Albion Online | 2024 in Review
In our final Dev Talk of 2024, we look back over the year’s updates, and take a peek at what’s on the way in 2025.
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コメント (241)
Can you guys please bring the old loot drops from roads update to upcoming new update? …. because I can’t get people to play with me and I can solo clear harder chests I spend time doing it but I get like 20k from the chest😢 that’s seriously discouraging
new things for Faction warfare — finnaly
can you add CHERRY BLOSSOM TREE decoration and WINTER TREE decoration!!!
Please add more contents that benefit solo players. Because being a solo player is a disavantaged in this game.
Overpopulated… more servers
Please sell that sweater i need that RN
Mercenaries in Albion Online could become more interesting if you added the ability to receive additional drops from them, such as runes or rare items. This would make them more profitable and put them on an equal footing with other workers on the islands.
i love the Albion Dev talk al the new update that SBI is bring to Albion but lets focus on the Main question on peoples mind here ” Robin where can i find the Christmas Albion Sweater that you have, that’s a cool looking Sweater i would buy that for Christmas if i can find one for myself”.
finally faction warfare updates!!!
make the safe portal cheaper for gucci gear!!! it cost me 25m to just leave through the safe protal if i want to use my best items! absolutly rediculas and further incentivises me to never use that gear opuitside of the royaks
Bro 10c for use potion or food is not good pls fixed
can we talk about p2w pack ?
please more healing/support stuff and PLEASE let us YZ zvz enjoyer be able to farm a LITTLE bit more 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Debería haber más ayuda a los que se dedican a la recolección en solitario andar en zona negra es imposible solo
make prem worth 15m silv lol
Necesito que pongan y actualicen el lore, ya me lei el lore general de la pagina pero no hay nada ed los caminos de avalon o las nieblas!!
Bring more bundles and kill this game
Top updates: Tier 1: Path of glory T2: horizons T3: Foundations T4 Cristal Raiders
Still think Empowering Beam in the Arcane Tree should be able to be cast on Enemies as a high DPS channeled (Frost) Beam etc option. I don’t want to auto lock in Enigma Blade for the high burst and mobility. Even the Frazzle buff doesn’t do enough damage.
Fico muito feliz em ver que os desenvolvedores desse jogo tem tamanho apreço por esse jogo maravilhoso
Cada atualização é incrível!!
A tomada de decisão de calibrar a economia é admirável
Lo unico que le falta a albion es MAS EVENTOS MUCHOS EVENTOS
Every location is looted 24/7, servers is overpopulated, even newest one. We need more servers to stabilize population on each. Then game will shine
this game has been dirty like this for a long time. sometimes they even find dirty ways to block players’ accounts. I paid less than $500 but it was still blocked. it’s stupid to devote to this game lol
You really need to open new spots for Black Market and new options for Faction Warfare
Can we talk more about FW??
Am i a joke to you? The moment i quit the game they decided to fix up everything wrong with the game and add all the features players have been asking for… Lets see if they follow through tho.
What is the current Storage capacity of this game? For mobile —
We need global content similar to titan invasion, a dynamic global boss objective that is visible as a resource!
We need really epic bosses that roam the maps, WE NEED DRAGONS IN THE GAME!!!!!!!!!
Every it’s always high risk hig rewards then there HCE like yeah devs we get that 😅you guys know nothing
Time to start selling those christmas sweaters guys
Hi all shouldn’t be more building to use in guild island and personal island also improve Labor and add new things to islands?
Worse year of Albion the updates were so trash
make albion great again where is the competetive content? revive it
horizon hotspots especially camps are TRASH they either won’t give u worthy loot or get knockedowned, waste of space but never utilized. back then those spots can be used for resources which has possibility to . 3 enchantments.
wasted space, Zero to little player who cares about. plus it looks like it took 7%-10% of outlands went for the camps where no one even fkn cares bcz of how useless it is..
So what i want is competative content. I wuld bring back lethal yellow gate’s 2v2/5v5/10v10 i wuld remove infamy system from them hardcap on t5/t6 geer( so new player’s or player who wanna test stuff pratice can come play and enjoy content, Cus many players are to infamy inflated player’s and dont give player’s chance to play. So many player’s get turned away from this content). And the big hellgate infamy system can stay make it guild fight content / BRING BACK CRYSTAL LEAGUE CONTENT FOR THE GUILD. HOPE #makealbiongreatagain. -hardcap guild on 100 member 2025 hype.
Please remove having to repair items ingame. It defeats the purpose of anyone wanting to buy and use the best gear in the game, when we can’t afford repairs.
Please fix the issue of kicking out of the game at the Ava Road and unable to enter for 20 minutes I am facing this issue in iPhone 13 every single day. It’s getting annoying. And when I enter back to the game, my outfit will be damaged and few of my gathered items will be gone. Please fix the issue. I am begging for it.
