interesting. Instead of making it a potential P2W mechanic and silver sink, the awakened weapons could have been upgraded by doing a certain action (such as kill a # of players or # of full upgraded mobs as an example). This in my opinion is a lazy way out to require silver and attunement at such high levels that only the wealthiest people of Albion will be able to participate.

    Furthermore, without an IP cap in certain instanced content (mainly the Mists), Albion continues to miss the mark on what is making solo players leave this game in droves. Uncapped Mists already was miserable. Now we will have uncapped mists + awakened weapons + awakened armors eventually. The game is starting to feel more like Archeage or BDO with the RNG and P2W mechanics that this update is bringing.

    Really sad to see Albion heading in this direction and I may have to say goodbye should the update turn out as bad as I predict it will. Best of luck either way, but this is a big fail in my book.

    • Trọng Phạm Đinh Đức
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    So a real dragon when ? not the big lizard in swamp ofc

    • khage limbu
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Geez…how are we solo players suppose to attune 8.4s in full loot zones

    • Joey
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Allow us to vote on future content

    • FIN
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Is it possible to rework roads? There is just to many low gier hideout zones, also “top tier” roads are to common, maybe at least 1 t8? Its weird that even 13 people can build Ho on max level road, i would say they simply have no value

    • Randy Manzano
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Can you please fix the loot in faction war bandit . Some people only do ratting . Please make it your kill your loot

    • zaraki kenpachi
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Unneeded horrible update

    • Hafiz Husin
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    More faction warfare update that usefull for veterans and casual players pls.

    New maps

    New monsters

    Rich players needs poor player to be their army in the guild war

    • AdrianoBH
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Mobile version is poorly made, we don’t have a server, test the support and you’re thinking about implementing more weapons, you’re crazy, I don’t understand RPGs, my friend

    • Hafiz Husin
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Ideas to improve Albion online:

    Albion online are great new Mmorpg. Since the start of new millenia we have get tons of thrash Mmorpg that is gender lock, auto play , u name it, not sandbox , etc.

    However , there still room to improve for Albion.

    1. Character creation. More details character creation. Face type, head type, body type, height, etc, photo face scanning.

    Because sometimes I just want to log in and stare at my character, do nothing and just roleplay by myself to immmerse into this fantasy world

    2. Living world.

    Living npc , npc that is alive , has career , have home u can visit or invade, you can talk to them.

    Living town. Town have feativals, public place u can hang out like tavern

    Dynamic weather. Rain, thunder ,etc

    Noticable day and night circle. Something like every 1 hour, day will turn into night.

    A bigger world scalling. Somehing that potray every meters/kilometers/range in the game logically.
    3. Gameplay.

    Camera view. Pls have 3rd person view like guild war 2

    Dash skills. For more fun, fast,fun to look combat. Current combat a dull , slow and boring

    More monster variety

    Remove fast travel. It kills immersion. Add something like auto path for player to go from point a to b.

    More classes/skills/profession

    More meaning to faction war. If we look at war, there is motivation to it. Conquered land give more money , more reputation, etc.

    More weapon for faction war like artillery, tanks , fortified castle , traps, trench, etc

    • RavenSteeze
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Can we get a weapon rack item that shows a weapon stored on it? Like a person with a museum of weapons

    • Mynde Gud
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    garbanzo beans

    • kxng brissett
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Terrible update 💀

    • just saying
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Comment section hating the update finally,
    The awakened weapom update did awakened the sleeping brain cells of players. For this reason great update .

    • QTz
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    So you added the biggest silver sink in history and playere as i see in the comment section think this is a good thing? We are doomed

    • just saying
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I thot i wd explain why the last 2 3 updates were dumb and useless but i guess devs will explain it themselves. Those who are excited of these illogical silver sinks r either billionaires or stupid

    • Ja Poel
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    just fix bug and lag using phone

    • Draga
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Nice update, more players will rage quit this game now, imagine spending milions on your weapon just to be ganked and taken away,really smart update ,keep it up

    • g1ga
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Awakened weapons? More like yellow zone warrior weapons.

