6.1 Dual Swords Are OP! | Budget Build In Mists | Albion Online | Giveaway
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#albiononline #sandbox #mmorpg #n4xt
Taqs:albion,albion online,pvp albion,albion online pvp,solo pvp albion,albion online solo pvp,mists albion,albion online mists,solo mists albion,albion online solo mists,mists pvp albion,albion online mists pvp,mists highlights albion,albion online mists highlights,albion online highlights,highlights albion,albion online 8.4,albion online 8.3,albion online solo,albion 8.4 solo,albion 8.3 solo,albion 8.1 solo,cheap 6.1 build,6.1 meta build
コメント (13)
Ign Lertex
Can we still use ur old deathgivers build?
IGN: Anecia14okis
IGN: Mattchuww
hi.can you tell your armor and shoes passives?
What passive on the sword do you use ? Ign: Soriuu
Ign : Llawlite
Love your content bro
ign: spr1ts
IGN: RosaPerks
Ign : Lariat1
gj bro
IGN: Totodileboy657