Can you also re-do your changes to offtimer ? To make zones more alive from groups . Like outposts Maybe castles
Where can I get that sweet sweater? Where is my merch, Robin? I want hoodies, action figures of all factions, t-shirts etc. Why doesn’t SBI want our money?
На мой взгляд это выглядело так, мы нихуя не успели сделать так что вот просто отчёт за год)))
Can you guys get rid of the satanic symbols
The easiest and best way to activate Faction warfare is to give guild season points if guild members participate in Faction war together.
+ cosmetic X gold
Please, Let the outposts remain activated during the early morning hours.
I only have one question for this season:
Please Delete HQ HO
2 month seasons will dramatically reduce the importance of season victories. On top of that, pushing for rank 1 for 2 months is MUCH easier than 3 months. This means that the 3rd month is incredibly important for guilds who want to make a last minute push against a guild who is tired after 2-2.5 months of pushing for rank.
-Improving new towers, that it uses faction hearts, each faction with diffent towers, levels, and to destroy it: using Elite mount, all this changes will be better and force all players give use for hearts and elite mount
-More missions for transporting of hearts, i mean not only transport and comeback city,also for castles,towers,supporting a figth or zvz,a buff in a map in red or yellow zone,there are many missions for transporting in a war
-More times for bandits, like 5 o 6 times per day, but to participate requires 1300 ip or 1250 ip,obviusly with more rewards
-More faction missions(Not path missions) : get a castle in that time, kill enemy factions, get enemy hearts and many missions for open world in yellow or red zone
yo de verdad solo pido que el portal SAFE tenga canalización
I wanna buy that hoodie when?
Last updates sucks. crystal creatures give less point. Small guild are disbanding. Your game is at the end of life.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR88cmGQphY&lc=Ugw_pkosmJboYnjVnfR4AaABAg Video Reacction about it <3 sorr for the language :v use translator
rework politic & reduce amount of rmt, and stop close eyes,
Pls rework Hammers PVE 🤕
please working on 10s cd on equip pot/food its frustrating
where can i buy ur shirt?
Here are some things to consider for the improvement of the game both for solo and small groups:
No1 : revert the change of pristine resources that unlock in prime time, to randomly spawn in prime times, this change helps smaller groups to fight for higher tier pristine instead of being monopolized by big guilds.
No2 : Revert the change with food potions or make it as it was before the 0 cooldown, meaning if i already had the slot full, if i swap a food, my spells do not go on 10 seconds cooldown, they still go to 10 sec cooldown if i have the slot empty or the 10 seconds or the 10 seconds are only for the food and potion slots.
No3 : Rebalance the REWARDS of CRYSTAL SPIDER in the mists. i dont know if it was intentional but after the update with the new crystal creatures giving about 80% less might due to the spawn rate on open world, the crystal spider in the mists was affected by that 80% might nerf even tho it spawns only once in a single mist.
No4 : Remove Uncommon/Rare/Legendary chests in the mists camps. or make them to only drop fame books, increasing with the rarity of the chest and bring back favor for completion of the camp(The REMOVAL of favor in the camps of mist was due to the chest in the camp to provide loot so that it rebalances the rewards you gained from favor) make that so people actually are rewarded for completing the camps with fame tomes and favor to use on chests or more tomes instead of the absolutely WORTHLESS rare/legendary chests that dont even have half a mil inside even though the chances of finding rare and legendary are close to 0.
No5 : Make the crystal creatures drop CRYSTAL WEAPON artifact instead of once a season with the chest.
No6 : The solo dungeons need a removal or a huge buff( when you guys introduced the update that the solo dungeon closes after 90 sec, you completely ruthlessly fucked the rewards of the dungeon because it was a safe way to secure fame and loot, however, a few patches ago you introduced an update for the GROUP DUNGEONS that have significant BOOST to loot and fame and it also CLOSES like solo dungeons, not only making it more safe because you are in a group, since gankers/solo players cant dive you, but you also clear them at a VERY FAST SPEED because you dont care about pvp since it closes and that allows you to bring proper pve comp to run though the mobs like nothing)
Thank you
what about ganking? ist nerfet with SAFE portal and now Premium is 40m
파티 플레이 일지 미션을 만들어주기를 원한다.😢
Why don’t you create Matchmaking for Hellgates? I feel like the current problem is finding people who want to make the content and it’s really annoying having to look for guilds and discords to do that. But to do this you would have to put in place a rank system and class role system. Example: Tank, Healer, DPS, Melee DPS Classes. Composition types: engage, defensive, DoT.
This way we wouldn’t be stuck with closed teams. Furthermore, Matchmaking would have to organize closed teams with closed teams, and random teams with random teams.