    • HastBeSos
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Ganker happy with this we will wait u crafter alots of .4 and wait for gank u sure quick update.

    • Lynnn
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Wow, more pay to win content for 8.4 abusers…really the balancing we want….

    • gustavo anibal
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Por fa no me a llegado mi correo de confirmación

    • Parker Ma
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    yes, more ways for top 1% to bully the bottom 99%. Way to go SBI !

    • PLAYER•1 • 25 years ago
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I wonder of u can put a trait that increase ur defence. If so i would enhance whisbow. Its 20% decrease in defence is deadly. Hardly usable during pvp

    • Metteia
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Yay, update which is relevant for a very small fraction of players! Featuring even more gap between 24/7 players with maxed trees, paying for prem with silver and people who dont have much time to play, but actually paying you money.
    Meanwhile balance is still non-existent and is gonna be even worse after Furry update, amasing job, keep it up

    • Vp
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    If I attune weapon, then lose it, then somebody find it and trade it to me, do I need to attune it again from zero or progress is bound to character?

    • Reve Versant
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I think the issue with this system will be the silver costs will lock out a lot of average players. the “add / upgrade” costs should scale slower for silver, and can stay similar for attunement. this way the amount of xp grinded with a weapon will still exponentially increase to the point where it locks out weapons, but the actual potential people will spent silver to upgrade them increases. especially with the concept that you die you lose it, as with the standard in full loot. I can’t see many people offering to sell them back in its current state, especially if they reattune on looting.

    The focus rates are also far too low. considering 1 attune is 200 NATURAL pve fame, and doesn’t get anything from PvP (bloodthirsty weapons anymore)

    • Der Herr
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Albion we need a many more PVE MAPS , we have to many PVP MAPS in this game , many ppl dont like lost the gear please change it

    • William Ang
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Okay important note is tier 6 above can only gain from full pvp zone, I would have made another bad mistake if I haven’t watch this.

    All hail notification button !

    • Peppy Techie
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Pay to play. Those with $$$$ will have advantage

    • Peppy Techie
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Gathering is not toast

    • Emperor Sniper
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    When are you gonna nerf the cursed staff

    • Aziz Ouslati
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    u know what i am going back to dota

    • Aziz Ouslati
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    this guy is causing me physical pain literally

    • Aziz Ouslati
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    i dont think u guys play your own game

    • Aziz Ouslati
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    WHY ?

    • Robbie Pallones
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    That means we can only sell awaken items player to player since we can’t sell it in market damn so how will we be able to know the prices of awakening items
    does the item show the market price of awaken items?

    • 33 Sincerity is
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    On the east server, the administrator suspends users who say the operating policy is wrong.
    The reason for the suspension is ‘Do not harass the operator.’ i captured that message
    Is this correct? The operator is ruining the game you worked so hard to create. you had better change the operator for albiononline

    • Tenzin Namdhak
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I clear two 8.2 solo dungeon got like 40k. I mean this is making me angry.

    • Matias Grimaldi
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Cant wait for developers to awaken loot on dungeons too!

    • ALEX DEC
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    They make so many updates, but they don’t make the main PVE content, I enter the game and I can’t play, there’s nothing to do, it’s the same content, collecting, dungeons and UNBEARABLE PVP, the game is boring, not even this update will change a lot of things, right at the beginning it’s cool, but after about 3 months this will become common, developers focused on pvp, but if this is going to make a profit, great, the problem is that, in the long term, over time , PVE players will all migrate to any new thing that comes along, this is the difference between WOW and RUNESCAPE, for ALBION, when there is an update the main focus of the content is PVE, as PvP separates people and PVE UNITES THEM, only in the minds of the developers Of course, PVP unites someone, they want to make money, focus on content to immortalize the game, attract players and add content. Only PVE has this power. PVP separates and ends any game.

