🤑 GETTING RICH EASILY IN THE MISTS 🤑 Albion Online | Goldstein’s Highlights Episode 7
🌌Download Albion Online: https://albiononline.com/ref/6RECLCRHAK
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MISTS CURSED STAFF BUILD ~ 1550 IP (Max Elite Warlock)
T8.1 Cursed Staff | (Vile Curse, Armor Piercer, Furious)
T8.0 Guardian Helmet | (Emergency Shield, Tenacity)
T8.0 Cleric Robe | (Everlasting Spirit, Aggression)
T8.0 Soldier Boots | (Wanderlust, Tenacity)
T6.3 Cryptcandle
T4.0 Caerleon Cape
-Resistance & Gigantify Potions
-Beef Stew & Cabbage Soup
SWAPS: Demon Helmet, Helmet of Valor, Duskweaver Helmet, Mage Robe
*ANY swap disguise escape set is HIGHLY recommended and greatly improves the success rate of this strategy
Taqs:Albion,Albion Online,Goldstein,Cursed Staff,PvP,Mists,PK,Silver,How to,GoldsteinCORP,GoldsteinX,Brumas,Warlock,Curse,Daily,Dose,Best,Solo,Lethal,Bomb,Cursed,warlock,goldstein,albion,albion online,cursed staff,cursed,curse,bait,baiting,gank,ganking,ganker,pk,pvp,mists,silver,cryptcandle,best cursed staff,onlyrats,Ratata,EZ,EZ LOOT,Loot,Rat,Ratting,Rat King,rat,rat king,Goldstein X,rich,best weapon,journal,ratata,ratatata,goldenstein,golden
コメント (83)
When i chose to max 1h curse, i knew it was The right decision
Only ratting, never fighting a 1 v 1, clearly sad boy without love. And using radar, im waiting for the day u got banned, fking rtard.
golden siempre a sido un jugador de mierda pero no utiliza radar
Where are the sound effects 😭
elpelotassss es una ba zsura hahahaha como cae mal
Hay algo que me gusta mucho de tus videos y son sus efectos sabes ambientarlos muy bien (sin saturar), me gusto que estuviera bastante limpio, pero uno que otro efecto hace falta hombre.
I’m playing this build but with facebreaker shield. Lol
-1 viewer haha
Este tipo no se cansa de matar a elpelotass 😂😂😂
Hello radar 🎉
Why hide map if not streaming?
2b on his account and still need to rat guys lmao rat never change even when he get rich
Bro I can’t, I’m sure this is a troll video just for one player 😂
Goldstein si me pudieras pasar donde venden el radar que usas?? porfa es para una tarea de la universidad
Pregunta seria en la kill del 2:42 como lo encontró al pelotas? si estaba invi y muuuyyy lejos 😮
hahaha anybody dont hit you, this video f**ing funny video, your friends or somebody idk, but they are so fake, they should improve their acting skills okey , stop to lie into people , f**off
Quien tiene clicks del pelotas llorando xddd quiero verrr
Fucking ratt😂😂🎉🎉
Mds matou o Felipera
F EL Pelotas
Revenge for elpelotass copyright infringing you ahahhaha
you’re just a rat that hits from behind 😊
1:24 why he dismount you 😂
1:59 radar hack.
why people follow u? u are the best example that in this game the rats always wins, so disgusting.
Learn how to fight like a man fcking kid
Альбион помойная яма с вонючими крысами, и ты тому доказательство…
Go europe no only west
10:45 he has to be hacking that e has so much range
elpelotass ezzzzzzzzz xD????????????
10:09 Double kill XD
Jajajajjaajaj Lo tiene de hijo al Pelotas 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Por qué tanto odio?? Jajaj
Lo del peloo ya era personal JAJAJAJAA
I think it’s worth trying witt 5.4 courses (if needed , i’ll craft 5 pieces and give them away)
the level of rat of this bro is carzy!!😅
No pelo que te hizo amigo
you guys got internet in africa?
Only rat kills…
Are you still doing open world ganking ?
Gold i love u 😂😂
Terribles hacks! Yo me paso horas buscando a alguien a quien retear y no pasa nadie!! ni una pelear, en cambio este man, hasta a pros con 1 de vida encuentra! naa terrible hacks! por cierto vaya cogida qe le pegaron A Elpelotass xddd
Elpelotass has quit the game
1:43 u kill this guy a loot
Este si tiene hack es imposible encontrar tanto a alguien en las mist
that double kill at the 10:10 mark is something else and very entertaining lol
why new channel?
tipico del pelotas, ez x2 pone y le revientan el culo, tipico de argentinos malos
Dmnn… 1 billion silver
dude that 2.3billion omg, i just cant imagine if i had 300m, im been trying but i just cant being solo player :c i just want 120 spec and t8/t8.1 builds XDDD
Elpelotas te dieron buenas ostias por aquí
с читом играет ? поэтому не смотрит на кого нападает? 😂 реально читер какой то
Goldstein: piñaaaata chaaaatt!!!!
U play on Europe server?
Elpelotasss gonna be bald at 40
como decir que te cae mal una persona sin decir que te cae mal esa persona. nice video jsjsjs 🌵🌵
I miss the meme edits.
AdeusCamarada 😂😂😂
In english is goodbye comrade
Mensaje para el pelotas, siempre seras la piñata de golden jajaja
Cool amulet cool amulet but not for me
Bro how much silver does this guy have? 💀
Thankyou for taking these guys out, theyre sooo toxic in mists. I just wanna farm or maybe grab a spider, but they kill anything that moves and its soooooo annoying.
1:43 jajajaja mi causa el pelotas debe estar retorciendose en su tumba
Good Rat
Elpelotasss piñataaaaaaa
@Elpelotasssss goldstein is going to drive you crazy hahahaha
WTF u kill elpelotasss 1000 timexd
Elpelotasss content?
Very good video bro, keep it up! gained another subscriber🎉
Damn son you spoiling us
Felipeera screaming RADAR. lmao
Lol elpelotas must have been sad
I love seeing salty streamers getting mad at you and accusing you for using radar
Lmaooo elpelotasss must hate you so much after this vid 😂
you killed yhe same guy 4 times wtf
Yooo perfect timing!! Just sat down for lunch!!❤