Faction War, just by adding the new wall and flag system in addition to increasing the size of the territory would be a huge improvement.
A cool idea would be to place the same territory as the black zone (with walls and a reward chest), as if it were a castle surrounded by outposts in other zones (the same outposts but with walls with fewer layers).
As rewards: it would be cool to have themed costume costumes for each faction for the highest rankings after each season of the faction challenge.
Making the current faction system more difficult makes the game more relevant for players old and new, a nice introduction to Black Zones PvP. It also opens doors for the Caerleon faction to defend.
Why don’t you have a merch store where I can buy that Christmas sweater?
U guys killed yellow zone, static fame farming people.we are formal nd don’t have much time to play so mostly played in yellow static to grind fame. And u killed it for solo players thinking u improving it.there is lot but still can’t invest time. I want to play it without pressure of getting killed as new player. Whenever I go black zone I’m dead or intrepted by other players.its useless to go black zone when nothing to gain there. I only lose lot.please give static farming and shadow caller back. U did good in group dungeon but u killed something (static) which is already successful content for ur game. Why you do this when something is good. Do u guys want your game dead. U guys want us to play something new coming inside by taking the content what we already liked.pls don’t do this ever or lot player gona quit the game
Temporadas de 2 meses é a melhor ideia. É muito cansativo jogar 3 meses de temporadaem um MMORPG, você tem que dedicar muito tempo da sua vida pra esse objetivo, além de tentar não ficar pobre no processo, já que o TOP 1 é necessário ser um ESCRAVO da guilda.
Yoo.. i hope u guys fix bot n radar problems
Please ban fire staff spam ability 😭
Start diong fire the mods ….wtf rotally abuse his Power, fuking all german mods ….never see bad mods like that .
Your premium is too expensive for f2p
Me gustaria que pudieran aumentar el loot de las masmorras solitaria ya que son muy duficil de hacer pero la recompensa es demasia baja y asi varios jugadores ya ni hacemos ese contenido por la pequeña ganacia que se saca en los cofres
Looks like a good challenge and I hope new crystal weapons show up soon.
Longer season means no more sudden increase of gold which means better economy
PLEASE FIX Gathering Journals. The partially filled journals of a lower tier will fill up before starting a higher tier journal.
-for example if u gather 1 tier 6 resource it will fill up your tier 6 journal as intended but if u gather a tier 8 resource afterwards the tier 8 journal wont get started but instead the tiwer 6 continued.
This bug exist now for more then 4 years. Please fix it. the only workaround was till now for players to trash the lower tier journal before gathering the t8 resource or to fill up the t6 journal with tier 8 and then have the system start a tier 8 causing a massiv loss in resources.
where is theirs albion sweater…
Fix the crashes on mobile devices, it’s really sad crashing mid avalon and then reconnect praying that your character is not dead by some random dude.
ALBION MERCHS! IN GAME SKINS! ISLAND DECORATIONS THAT COSTS REAL MONEY! This is good cuz it’s always just optional and not game changing. Doesn’t affect gamplay whatsoever. But it does affact the players mood. I want my island to look cool like that clash of clans skins. It will be a hit here in asia. Never be ashamed of microtransactions if your game is free and it doesn’t give you advantages. Follow COC and Riot Games (just not so expensive). They say MTX is scummy and predatory, but if certain conditions are met it will be fine. The only issue I have with Riot Games’ TFT avatars is that its basically gambling. As long as the price is flat it will be fine.
For starters FIX THE DAMN BANNING SYSTEM!!! accused players of RMT gets banned yet legit hackers and cheaters roams the land freely. My GM and friend is even banned for such false accusation! Start there!!
Please buff the fame farm on mists t4🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭😭💯💯💯🤌🤌
finally some good news. Gold prices will go down.
I love it how delusional they are on what there actually did with those updates. Something tells me “improve on faction warfare” really means another nerf that they will pretend is a buff.
Shorter season 🎉🎉🎉🥰
What about a new mage weapon???
Amazing job SBI <3
When I enter Albion, 2 minutes later a notification appears saying that Albion is not responding. I have tried several methods: repair, reinstall, uninstall and reinstall again, but the issue still persists. Please help me.
Please add the option to change what the left click and right click does (make it more customizable). I don’t want to move my character with left click and I don’t want to accidentally use my potion and food by right clicking on it. I also don’t want to attack mobs by right clicking on them (using the RTS controls). Thank you!! 😊
Why are we getting tier 1 tomes in 8.1+ group dungeons?
Hello. Thank you for your contributions to the game and player-friendly developments. Shorter seasons are a really good idea. Also, I think the Tracking system needs to be deepened. For example, it would be great if resources could be tracked. 8.3 In order to collect a resource, you track and take risks. In addition, you should be able to earn points for the guild from Tracking.
make premium affordable for new players please
The last 3 Months updates are mostly a piece of crap , A lot of good QOL updates , but tons of bad decisions ,the game is not fun anymore , these updates are just made mostly to make SBI profit ,in a short time whit incalculable quantity of annoying BUGS!!
