ONE 6.3 SET CHALLENGE! 20M Silver with ONE SET in Albion Online
Today we have special challenge! Can i make 20 Millions of Silver with ONE 6.3 SET? Carving is still strong as before especially with attunement in solo mists! As always Epic loot, funny moments and more!
📌Albion Live Streams: https://www.twitch.tv/equart
📌Join Discord Community: https://discord.gg/7f4Ue8NQuw
😎SOLO PvP/Albion fights , Moments from my stream on YouTube, Solo PvP and Fun moments.
📌On this channel you will find PvP Highlights , PvP movies , Guides , Reviews , TIPS and how to earn silver. Start playing MMORPG – Albion right now! https://albiononline.com/?ref=4SNYNWLQRU
Swing House – RKVC
Necto Ulin – Run (Redux)
Necto Ulin – Skyward Fire (Redux)
Necto Ulin – Foregone Destruction (Redux)
Necto Ulin – Three Wheels Turning (Redux)
Karl Casey – Night Crawler
Necto Ulin – Orbital Elements (Redux)
Outro music:
Song: T & Sugah – For You (ft. Snnr) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Free Download: http://ncs.io/TSForYou
Stream: http://ncs.lnk.to/TSForYouID
Unreal Tournament 99 Necto Ulin Full Album Remix:
Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
#solo #mmorpg #albiononline #pvp
Taqs:PvP,Albion Online,solo,Equart,mmorpg,Kokosmilch,Goldstein,Carving,Cringe,6.3,8.3,8.4,Purple,Epic,Attunement,Budget,Challenge,Silver
コメント (24)
I don’t think it’s a good idea to have a website like that, gold sinks are very important for the game.
I miss solo vs groups content!
Give it to me)
if that first double bladed used his e to hit you instead of run away all those times he would have won lol
Swords is the Best, Equart is the Best! 🤗
equart please a battle axe challenge 🤗🤗
21:39 he said it, he said “PORPÓL” let’s gooooo baby
the video should end at 2:15 XD. Greate vid as always
Лучший, и спасибо тебе за то что убил этого токсика на остром шесте вначале видео. Он убил меня утром.
Play great hammer. Forget carving
I need your advice man, if you had to win a duel at all costs against a dual swords+mercenary jacket+specter hood+giant boots with higher ip than you what build would you use?
I see a lot of ppl picking def over lifesteal. Why equard want lifesteal that much? And how to play awaken carving against awaken bloodletter. I feel like I always get out traded and out run
if you came across any of our guildies or I, we would easily GG you 1v1.
i am sory, but how much 100 sub cost irl money?
can you explain at 3:46 to 3:52 you didnt do any attacks?
ah yes. an equart vid just in time after a long day from work. thanks for the upload man
That’s why I hate this meta ans SBI for not changing it. First DB played like a retard, but bcz of mobility could reset or run away…
23:20 😂 biggest donate
Goal: 20 mil
First kill of the video: 28.1mil
If someone play doubled edge gaylord mist build, might ass well admit they have 0 skill.
Second 😂😂
I didnt see the video but i know its gonna be good