ZERO to HERO with claymore in Europe server | Albion Online | solo mist | profit!
hello guys and welcome to a new video in todays video I play with claymore the undying king and it was hell lot of fun 😀
ye this weapon is good try it maybe one time ;).
I hope you all enjoyed the video and if u did make sure to leave a like and sub for more content like this one :D’
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQT6WMJ-Fco&t=0s chill lofi hip hop
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkMRbdCCIvk&t=0s chillhop – chill hip-hop
stay safe peace:).
#albiononline #Zerotohero #claymore
コメント (37)
Cleric Robe Or Assassin Jacket? I saw some video that it used cleric robe now i cant decide which to use 😂
legendary pupsik
I don’t wanna hear you whine about rats in any videos after seeing this 😂❤
Zero to hero dagger pair
Kingmaker pls ?
0:10 what is this track? D:
На видео нубы. Клеймо дно…
Bloodletter only requires IQ equal to the room temperature
Zero ❤
Good Games bro , next time for zero to hero make a new account to start with 0 spec better
Gf bro i was the 5.1 spear ☺️
Bro i still can’t decide which weapon to choose for mist plz make a video of weapon that can work on any situation in pvp i mean i know the difference with specs and gears but if an equal ip comes which can tackle pvp
man that prowling fight is so intense🎉🎉
10:30 why did you oc for me :/
You play so fking good😮
vídeo bom da porra
zero to zero
xd i was finally expecting 8.3 but the last scene xd
that 5.1 fire almost beating you really shows how much damage they got holy shit lmao
5:10 What a comeback….
5:09 I was not expecting that 😂😂😂
The most underrated weapon of the game. Claymore is pure power.
me waitin light crossbow vid
No is Zero to hero u have spec
Banger video as always man ❤
Mrping main clymore😂🎉
Bro you are the best!!!!! ✌👌
Can i touch you? (Inapropiat)
bro continue ur other zero to hero
Sad ending 😢
Finaly some proper claymore video thanks for that. And nice kill on that dagger pair bro
nice hellfire hands plsss<3
that 05:00 kill was insane
first here <3
first like first comet first view number 1 fan bro
Yo nr 1