Road From ZERO To 100 Daggers | Fresh Start PvE Guide | Albion online
In this video im starting fresh character and show how i level up my dagger mastery from ZERO to 100 in less than 8 hours. Dagger PvE Solo Guide in open world blackzone, static and avalonian roads
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Taqs:albion online pvp,albion,albion 2023,albion online,albion pvp,albion solo gank,albion online gank,albion solo pvp,albion online solo pvp,albion pve guide,albion pve,albion online pve build,albion dagger,albion dagger roads
コメント (154)
Suggested DaggerPair 8.4 ONESHOT https://youtu.be/C5HBDBiRv0U
Any builds/ tips for bloodletter tho?
And how much silver do you think a person with the worst pvp skills in the game should bet in the equipment?
13:09 13:39 you can do better 😂
Dagger or bearpaws
Pls do crossbow
6:21 Gold in your inventaire ?
What is static? I always heard that but I don’t have any idea of it.
bro you vids always have this painful scratch sound from your music with this song that pops in the right ear, would make them 100x more enjoyable if it did not exist.
Try to zero to hero with claw
What armor is that in the thumbnail
I’ve got around a million silver, should I go fame farm with t5-6 gear or stick with enchanted t4? I always die to cursed staffs and duos running t5-6 while Im in t4.1
can you only do this with dagger and premium right?
My account got wave ban yesterday so I will do this hahaha
Tried it 5 min into farming blackzone tier 5 killed 2 bosses outside and ran into 5 people ganking and they chased me down with 3 more people waiting to ambush with good condition died instantly went back brought another set of gear tried again died to 3 different people this time quit it 😂
which is better
dagger pair or just one?
and what is generally better dagger?
worst give ever, u can even make t4 dungeon last boss with food and potions on t3 gear. dont cut important parts. this guides are a joke for new players, make guides with your friends helping u and cuting the parts are just amazing to entertain
Amazing I love it ❤❤
smoke bomb effect only for human ?? Can not using with mobs ?
Thx bro u helped me too much
ganked by team of 4 after 2 min in BZ
You’re lucky that your server is seemingly dead.
i step into black zone i die to tier 8 thanks for the video
fun gankers , fun clip.
great! you did amazing video, i love the details u made
go 1 hand spear dude
Can you do please 0 to 100 Avalon bow or bearpaws, not a full pve meta daggers =DDD
What a stress it is to use this weapon for pve, how bad it is against groups of mobs, it doesn’t hit anything and they kill you very easily.
Sadly , bz mist isn’t safe anymore since they added new updates
I have T8 Reaver, dagger unlocked T5…. what should i do to get more fame not having the premium?
The challenge is accepted, very interesting.
do you have a video show casing the entire build
Do fire staf next😢
What about cursed staff. Is really difficult in pve but I want to upgrade it and maybe start doing some pvp. Hoe should I do it
thanks for your content ! I feel dumb but “my” dagger do not have the same skill. Any patch changes ??
Hey i got a question is roads or open world better for pve?
dude but it says is black zone not yellow
oh my god your type of content is amazing, please make more videos of this type ❤
Ava roads has been nerfed what do u recommend? Continue open world in t7/t8?
Hi, i started with dagger and i’ve been really successful following what you did!
I wanted to ask which set should i bring when going hce with the guild?
is it fine one handed dagger or should i level the demon fang?
other options for me were bloodletter and deathgivers.
Is this build also work on group ganking?
Imean its not that easy for us who cant buy gold coin and exchange it for silver u have 1k gold and u can exchange it and buy expensive stuff
how come you got such a peaceful dungeon?
i want to play bloodletter ….should i farm with dagger to the level 85?
can u tell me what passives u were running on all the armor pieces (because boots doesnt hads atk speed)
i did that kind of farm but with druid magic, is a nice farm fest
Idk why when i want to start there is no chest/or mob, they gone before im comin 😀 did u know how many time cd for mob comin back in ava road green chest?
Bro this is not zero to hero cuz you have gold😂
awesome video brotha, im pretty new, this helps a lot, going to assume it works with any weaponclass i hope lol.
Is an item power of 953 is enough to solo fame farm in roads?
got dagger 100 in one day deathgivers in yellow mist go crazy.
bloodletter 75 in one day black zone mists
Bro, still available after the patch? The mobs in avalon has buffed difficulty but with less fame.
what are this sound at 4:37
and at some other times??
How did u not die in Bz 😂
How come you didn’t Gank up in outlands?
how long will it takes without premium?
dude say its safe in the mist this guy never came across a tier 8.4 chasing you like a mad man
why at start u have 100 learning points
hello brooo i hope u see this. how do u spec up ur deathgivers?? we all know that deathgivers has a high cost. thank you bro if u r gonna answer this.
Did you take on every fight you had?
so dissapointed that I couldnt give more than one like
build please
So glad I found your channel! Couple questions if that’s okay:
1) What activities would you suggest to start with once a new player gets a decent set and some spec? RZ, BZ, CD, etc?
2) Would you suggest starting with Dagger Pair, Bloodletter or Deathgivers?
Thank you!
can you teach me i just started like 6 days ago i been playing for 2 days and im still master build greataxe with 300k silver
You are so good bro!It takes me 4 day of gameplay time to reach it
Hello nice Video
I have one question (i am new in albion) can I do all that waht u did but with Axes or are daggers essential?
Good Content buddy , can i use the same guide but with battleaxe
i have just but one question, at the start of the vid, how did you make 90k+ silver ?
What issues do you usually run into when running that build?
As a new player If I want to follow your one shot video then I have to farm frame with this build before I go for those build? Is it have buff affects to those armor and helmet?