    • Gamekeeper
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    A very cool update, thanks guys! I hope when Wild Blood is out you will look more at the solo play and activities, as a dad with a 9-to-5 its hard for me to coordinate with even my own guildmates to do even small group activities, and I’d like more ways to meaningfully progress solo than just solo dungeons and neverending gathering. And even better, add more ways for gatherers to get through full loot zones more safely, maybe new more mobile, low power weapons or something.

    • 貴方は正しいかもしれない、それでも
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    why devs thought crafters also doing a lot of killing mobs?
    like wtf we crafter likes to craft and sell mostly….not killing fking mobs?
    its more like beneficial for the who have premium grinds a lot but doesnt use their it will benefit just for them…
    atunements meh its nonexistent to crafters.
    crafter prefers use their focus to their usual crafting than this [awakened weapons]
    or just give atunements pts also in crafting fame not only on pve famee oh my

    • Andrew Brock
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I get you’re a guild focused Game, and that’s what I likes about ya, ut this seems like it’ll funnel a lot of powern into already established guilds.

    • Mario Tomasoni
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Literally 99,99% of players will never use a point 4 weapon in a full loot zone, and you think they’ll spend a shit ton of silver to awaken them, what is even the point. You added a feature useful only to bored billionaires…

    • MrXASD0
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Who in the world is going to bring their 8.4 out into the block Zone

    • Sedici
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Then the weapon looted by other after all money and time spent 😅😅😅

    • ゲーム用あすっち
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I have a feeling that the disparity will widen, but I wonder if it will be okay.
    If the market is not available, what will the language barrier be? I don’t seem to be able to do business with them because my English is not good enough.

    • Portia Devorak
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Ill pass on this one, im only excited for the shapeshifter weapons

    • Stephan Nelson
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    5.4 masterpiece awakened boltcasters it is then, can do a decent amount of damage and safe to awaken them, and cost much less than 8.1 +

    • CJ B
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I feel like the attunement system should be a base feature of the game that all players can enjoy, without the overkill conditions attached to it.

    • Layer 1
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    please add item power squish for safezone mists 8.4 are not belonged to t5 mist where most of people are t4-t5 they just camp mists kill players and get all of the loot

    • BuzzyBEE
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Rip casual players….again….

    • Strygwyr
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    rich player update

    • absent
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Sorry, but this system is absolute garbage

    • Ibnu Dermawan
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Instead of pve Fame only, it should also gained from other activity that gained Fame. Then from that it the weapon should gain the better roll for their respective gained from, also the atunement is too expensive.

    • muh yatalathov
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Best way to dump your silver

    • Daniel Pastrana
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Simplemente el primer dislike que doy en todos mis años de Albion y en todos los videos Dev Talk qué he visto… 😐

    • Rob Hart
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    This part of the update isn’t relevant to most layers. It cost ALLOT of silver for marginal benefits. The people that will use these upgrades are those who use .4 builds in the mists, or maybe some gucci bombers / ZvZ guilds.

    • Corusame Occasum
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Its whale bait. Something normal players will never experience.

    • Nid
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Fail EU courts will handle this gambling

    • Pixeletix
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    It would be better if Solo dungeons gives its old loots cuz its quite terrible rn

    • Bluejay5701
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    So many upgrades now. Cool this ones different but if .4 don’t drop in price… I don’t see it changing if awakened is tied to you.

    • Dadon Orochi
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    What if the owner can track their weapons

    • Playboyy
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    pay to win comingggg

    • Shyny Magikarp
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Not sure if an Albion Dev can comment here, but is this still just a part of the eventual LEGENDARY weapons you were talking to us about a long time ago?

    I believe in an earlier dev talk Robin hinted at these awakened weapons being just a step on a path to LEGENDARY weapons, but now no more hints being tossed that way. Any comment?

    • Mike Brown
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Albion online transiting to a Korean gacha game

    • Saínt
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Finally p2w this game was missing, copy pasted from hardcore korean mmos.