Use of the markets are a mess now!! Constantly reset the searches! Choosing the Islands same thing!
I’m playing since the 2018 and I never saw a thing like this.
I love shorter season IDEA. going to be way better cause right now the seasons feel too stretched out and gets boring from time to time, almost makes you quit the game cause you waiting for too long.
So yeah shorter season good update!
Plz don’t take 10s for change potion
It is so noisy for gather,pvp,all contents;;
Please bring back shoe of tenacity invis , ever since that update static has been a group content rats have been almost radicated by big guilds or group’s . Many of my friends have left the game and made this content stagnant and now after the dmg boost solo content in static is impossible even with 8.4 , the risk vs record is also reduced with the loot depending on party size , its been the worst year of my 4 years in this game
Peace out ✌
add some new mobs i hate looking at the same mobs when fame farming its so boring. add goblins and other things pretty please
Very very glad, ur giving us solo players things to do, I resubscribbed
The best game ever❤❤❤❤
And the sweater isn’t for sale?????
With utmost respect and appreciation for the Albion Online development team, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the dedication and hard work poured into creating such an extraordinary game world. As a player who greatly enjoys the gathering profession, I humbly propose an idea that may warrant consideration: the introduction of a Tier 8 deer mount.
Here are the reasons behind this suggestion:
1. Efficiency in Gathering
Currently, mounts like the *Moose* (Tier 6) provide excellent mobility and speed for roaming while gathering resources. However, the introduction of a Tier 8 mount could offer an improved balance between speed, load capacity, and durability, especially for gatherers operating in dangerous zones. This addition could significantly enhance player experience and provide new strategic options.
2. Inspiration from Prehistoric Giant Deer
The Tier 8 mount design could draw inspiration from prehistoric deer species such as the *Irish Elk* (Megaloceros giganteus) or Cervalces latifrons. With their majestic stature and greater strength compared to the *Moose*, this new mount could not only enrich the game’s aesthetics but also become a striking icon that captures the imagination of players across Albion.
3. Balance with Existing Mounts
Currently, the Direboar is often the preferred choice for players prioritizing load capacity. A Tier 8 deer mount could provide a compelling alternative, offering a unique combination of high speed and sufficient load capacity. This would add flexibility for players seeking efficiency without compromising mobility.
I deeply value the innovations and updates that the development team has continuously introduced to enrich the Albion Online experience. It is my sincere hope that this suggestion may be considered as part of future development plans. I trust in the creativity and commitment of the team to bring this idea to life in an extraordinary way.
Thank you for your attention and dedication. With respect and gratitude! 😊
Please fix the ping in EU serve i have wasted my of premium.
why not make a tower from level 1 to 100, something like a boss tower for solo players
Nah not gonna make me going to play again
The player based economy is the reason why very few people are playing your game don’t you realized that? I’m playing in east BTW.
When is the next wave ban for RMTers coming? 2 to 3 people taking over whole servers to make a life out of it lol
Thanks guys, for everthing. This is an amazing game. I was thinking about a voice chat in arenas, could great! think about it!
hellgates mentioned???
I can’t wait for them to stabilize the gold price. It seems that this upcoming update will be worth it 🙂
where can I get that albion chrismas sweater
The gold price was really a little bit overwhelming. It affected premium price as well. It would be nice if it is balanced.
I need daily journal quests 3:09
what in the mf shit is wrong with mods in asia? they always mute people for some no shit reason
Only one thing this game needs, a better sound for when you kill another player, like a distinct satisfying sound
These cores you get from raids are only useful if you have a territory, this should be considered if you want to make territories content more accessible. And getting and holding a territory for a smaller guild is impossible, even deep in BZ. Please do not mess up faction warfare, it is the only good PVP content in this game, except Bandit – it is bad. Why did you remove the tower from the outposts? It looked nice, and was quite realistic. Seasons are pointless giveaways to big old guilds – we always have the same 10-20 guilds, just changing places. It is a dead content. Why do you want to lower the price of gold if it directly benefits you and the game economy? The higher is the price of premium, the more money is removed from cartels and their 100 farming and crafting chars. If you really care about individual players to have premium, decrease the price in IRL money, make loyalty programs, localize it – it will also bring you more revenue. Moreover, gold in this game is costly in IRL money. If you decrease the price of gold in silver, you may risk an increase in RMT, especially in the case of black mists P2W sweatlords. The only feasible way to decrease the gold price, which will probably be only temporary, is increasing the amount of gold you get in each package without increasing its price. When it comes to journal – most of the gathering tomes I got from quests I had to trash because they are untradable, and I have maxed T4 and T5 gathering, so I can’t use them. Unfortunately, not many people have the end items because the quests to obtain them are absurdly difficult and often impossible to do for solo and non-cartel players. Killing mobs is not challenging, it is now annoying, especially undead ones. I also don’t understand why you didn’t introduce crystal weapons for basic skill trees first. You start the game as a mage with a fire staff, and it seems now that the crystal fire staff will be added last – this one you have shown in the video looks like some kind of cursed staff. And all the skill trees without a crystal weapon will now have to wait a lot longer for it, this is so unfair.