I want to know did they make nerf to 1h dagger?? Becose o can not find the first skill in 1h dagger? I meam the Q skill
I saw u when u where doign the static my guilds hideout is the one right next to where u did it d3vils f3ar
This is legit 0-100! I enjoyed it much bro Thanks!👍
Ow there is invisible shrine 🗿
the fact that that plutonico guy died twice to you is hilarious lol.
истинный фанат кинжалов )
what are the passives???
How did u earn so much silver in the beginning?
3:45 im still new and still wondering what does the crown points or the black zone (or any zone) numbers means?
7:10 where this place could be found?
got t4 and instant killed with 6 people in blackzone. is there any safer method? I am knew to this game. i dont wanna lose all my items again
Can u do claw next?
How can i enter ava roads t4 green chest, i mean the lowest tie in black zone is 5 right? Im a newbie 😢
how i just getting 3k fame by killing a ava mob? is it bcz im not a fresh start player?
awesome video mate, just what i was looking for but i have to surpass the fear to go bz first haha 😅
All these processes will really need silver 😅.. How about a new player like me, 100k silver is very valuable, and losing Items in the black zone will be very frustrating😢
1h dagger vs dual swords ? which is better ?
Hey Nar, why not dual daggers to complement your one shot build videos? Is it simply because the lifesteal makes it easier to farm?
Question Narjia, as a new player. When you’re on the roads to Avalon you mention doing T6 but not T8 green chests. How will know what tier the chest is? Is it designated by the zone? So like, if it’s a T7 zone it will only have T7 chests? Thanks.
What staff do you use?
Hi, what passives did you picked for your equipments? I might’ve missed em and Im fairly new to the game – sorry! thanks!
Will u make another vid but with other weapons? Id like to see curses, but anything will be fine tho.
Sir how i know this ava t6 t4 or t7
Este zero a héroe es verdadero no como otros con 100 de mastria tus videos son los mejores
Podrias aser un zero a héroe con la rama de ballesta utilizando lanzasaetas si puedes ?
Tus videos son lo mejores
Legit one my frnd, appreciated!
Whenever I go to PvP, I get heart palpitations, my hands shake and then I think of running away. + Fear of losing my items. What should I do?
Should i start a new character doing this? I have 25m+ fame in my main and 3million silver and i also keep wasting my silver and always die by ganking.
Dagger vs crushing sword, which is better for next patch
Are spears still as good as they were before? I’m thinking of playing albion again, and ive always been a spear user so just wondering
Why is your own guildmate ganking you 💀
Amazing .. That helpfully thank you narjia 😊
The best zero to hero, no shit
You earned my sub man great vid!!
nice video, I just want to see the passives of the items you wear next video.
Can i also do this with another build, i mean the steps lika go to bz, static and roads? With no prem??
Hi, I have a question. How are you supposed to use cooldown reduction abilities? Say after using blood thirsty blade, I use the refreshing sprint with 33.33% cool down reduction, but after the effect of 5 seconds my cool down timer jumped back up a bit, is that supposed to happen? How do I maximize cooldown reduction on gear?
How did you get the same dude twice? Sussy
Thx for your Vedic. If I use ice magic is ok?
can I do this in Asia sever?
Recently get killed many times
Omg i love daggers so much but i didn’t know they had any use in Albion i loved this
I am leveling bear paws i am around level 40 something should i switch?
Because bear paw expensive can’t risk em on BZ
What teir of gear do you recommend running in the BZ?
Also why upgrade to 7.0 when you had 6.1?
이거 정말 영상은 최고이긴 하나…뉴비들은 절대 따라 할수가 없음 그게 젤 큰 문제 😂
can you do the same guide but with 1h spear?
one dagger is very good, it’s a class where you can turn both dungeon and pvp at the beginning of the game,
There are alot of gankers in East server, Around 4 -> 9 gankers in group ready to kill you everytime you went to BZ
The video is good . But that is absolutely impossible to do in east server . The moment you step in bz literally after your cooldowns you’ll get killed
I just solo t8 green chest in Avalon with low spec t4.1💀
I just comment to give light to this almost masterpiece tuto. I say almost because odds were pretty decent for you but you explain well for beginners. If you are new dagger player follow Narjia.
how did it take for to make this narjia
Very good video wp man 🎉
Dammmmmn ima do this too I wanna try it
Nice video
Wow great video man
can i do this with dagger pairs?
can i fame farm with paire daggers?
how to find mist i am beginner in mobile
Finally a true zero to hero
Loved it man, I think it’s huge to make a legit Zero to Hero and even more with dagger. All ur content is great, keep it up <3
if i do this with my friend, is go to be long more?
Roast pork with this build in love has pretty amazing sustain you should try it 👍
Nice video
how can i max weapons like deathgivers or daggerpair? they are not for pve unless you have 1.4k+ ip
Very nice video brother.
So glad I found your vid. saving this incase I’m going for dagger builds in the future! This is definitely from zero to hero so we appreciate it!
Is this applicable on eas
bro you so lucky that didnt get killed when you farming roaming mob in that black zone Are you on east server??
can I do it with bloodletter build? what build?
does spec of helmet jacket and boots affect the oneshot build? coz this is diff from oneshot build
this is a little hard to do in east cause of too many gankers in bz .
last guy is inting, my man is killing a contingent comrade without even knowing
Is this on west?
realy intrasting new type of videos
Why daggers an not a weapon that’s easier to kill with and after to get fame.
* Go to black zone, get ganked 4/5 times after killing 1 red.
Yooh, this is fascinating.❤❤❤
Are there any players who wants to pk you?
This is the legit Zero to hero not some crappy zero to hero with 100specs already Love this Vid💖 keep em comin bro💯
best zero to hero youtube channel u deserve more views bro