Albion Online HOW TO GET RICH #Shorts
This is a short guide on how to get rich in Albion Online. This is exactly what I would do if I had to start over on a new character to get silver quickly. By the time you buy your first premium and have islands up and running you will easily be able to afford 3 or more premiums after that first month, then from there you can afford 9 premiums, and after that you’ll have so many islands making so much silver you’ll be rich.
Did you know that leveling and selling laborers is something you can do while you run dungeons? You should really try running tier 5 yellow zone dungeons while filling journals to level and sell laborers. Did you know you earn challenge points from dungeons and can use that to level your own guild to sell siphoned energy?
#Shorts #Albion #AlbionOnline
Taqs:Shorts,Albion,Albion Online,Albion Online How To Get Rich,Albion Online Silver Making,Albion Online Islands,Albion Online Island Guide,Albion Online Silver Guide,Albion Online silver making,albion online get rich quick,albion online how to get rich,albion online how to make silver,albion online how to farm,swolebenji,#shorts,albion online silver,albion online fastest silver,albion online fastest money,albion online fastest farm,albion online best farm
コメント (65)
If you want to give this game a try, here’s the link:
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So to be rich, you have to be rich.
You taught me how to get rich with wealth bro
Thanks for saying truth…. Niw i can finally uninstall this game permanently
I guess ill need to spawn myself some skins
How to be rich in a game without playing the game 🙄
Pay to win
Wait how do you syphon energy? 😄
i want to join your guild
how to get rich? be rich irl
Dude, you are the cheese. Love it.
Brain overload
Holy shit that’s a lot of stuff I have not even gotten to yet 😰😨
unfortunately step 2 already requires premium
How do I level up?
So, this game is a job? 😱
How to get skins ?
Only thing is when you buy great weapons and things like that you can’t even use them because you need to unlock the node first. That’s the most annoying thing about the game
One word slave labor
You are not rich in Albion 😂😂😂
Bravo benjie
“Buy and island!”
But buying an island requires premium.
This video built different
U can buy island without premium???
Dang you don’t need premium to buy a guild island.
Hey, just because you said that you read every comment!
Perhaps you have made a detailed guide on how to farm siphoned energy – as a solo guild… I have made a guild, the next step is to buy an island, and i guess it would become obvious then, is it that simple? I just started, and things are a bit much. 😉
Anyway, cool vids, you are quite the nerd!
Though, if i may say so myself… hating on zergs in a zerg game, just because you solo – that might not be the way. Maybe do it big… why trailer? 😀
Solo though, that is what makes you excel, isnt it, but life gets lonely, even though there are things that a crowd can never do, same as there are things that one can never do… Everybody has their angle, and that is fine.
Thx for the build and for the tips😊👍
For to go to dgs, u need to farm some t4 t5 dgs, I think I Will start a new acc to find out How much time will it take
Step 1 buy premiuuuuuum
uhm three words WHAT THE FK?
What about become running merchant
Please!! Direct to the point!! Pay To Win!! Thats how it is..
vary different from your normal content but if you hit the shorts shelf OoooOOOO yeh you might have something going for ya XD
In my mind …..
A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
Hi swol. Do I need to go to carleon to craft potions?
Bro, im playing albion online 1 to 2 hours per day, is it ok me to buy premium by actual money??
I’m glad to see you did not quit the game !! Hope things are going better for you my friend keep up the great work 👍
Bro, chill out
can I build Necronomicon build in Albion online
Hard to deny
The entire secret to get rich in albion is in this 37sec video. Shiiii power point baby.xd
no ads
no silly intro
no bull s
just facts
Best HOW TO GET RICH IN ALBION ONLINE video so far and all this in couple seconds. Pog
I may have skipped a few steps and only subscribed
That is some awesome chad publicity noooooice XD
hey uh how do i know and what my guild level is and what is the best way to level em up? i dont really get it lol
Ngl this is much more informative, fun and less boring than the other guides xD
Nice ty
You cant get an island if you arent premium afaik.. So rip.
spiffing brit says hello nice vid bro
Ahah trying the Spiffing technic I see. You need a game with a larger audience I think, and probably more than one video so you can keep the people captured 🙂
mid of video and I’m feeling richer already
Ok that one was funny as Fu%#. 😆
where this channel moving to?, been watching the videos and seen that you are quitting albion. are you moving to rust or maybe valheim?
Best money make dont play this game xD
😀 haha but step 1 to step 2 is so long men
Seriously i just started playing a week ago and i found this guy and m already at t6.2 . he has the best money making guides and today I got my first kill in a black zone all thanks to the guy who lives in a van playing games😇
I need a how to get good guide 🙁
this is basicly what u explained to us in your previous videos but in a nutshell
First! It appeared on my notif and i clicked it without a second thought