No entendí ni mierda xd
These are things that I really want to see in this game:
1) I would like to remove the cooldown when we equip food/potions ( I’m playing currently on my phone for the last year and at first I thought this could benefit me because when I was trying to change them I “had 5 seconds cooldown” (trying to open/close the window), but now it’s like the only viable potion I can take is the invisibility and for food I can only pick 2 at max.
2: yes please think about the gold prices I really want and I would prefer them to have a fixed price so the premium doesn’t go to 50 million in a year or so, I don’t care if it’s 15mil, 20mil, 25mil, 30mil just have it with a fixed price cuz I don’t want the game to be a “full time job”, I just want to log in play for an hour to 3 hours and log out.
3: Can we have some quests from NPC’s? Doesn’t have to be something crazy, also a way that can be balanced is for the quests to not be selected but random quests so a group can’t just pick the same quest and do the same thing over and over again. I believe the quest could be good for the player base if they are random cuz the first one can be in a safe zone and the next in a black zone and so on.
4: I made a suggestion once for the 3 rest areas on the map. How would you feel if they have their own bandit event where it happens once or twice a day and it’s a war between the rest areas ( of course this could be possible if there is a separated zone which should be a bit bigger so they can all fit inside), my opinion on this is that it should be a safe activity/event so the only way you can die is before you reach the rest area (and you can’t enter it if you used S.A.F.E. portal cuz that would be easy). As for the rewards it should be something that can’t help you in the royal cities but it can help you in the safe area and black zone only. Maybe a chest where you can choose a set to help you? Or even better new resources like a new mount, new hearts, new crests.
5: last thing. I don’t think that you should nerf solo players that much, I mean when the new camps arrived I was doing the solo/group camps by myself, it was fun and challenging but when you reworked them I just stopped entirely because it’s not worth it anymore, group camps is just worthless and solo camps are just to competitive, I mean if there are 3-6 guys in every solo camp then I have to spend 2-4 times more time just to complete it and the reward isn’t worth the wait. Doing solo the statics is just worthless in every way, group dungeons haven’t tried it nor will I (all of the above are based on my experience in the safe zone areas), so what’s next? A lot of people don’t want to join a guild either cuz they are demanding or they are just “unfriendly” and so on. A new player at the start of the game he might not join a guild and because there aren’t any good solo activities in the safe zones he might leave the game in the first weeks and never return, one guy from my guild he joined the game like one month ago and he is almost broke cuz he died a few times in a guild activity and he didn’t had a “back up plan”. There should be a way that the game can help new players so they won’t have a financial issue, maybe explain to them more about how the game works or have the lethal zones locked till they reach a milestone, just something.
I believe that’s pretty much all that I wanted to say, I would appreciate it if you consider some of the things that I wrote and I really hope this game is going to have an incline rather than a decline. Thanks for reading and keep up the good work 😊👍
Solo boss lair reward is horrible
Fire your dev team and get a new one for the start of the new year. Your youtube channel is gonna be more active then Albion soon.
DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE FKING BOTS !!! Gane is dying to bots. Anytime if day , any server. 30 – 40 bots running transport around the clock
Happy Holidays as well!
PLEASE CHANGE SOLO DUNGEONS MAKE IT MORE DOABLE AND GOOD LOOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +111111111111111
As always thank you for the dev talk ❤
Hi, thank you for the video and i’m looking forward to this updates, hope the gold price stabilize in a healthy price for all the players. FOr my entirely life i played avalon roads seeking pvp, but most of the time it was so frustrating because there are just a few veteran players playing roads, we need more atraction for pvp and people who are strong. Also, im trying to talk to you guys since 2019 in order to get a changing in the invetory where the items that you looted go to the bottom part of the inventory instead going to the upper part. Amazing news
lore update pls 😀
Well needed Cd’s rework. Hope to see something new and exciting
A few days ago, a player was in the Mists and lost more than 3 billion silver. His Bloodmoon 8.4 masterpiece looked useless against the opponent’s 6.2 set in the clip. It’s crazy that this can happen, and there are no protections to stop people from “ratting” like this. The player quit the game after that, which is really sad—especially for less experienced players who could still add value to the game’s economy.
