I am the real BOSS here in this room | Solo vs Groups | Albion Online
insane solo pvp build gameplay #albiononline #mmorpg #mmo #pvp #sandbox #shortsfeed #leagueoflegends #dota2gameplay #albion
コメント (18)
Haters will say that it is easy to fight a group solo wearing a gather gear. New shorts and videos every day follow for more!
Tudo noob
XD T4 pve team u are a bot boss 😂😂😂😂
I don’t know whether they’re noobs or this is a setup, but that’s definitely not how to fight in a group😂
Que isso lobo mau😢
Oor q sera q solo yo me encuentro a pibes con 8.4 depertado cuando voy a gankear y ni ganar dejan
What build is
Bro what ist your build
That guy on his stag not helping omg 😂
que arco es
Fake fake fake fkae
dude you are very skillful
You clicks are annoying
Use TOP G background sound
I am not a hater, but based on my experience, that is not how a group fights. I am saying that they could be your friends, and y’all are making for content