[Fresh Blood] Bloodmoon – In NEW Open World Albion Online
New day, New Fresh Blood series! Many of you vote for this weapon in community page and now its time to see how it perform as fresh start!
As always you can expect all type of content, like open world, mists, avalonians and more!
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😎SOLO PvP/Albion fights , Moments from my stream on YouTube, Solo PvP and Fun moments.
📌On this channel you will find PvP Highlights , PvP movies , Guides , Reviews , TIPS and how to earn silver. Start playing MMORPG – Albion right now! https://albiononline.com/?ref=4SNYNWLQRU
Background music is provided by Epidemic Sound
#solo #mmorpg #albiononline #pvp
Taqs:PvP,Albion Online,solo,Equart,mmorpg,Kokosmilch,Goldstein,Fresh Blood,Fresh Start,Bloodmoon,Bloodmoon Staff,Open World,Mists,Avalonian,Solo Dungeons,Horizons
コメント (54)
Solo dungeon is worst even have 800% bonus + premium😂
Thanks for giving the advice not to use it if you are new because it is very expensive, it is a good weapon but alone you either kill or die and you have no way to escape
Sbi Should add single use invisibility buff shrine at the camps
And buy the way I enjoy yellow mists and sometimes black mists, because Blackzone can offer me, as new player only huge amount of mobs. But with tons of problems 😉
I see, developer of Albion says – it is good to explore. I am a new player and came from EvE online (and paaartialy from wow). So EvE online share so much with Albion. ^^ And yes kill notification on the map was so wondered me after I’ve get first kill and become victime of 7 people))) Nice!
My luckiest chest was in yellow zone.. Green rarity but getting 8.4 excellent bag
40:26 мне кажется в этих подземельях все сундуки синие, судя по видосу этому и стримам что я видел у челов в новом патче
39:00 хорош!) все таки в альбионе решает скил и опыт) и ты сможешь подстроиться под любой патч
So that’s why my boss lair were disappearing huh? 😅😂
Killed a t7 spider and it gave me 38k. Absolute waste.
Well, its not more expensive based on your tier, with 6.2 still 150k. it should be cheaper for lower tier
Idunno why but u are so unlucky with boss layer, i swear i almost allways get good loot
hi bro you played really well. and i am amazed how you played albion online using any weapons and a fresh start. you can easily level a weapon to a hundred in just few days. I just got started playing albion online I think around 3 weeks now, (Asia Singapore server) and until now i dont have any level 100 levels of weapon or armors. maybe because im not going in the black or red zone as suggested by other youtubers. my items might be snatched and it is hard to farm silver. is it possible that you play my account instead of creating a new account and leveling it to 100 and you might forget about the account you created. but instead i will be playing albion still and thanks to you I will have atleast 1 spec.
this update is so fucking bad the whole update just pmo and they nerf tf outta loot and spiders fuck sbi
Static dungeons also got norfed a lot, can clear solo anymore and duo is also very hard now so statics died for solo doing them.. spiders nerfed,open world doesnt give even good loot after update so sbi just ruins game by trying to do it bether
what happend with the dropp od duskweaver on spiders …?
you shoud have a soldier armor on you when fighting pvp
fk yeaaa play in bz for 50k loot with premium and 25k without premium
SBI hates solo players. This update has completely decimated solo play.
cant you make zero to hero as a duo so people can see they can do lots of content as a duo
How TF does this guy always lives?
i did like over t6 spiders all 40-50 k loot except one which gave me 1 mil but i got lucky artifact worth 1 mil
Any XD
Икварт, когда отменят дибилизм этот когда ты в красных на сундуке убиваешь типа а потом не можешь его слутать.. это такой дибилизм, что хочеться экран сломать.
Any tips how to get people in a guild?
Ps. Can you tell how can i get my cofidence in fighting? I always try to fight then run and die😂
sbi hate solo players , curse u sbi
The safe portal cost is 100% fine imo because you have to remember that it replaces the journey back cost and is always cheaper than journey back by the time you loot for an hour. Even accounting for the times you die, safe portal is always cheaper than just clicking the journey back button.
i think your music is too loud man<3
really think sbi underestimate how easy it is for a 3-7 man to make millions an hour per player. group loot is 15x better than solo but groups clear content 3x faster and 10x safer than solo, there is just never reason to play solo if you have any friends
nah, the lgtb+ weapon
Yo equart go to the pumpkin dungeons the loot is better
knightfall abbey should be reworked/rebalanced
I’ve had 1.2 and 1.4 mil chests from solo yellow zone tier 6 group encampments. I have t watched the full video you may find one too. But I’ve been getting at least 1 big one a day like that.
Equart, друже. Алгоритми ютюба просувають відео до 10 хвилин! Ми дуже раді ковтати твій контент бо він чудовий, але чи не думав ти про 10-ти хвилинні відео?
Hes bitchin when he gets regular plauer luck xd thats what i deal with every single fkn time i play
Maybe even make the portal cheaper as you exceed certain IP, not the other way around.
11:20 « А, я это знаю» я не думал что он по русски говорит
The community voted for the worse choice of weapons.. we’ve all seen bloodmoon a million times. I wanted arcane
I like how Equart is still using the namer tag Equilin his viewer chose for him on live. I was there.
Equart sup man , can u do clarent swords zero to hero ❤
No more democracy, please. It only looks like “majority”… On the other hand, we have 57% of people who did not vote for the wolf…
Better offer only 2 options, or make multiple rounds 🙂
Why not implement it in mistst? I see this as an awesome content for mists 😀
safe teleport is shit. You’re paying forward for teleport that might get right in someones hands, doesn’t give any increased rewards.
It should have been a free teleport without returning portal.
Just make one change:
“hidden maps not rare = rewards suck” -> “hidden maps rare = rewards good”
If you think about it, the teleport might be expensive. But having no price to back like when using rback its actually nice
solo boss lair is hella safe and free silver the solo dungeons don’t even compare if we are being real especially comparing the timespent also that guardian armor werewolf combo are such losers lol
Would love to know if pressing a in shapeshift form would uncast it to mount or if it would bug
29:30 Dammm 25hp to close
You’re the best
ironman turns into twilight
Hell yeah
First Again