I think situations like this kill the motivation to play. Seeing someone at such a high level lose everything in the Mists or open world without better safety is very discouraging. The game needs changes to keep it fun and stop players from leaving after such big losses. Also, a better story mode and more engaging videos, like voiced content, would help a lot. Improve your Arena.
When are they going to do something about the RMT guilds that have monopolized the ring zone?
I find it unfair that they make updates, but do nothing with those guilds!
This happens on the AMERICA server
Do you have any plans for the open waters around the Black Zone or the Royal Continent? It would be amazing if we could have our own ships to travel between these two continents, maybe even adding naval warfare, pirates, or other sea-related content to explore. What do you think about such additions?
excellent work all this year guys but I really would like you to eliminate the “hce” system since it is the only one that does not represent a risk therefore it lends itself to those who make RTM I hope you take my consideration into account, also please fix the bug = the token says that the “eggexcutier” is reclaimable and is not at the cosmetics merchant. Regarding my experience so far this year, I have seen a lot of activity in all fields, I am addicted, keep it up.
When other mmos die out, Albion keeps getting better and better!
A happy new year to the entire SBI! You guys have cooked something truly special with this game & we thank you deeply for it
Lower the price of the premium, at this rate new players will never stay because they can not progress for lack of premium because they would have to spend hours of their lives. Do not comment players with more than 5 years of experience.
Hello! If anybody of staff read this comment pls take care about the profit from crafting in HO buffed by cores. Its disgusting. U have unlimited profit without focus. Look the graphic of premium price, its went up when u created this money printer…. Also, players are not dying anymore. Just in zvzs, the game map is tooooooo big. Avalons, blackzone, royals, hellgate, the mists, corrupted dungeon. And remember, u splited the player base into 3 servers….. Just NA still competitive. U need to take care about the game competition. Or u merge all servers again in the future. Or need to cut off half map and instanced things to force players to meet each other and fight. I hope some of u really read this post. Have a good time 😊.
Do something with crystal leauge
safe portals are gay shit. they need to be removed or limited to 30 sec max 1 min
pls pls 7:20 I’m a faction war player it would be very good a few changes thank you.
Steam charts 26k , today 9k , uhmmmmm
Parabéns esqueçam novos conteúdos, albion já tem conteúdos de mais, alguns que precisam ser excluídos do jogo ( mists, caçada) só melhorem oque já tem, o básico funciona.
do something with the 35M premium it’s crazy I’m thinking of leaving the game, with the new camps you only increased the inflation as a pvp zone it’s great but your rewards only inflate the silver and with each update it’s worse that you continue premium at 50M?
U guys finished my content. I used to take fights on medium chest but now cant see medium chests from other zones.
make that u can enter corrupteds from city and buff the loot so people will start playing
I love his Dev Talks. They are well structured, explain themselves clearly, show realistic implementation plans and address player feedback very directly. Another dev talk where I believe they can read my mind. Perfectly satisfied. I hope they don’t lose that as they get bigger and bigger.
With 2 months season are season point also gonna decrease?
Want Albion merch 😅
Love the open world encampment,. Made the game highly enjoyable for solo player
Please make a tutorial built ingame when a new player try out albion . Even with the journal update its not enough . New player having hard time where to go what to look for. This is the only reason people won’t try out albion online instade of wow or guild war. I play this game since the introduction of avalone road . I suggested many of my friends to play this game . But every time I needed to keep them in my party to show them where to go what to look for . How to find things. Please make the game beginner friendl6
While other game companies are pushing out pay to play updates and greedy cash grabs. Albion is trying to make their game amazing and more beautiful! We don’t deserve these wonderful Devs! Massive W for this year and it gets better next year! I’m SO HYPED!!!
what is hollyday season??? patetic statement
Ava roads empty, every update going bad for ava roads. Bring back to more exp for yellow chests. With my team we’re living in Ava Roads. Few months we’re just running. It’s like running similator.
Hi Albion,
I have a concept for hellgates, corrupted, pvp type content.
The vision is the town of act 4 in Diablo 2. The last bastion of humankind vs the hellspawn.
It is a town with access to different levels of hellgates, corrupteds, pvp type activities. Perhaps a point system where we could buy artifacts/items from similar to arena tokens, but hell tokens. Maybe a new hell artifact weapon/armor line even. Hint hint.
This town not only has hellgates and corrupteds. But is also a hub or gathering area for likeminded people to find each other and make pub groups for hellgates. A more convenient party finder.
Solo players or Groups can queue for non-leathal or lethal hellgate roles similar to arena. If they find that the current group is fun to play with, they can choose to stay and perhaps attempt lethal hellgates together. And more.
This will naturally engage players with this type of content without forcing people to join discords or find premade hellgate parties. Accessibility and know how of hellgates is one of its biggest barriers of entry and many players seem to skip this part not due to lack of interest, but due to lack of access.