    • I Jam
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    New update New haircut

    • Roy Vincent Morales
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Wow can’t wait to experience this with my nonexistent .4 weapon thanks SBI exactly what we wanted

    • Chris Chan
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    so poor players attempting to create their .4 legendary weapon by grinding only to get pked by a group of ganking guild/rats

    • 민세현
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    업데이트가 언제야

    • Brewergamer
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I’m not sure I like the idea that they’re not craftable. As a crafter I don’t generally grind mobs for hours I enjoy the marketplace aspect of the game. Being able to craft legendary weapons would be awesome.

    • dbugs
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • Yazuki Wolf
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Great Lost Arc style grindy stat boosting for items in a full loot PvP game

    • mikardinho
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    hey Robin, I’ll give you back you legendary fire staff. It is gonna cost 200 dollars in paypal 😉

    • Soji Motive
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    so over to my understanding, when you’re selling a custom upgraded weapon the weapon itself nor the player determined how value it will be sold depending how good the 3 stats?, having the example of 3 stats of 30+ IP 400+ HP and 43+ damage that would costly huge, while Defense vs all + energy reduction and cc resistance, would be differentiate from the other stats would costly different from the previous… hmm?

    • Vince Vanced
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    pay2win weapons.
    boring, no quest to awaken the weapons.

    • Deemole
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    One of the dumbest addition to albion. Silversink

    • andrew puderbach
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    This should be on all weapons… not just enchanted 4 weapons. Should be a lot stronger on the enchanted 4 weapons of course. Also prefixes and suffixes would be a nice addition to really customize your gear game play. Kinda like Diablo or path of exile weapons. Weapons having a chance of poison, or slow effect, or percent chance to cast something etc..

    • MrDalzze
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    In reality, it will be their own league with a huge amount of silver and territory secured.
    There will be no opportunity for individuals.

    • MrDalzze
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    This content is for guilds or large players.
    For small users, this is not possible.
    Only top players go

    It will become the exclusive property of some users.

    • Jimmy Johansson
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Give us something useful, like different tier quests that awards crafting exp and some of the hard ones even LP.

    • DobleAdri
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • Joey
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Would not recommend awakening any of your .4s. Extremely expensive and time consuming for a high risk and very low reward. I would assume it would take a billion plus silver and billions of PvE fame to max an 8.4. That’s unreal! Good luck finding 4.4, 5.4, 6.4, and even 7.4s for sale. There are almost none in the market ATM. You really want to risk that 25m plus 8.4???????? LOL, just go to the test server and try it for yourself. Come on SBI…

    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • Давид Казин
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Пфф. Получения очков настройки с 6-ого уровня оружия только в пвп зонах с потерей экипировки. Обновление теперь совсем не интересует если очки можно получать только так. Мне как игроку одиночке, которое не тянет на пвп, это максимально не интересно(тем более с телефона)

    • Kozi
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Finally p2w in Albion! I can beat everyone without any skill, just my silver and irl money HA!

    • Joe
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    or I could just play GW2 where I a common man can actually own a legendary

    • TeckMaid
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Thats so nice love it

    • Fin Mertons
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Why didn’t you guys include the changes/nerfs of HCE in the patchnotes? It’s like taking a shit at someone’s house and not telling them that you shat on the floor. Would be nice if you could include new maps like Avalonian mobs or Breci mobs.

    • AndroDester
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Wouldn’t clan weapons cool as hell every clan crafting a huge powerful weapon for themselves.

    • September Meadows
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    This is great, looking forward but where’s my bumble bee mount? I’ve been waiting years for her. I know the devs have my bumble bee locked up somewhere 😢

    • Alejandro Cubillas
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    he jugado albion online por casi 3 años y la verdad su novedad de armas legendarias y tener que subir con 700 millones por tiro es una ridicules
    sin duda me perdere de las armas legendarias
    Albion como no siempre sacando cosas para tenerlas guardas y no disfrutarlas
    como el conejo de caerleon o el rinoceronte

    • JF L Ramirez
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    shit up and take my silver

    • Adamant
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I have your weapon na na na na na

    • Stefan Kalisch
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    well, not impressed. I always thought legendary weapons are related to legendary deeds, e.g. killing legendary biests, or being the sword of a legendary champion, king or queen. I do not see any relationship with that in Albion. Given this, there is nothing to see here but more p2w. So just move on, people.