W Video
The improvements were valuable for Albion Online, but the increase in gold prices has discouraged many friends from playing the game, as Premium is getting higher and higher. After several years, I decided to abandon Premium and its benefits. Please fix this. Companies like Amazon and Blizzard have taken the first step and set prices in accordance with Brazil, making it easier to keep Premium active by paying in cash. While an American pays $14.95, Brazilians pay R$90.00, an exorbitant difference.
How about island farming? There are so many clicks required. Any plans for speeding up the process? Thanksssssssssss
Reputation system rework would be great , for now its annoying and quite not worth to push high tier reputation.
I am so happy with the 2025 plans, especially the faction rework
Bring the crystal hammer
2 months season sounds great, people were usually burned out towards the end, both zvz and casual players alike.
Everything is fine. Do what you think is best, some will still appear to complain. 😂😂
I hope to know more about the changes to the economy soon.
Throw a mobile update where the game be actually really playable on mobile or desappear the app from all the stores.
The target stuff is horrible, some weapons are not even playable correctly in mobile bcs of their mechanics and how the horrible target system works and in pvp will always have a big disadventage against pc players, basicly if u play on mobile u gotta limit yourself by playing easy content and that sucks. U guys dont even need an update about this, just patchs, but fix that target system, i remember it was gold like 1year and half ago, when you could just throw skills in any directios without locking a target, it doesn’t matter how much entities and players where there, now you gotta spam a diselect target key everytime u slice your finger to erase the target the game forced you to lock, it’s just awful and disgusting. Just kill it for mobile or make it the best mmo playable for this platform, which is actually possible since there is no good competence on the mobile stores, basicly all mobile mmos are p2w generic bs or they just dead.
Btw if someone just tell me about buying a pc, i gotta be honest, if i buy a pc im not miserable enough to play albion when all those top mmos exist, that would be sadest than crying in a comment section about the gameplay of a mobile version of an alternative mmo based on ganking farmers 20v1.
I love the portal S.A.F.E
Happy new year ,man
Hola me parece mejor una temporada cada 2 meses pero a cambio deberían reducir el número de puntos para los gremios pequeños ejemplo: Bronce 5000 puntos, Plata 20k, Oro 50k,Cristal 200k Esto para compensar la reducción de tiempo y se mantiene estable
Finding a way to balance the range meta without removing circles from corrupted dungeon maps will be a real challenge. I look forward to seeing this content refreshed. Many aspects need to be reworked.
With the change to season length does that mean Knights Vow’s will also change in duration? they were meant originally to last a full season now they will be longer and staggered
I really like a lot of the changes you’ve added to the game over the year, but I can’t stand what you’ve done with potions. You removed a very cool and skillful game mechanic for no good reason. I hope you bring it back.
If seasons are shorter then we need to earn more seasons points to reach gold or crystal in a shorter amount if time, no?
it would be nice to have hideouts level 4 too
I hope that the next faction update will be amazing really, in depth with more rewards, more diverse fight ecounters, more mechanics how to fight/capture the map and more importantly a great inscentive to NOT change faction everyday to have players loyal to their towns.
Bro we need that albion sweater – please
How to say we are reducing the number of updates by 1/4 without saying it – Tutorial by SBI.
When is the Latin American server coming out?
the new camps were a great idea, as a solo/duo player it made the game so much more fun.
Ah yes, happy 33million premium. surely it wont go any higher right. Might as well go all in to ratting
yes all is great just undo the 10s cooldown of switching consumables plz asap
Shorter seasons are much better for player activity
Can we get feature like photo modes
There are a lot of slow effects from the enviroment in corrupted dungeons also from mobs during the fight, maybe lowering the amount of slowing sources would help. Being slowed in this game constanlty is one of the most frustrating thing I swear…
I have a question (which may or may not have been answered by the team before, I’m not sure) I wish to know if you guys plan on doing something with the stone resource? Like clearly compared to other resources its value is less and is utilized the least. Back when shapeshifter weapons were released, i thought we’d get some stone-crafted weapons, but its still mostly used for just buildings. Hope you guys address this in some way, I’d love to hear what you guys have in mind.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 😀
Me , a solo player staring at the tier 4 resources i’m not allowed to harvest from far away.
Dear Mr. Henkys, I am a solo great axe player I would like to make a request to you about the duration of the spinning axe, can you buff the duration of the spinning axe from 2.5 secs to 5-6 secs? and increase its damage per tick from 15 to 25 upon hitting an enemy, also buff the attack speed percent of the hunter jacket from 60% to 80% percent. I just noticed that the attack speed in Albion is not that fast you know what I mean? Whenever I use 1 hand dagger with a hunter jacket and torch my attack speed is not that fast enough can you at least buff that? Thank you very much and Merry Christmas ❤
Intesresting colors you choose for your jacket xd
only two things undead cosmetic package and decorations for the island with the same theme as there is in morgana, guard and heretic
Actually the best thing to do at the start of the new year is to fire the rude,lazy and unhinged moderators who abuse their powers.