    • Cumulo de weas
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Seria muy genial si pudiéramos renombrar armar awakened

    • mjonick
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    how about new weapon awakened fly swatter you can use it to 1-shot annoying bz gankers

    • Baleroon
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    koreian mmorpg.

    • Livempire Games
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Terrible idea not to allow to have those weapons upgraded from safe zone to unsafe zone. 6.4, 7.4, 8.4 only pvp zone? No way. I don’t like it. Now no privacy, imagine some crafters receiving thousands of mails or dms from players… no ty.

    • Aridan
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    This sucks! I was expecting some achievements or a quest for such weapons. Adding more “stats” for silver and grind is just lazy and sloppy work. What about some interesting effects? Ressurection, Rage, Invisibility, Cooldown, Area stun -> anything is better than this design. It is just a boring silver sink, no ordinary player will use it. AO would be a great game if the dev team weren’t actually trying to sink the ship. But with Stillfront at the helm, it is understandable.

    • Hashiraama Online
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I like that they made it tradable. so we can’t sell/buy them in market but can buy from directly from another players. I liked that the weapon have it’s own history tab😂.

    • Alphadile
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    This is only for very rich players i don’t mind

    • Polak 148
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Pls do a fraction war update

    • J8D8
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Please remove IP on those weapons

    • MMA
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Awaken the fame percentage

    • Lie6e
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Hardcore sandbox mmo going to copy WoW way gg and goodbye

    • Fox Griffith
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I think if you could name them I’d be a lot more interested, but I definitely understand vetting names would be a hassle SBI wouldn’t want to deal with.

    • Ohmarcos
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Imagine after all this getting ganked by others

    • Novaria_Chan
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Nice concept but u guys don’t know how to execute something goood

    • adrift
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Pay to win update 😂

    • Zagradišek
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    The traits should be attached to the wep perm. like only after 6.4 tier. So if u die with it u can buy another one and continue the grind on it.

    • efe balkanli
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    So i dont understand a one of think ,the awakened items drops a player kills another player?

    • Zagradišek
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    This is too exclusive for small circle of players… Like u put soo much work into it and then die with it…

    • farshad keshvardoost
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Pls nerf fire one hand, this weapon bug to all wepon , 4.2 fire one hand destroy 8.2 battle axe and other weapons

    • Ar Go
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I like it. Potential silver sink and content for high end player. I like that you put content for new and old players keeping both invested

    • Divine Dragon
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    imagine bring hce set to bz for awakening them!
    gudluck boiis, wish you luck for not get ganked

    • Ever_grey
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    IS AWEAKENED BONUS SCALED DOWN ON IP-CAPPED CONTENT?? Or if it gives 300 hp, it gives 300hp (broken and stupid if so)

    • iuri pereira
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    You can sit and wait for me to go with my 8.4 weapons to the black zones 😂😂😂😂

    • Name Surname
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    When can I play this on my XBOX?

    • Ever_grey
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Aweakened weapons are just a whale milking mechanic and YZ warriors wet dream. The more i look into this system, the more stupid and unnecessary it seems.

    • Danny
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    These weapons will be for whales or people that go out in groups of 10+ to be protected while leveling. Who is going to spend that amount of time and silver for a marginally better weapon to lose it to gankers? For the money youd be better off buying higher tier weapons. This only makes sense on 4.4 and 5.4 weapons where you can use in safe zones or 8.4 gear.

    • うちは Sasuke
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • c0mpyt
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Occult Cougar will be the next referral skin please!❤❤❤(Birthday present hehe)

    • bankaiii bankaaa
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    The idea was good, but something went downhill, something is wrong with this new system.

    • X Frodo X
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    OMFG tha
    ts amazing

    • Ben
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    i’m sad that you can only grind in full loot pvp zones for tier 8 items :c

    • Candrey
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Albion p2w incoming

    • Musclemuncher69
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    updates are getting cancereous everday🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯

    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I stop playing because there is no loot in solo dungeon and lot of bots in this game

    • Bighappy
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I understand the desire to put these awakened weapons in the game as a silver sink for rich players, but this is causing additional power creep and will only be used by 0.01% of the population to get even more of an advantage over players that can’t afford these weapons. The traits are low effort stat coefficients and not something that makes the weapon behave differently. The way to add additional traits or upgrade traits on the weapons requires you to do the same pve grind that’s always been in the game. I think most of the playerbase was expecting something more…like completing quests or achievements to unlock additional traits. Maybe take another look at the system and keep in mind the drawbacks of integrating this system into the live game.

    • Ⓥ XeL Ⓥ
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    interesting mix of gambling, i like the exaustion detail making everything more valuable, and what gamble stats worth valuably or not
    gambling done well

    • mugene
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    impossible to max unless you wanna spend billions of usd and spend a thousand years non stop farming it for the amount of pve fame needed lol even if you were to only want to get 1 stat to max later and later on in the stat you get 0.00005% so makes it impossible to max a single stat cap strain lower pve cost and increase silver cost at 100% strain its about 2bil silver and fame needed to get almost near max stats the diminishing returns on the upgrades means your spending hundreds of millions of silver for a fraction of a %

    • BaHeTo0
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    i wish the intial part, where you have to awaken the item, could only be done by the original crafter, and if you buy or happen upon .4 weapon that you didnt craft, you could bargain with the original crafter to awaken it for you, and we would have this sick slot in the trading GUI where i can put my .4 weapon for awakening(not trading) and the price that was bargained for the original crafter, and then he can accept, awakening the weapon that never left my inventory, and the crafter gets paid, and most of all, a genuine player interraction just happened. like going on a quest to find the crafter to awaken your weapon??

    • Alexandre Alinc
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    what is it usefull for in pvp full loot? This items cost millions and will only get trashed upon death or lost to another player. Useless update. This is why zvz players will never use this kind of weapons.

    • Musclemuncher69
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • Niviah
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I scare

    • O. K.
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Tried it on the test server with every tier. Dead content for 80% of the population, but i like it. Adds more flavor to the game

    • juan martinez
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Question: Are these “awakened” items different from the “legendary” items you announced a couple of updates before???

    • Mikolajew
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    why there are only boring stats, 0 new mechanics or new skills or passives. bruh

    • Plastic Lemons
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Seems sick – the feature will be cooler the longer it’s in as the “ascended” pool gets bigger and bigger

    • I’m just a fan
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Pay to Win. Need deep pockets for this update.

    • AtomicGG
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Being able to see the history of the weapon is noice, same for the death recap incoming (let’s hope it’s not as buggy as on LOL at the beginning 💀)

    • Serg э’Fка
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Will we watch!..))) pocket money outside )

    • Eomchy
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    There is gonna be that one guy who somehow gets every awaken and then auctions them off for billions

    • Nownadda
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Ehhh yea no thanks seems like a massive waste of time.

    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    One more best update from Albion 🎉🎉

    • Iha8tparoot
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Can you awaken the solo dungeon loot as well? 💀

    • YourWizardGary
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Time to get grinding

    • RaizRoida
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    muy malo

    • Immortal Reverence
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Oh my god, i’ve seen life steal i love to grind more hahahahahaha

    • September
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Albion Online… The only game that gives you fire works but won’t let you look at the sky 😅

    • Inceptor
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    uhm okay

    • xzil
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    100 mil and 200 hour fame farm in the black and red zone for only 1k more damage is not a good thing.

    • Alexander De La Cruz Condor
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • CH4UDH4RY
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • juli
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • anjuuo
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • 54alfaomega
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • FirstKill
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • Druc Heim
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • FearsomeGem
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    I am actually the first

    • Partimer
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am


    • rolexos22
    • 2023年 10月 04日 7:40am

    Bevore koko here