Add a name changing system please.
2 months is crazy but I mean alr. Just make the avatars cooler and I am good with that.
zajefajnie, chciałbym jednak poznać historię tego swetra?!
4:33 you have the dumbest Ai for PvE so you did not “bring back TRULY challenging PvE”! You just gave mobs more HP and damage!
You need to invest in your PvE Ai! Your mobs are just scripted! So bad!
Albion team please ad 5 dollar skin like league of legends it’s literally free money for you and something new and affordable for us 🎉
Ботов убрать в рыбалке желтых зон, и честная мирки!!! Что бы ваши работники там не манили деньги….И золото 10к уже…
go first with the faction war updates! shorter seasons 2months are also good. and more fashion skins too.
je n’arrive pas a me connecter aux serveurs test
Want battle ship concept
Lower premium it’s already 33 m silver in east 😢
I wanna buy this albion online christmas shirt so much x)
Helloooo bro and sister!!
Buf the dungeon my love
yeah 2 months for season is amazing, 3 months is just too tiring and burning out players faster.
Pls add more PVE and solo friendly content pls. Pls add more areas where you can get good loots without getting ganked
Please allow old school EU players to transfer their accounts to the EU server.
We supported the game for years while playing on high ping, always hoping for an EU server.
legendary weapons thanks
Shorter seasons is OK! But maybe lower the ammount of might for the seasonal rewards then! It’s quite hard to get far enough in the seasons of today without absolutely grinding BZ content (as a solo, I have no idea how it is playing in a guild, but I can imagine it’s alot faster if you have big battles and such) The game seems really healthy even with the high gold prices, it’ll be cool if it can go down a bit for sure.
HELLGATE REWORK??! sign me the fk up
Thank you for making 2024 such an amazing year for the game! Your hard work, creativity, and dedication have made Albion Online even more exciting and enjoyable. I truly appreciate everything you’ve done and can’t wait to see what’s next.
Wishing you all continued success in 2025 and a good Christmas time!
Awesome sweater by the way. I’d like to have one!
We need Albion merch plz
Where can we get that Albion Ugly Christmas Sweater?!
Hi Robin, this is a request from a solo player. Please consider us more — it’s hard to progress in the game without relying on others or being part of a guild. Playing solo often means double the effort for the same reward. This is just a vent, but if possible, give some attention to solo players.
*_I humbly believe that in the community section they can do a survey on whether we prefer long or short seasons and have better statistics._* 😄😉
I think shorter seasons would be a good idea because it would open more end-of-season chests and more artifacts for crystal weapons.
04:15 can we talk about this healer?
albion has so many content to offer its good. the only big downside is the risk vs rewards. you risk 3 to 4 times higher than what you probably get. it eats too much time for a less rewards that what makes the game boring to be honest.
will the amount of might needed for the might challenge be downscaled too?
Robin… Please let us buy your guys Albion shirts. That Christmas sweater is the coolest thing since I started playing Albion…..
Where can I get a stylish jacket just like yours?
Just ban the cheaters, bots, scouts and RMTs more effectively, that would make game a lot more fun.
Ok where new magic tree weapon?? Not even teased??
More lore so we can get new enemies and weapons
So happy theyre gonna control premium price.
incres map add more maps in black zone more ava roads
*_Hello, good day._* 😊 I hope that soon they will add filters for the market, filters for objects bought, objects sold, and objects that were not sold. It would also be great to have a filter of items sold on the market by city. *_Because it is very difficult to navigate between 500 messages combined with everything._* 😉😉 Les deseo una Feliz Navidad y un prospero año nuevo. 🎄
Thanks for the good year ! Had a lot of fun
So no word on when the moderators are going to be fixed or even allow for discussion in public forums on how terrible the moderation in this game has become. If you won’t allow players to talk about it – it’s not going to get fixed and you’re going to keep losing players.
WTF, so we have to farm favor within 2 months, not three months?
50% increase of effort, WTF is that
When is the new magic staff tree is coming? And what kind of staff it would be
2 month season will be amazing. Pushing a season feels way longer with 3 month season when the top 3 ranks are already determined at the beginning of the season
where i can buy that christmas albion pijama?
Albion is still a great game after all these years! Congrats to the whole team!
honestly, this year was one of the best for the game. cant wait to see whats coming up 🙂
keep it up and happy holidays!
Gold market crash incoming
Pls enable full loot pvp inside the city ,bank and market
Isnt the game dead for all solo players? 😂